CS 211: Computer Architecture, Fall 2016
Programming Assignment 2:
Data Representation and Computer Arithmetic
1 Introduction
This assignment is designed to help you learn the representation, interpretation, and manipulation
of data as bits. There are two parts. In the first part, you will implement a program calc to add
and subtract numbers specified in different bases (multiplication is extra credit). In the second
part, you will implement a program format that will print the decimal values of bit sequences
representing integer and floating point data types.
2 Numeric Base Conversion and Calculator
Implement a program called calc with the following usage interface:
The first argument, , is either the string “+”, for addition, or “-”, for subtraction. If you
want to implement multiplication, then can also be the string “*”. (If you do implement
multiplication, make sure to say so in your readme.pdf file so that the TAs know to check your
program for this functionality.)
The next two arguments, and are integers of arbitrary size. Each of these
numbers will be given in the form. of:
−?(b|o|d|x)d n d n−1 …d 1 d 0
which can be interpreted as: a number can optionally start with a ’−’ sign, followed by a base
indicator, where b means the number is a binary number, o means octal, d means decimal, and x
means hexadecimal. d n d n−1 …d 1 d 0 are the digits of the number.
The final argument, , gives the base that the resulting number should be printed
out in. Like the base indicator for the input numbers, this argument can be one of four strings: “b”
for binary, “o” for octal, “d” for decimal, and “x” for hexadecimal. Your program should output
the answer in the same form. as the input numbers (that is, the output number should follow the
regular expression given above).
Some examples:
$ ./calc + d1111111111111111 d1111111111111111 d
$ ./calc + b1101 b1 d
$ ./calc + d999999999 d1 d
$ ./calc - d10 -d4 b
$ ./calc + -d10 -d4 b
Note that the numbers in the first example are too large to fit in a 32-bit integer type in C; this is
why the arbitrary size is emphasized above. Using a 64-bit integer type is not the solution since the
input integers can be arbitrarily large. Rather, you need to design data structures and algorithms
that can handle arbitrarily large numbers. Assignment update: any decimal number that we
ask you to handle—either an input decimal number or output in decimal format—will
fit in a 32-bit integer.
Important: You must write the base conversion code yourself. You may not use type-casting,
libraries, or output formats in printf(). You may use standard C arithmetic operations. You may
use the C standard libraries for functionality not related to the conversion (e.g., string handling
Important: If calc detects an error in the inputs, it should print out an error message that starts
with the string “ERROR”, followed by a string that gives an informative message about the error
that it detected.
3 Format Interpretation
Implement a program called format with the following usage interface:
The first argument, , is a sequence of 32 bits. Remember that your C
program will get it as a string of 1 and 0 characters in the argv[1] argument to main. This
sequence ofbits represents the binary values stored in 4 contiguous bytes in memory. The leftmost
bits are stored in the byte with the smallest address while the rightmost bits are stored in the byte
with the largest address.
The second argument, , gives the type that you should use to interpret the input bit
sequence, and can be either int (integer) or float.
The formats for the input bit sequence is as follows. If the type is:
int: the format is two’s complement;
float: the format is IEEE 754 single precision;
Note that the input bit sequence can correspond to negative numbers.
Your program should print out the decimal representation of the input bit sequence, assuming a
big endian byte ordering. Floating point numbers should be printed in scientific notation, where a
number 1.5x10 5 would be printed as 1.5e5. For positive infinity, output pinf, for negative infinity,
output ninf, and for “NaN”, output NaN.
Here are some examples:
$ ./format 01000001010000100100001101000100 int
$ ./format 10000001010000100100001101000100 int
$ ./format 01000001010000100100001110000100 int
$ ./format 00000000000000000000000000000001 int
$ ./format 01000000110000110100001111010100 float
$ ./format 00111010000111111111011000001000 float
$ ./format 10000000000000000000000000000000 float
$ ./format 01000000010010010000111111011011 float
Important: You must write the interpretation code yourself. You may not use type-casting,
libraries, or output formats in printf(). You may use standard C arithmetic operations. You may
use the C standard libraries for functionality not related to the value interpretation (e.g., string
handling functions).
Important: If format detects an error in the inputs, it should print out an error message that
starts with the string “ERROR”, followed by a string that gives an informative message about the
error that it detected. For this program, you can assume that any input bit sequence that is shorter
or longer than 32 bits is erroneous.
4 Submission
You have to e-submit the assignment using Sakai. Your submission should be a tar file named
pa2.tar that can be extracted using the command:
tar xf pa2.tar
Your tar file must contain:
• readme.pdf: this file should describe your design and implementation of the calc program.
In particular, it should detail your design, any design/implementation challenges that you
ran into, and an analysis (e.g., big-O analysis) of the space and time performance of your
• makefile: there should be at least the following rules in your makefile:
all build both your calc and format executables.
calc build your calc executable.
format build your format executable.
clean remove all object files and executables. Prepare for rebulding from scratch.
• source code: All source code and header files necessary for building your calc and format
executables. These should at least include calc.c and format.c.
You can build your pa2.tgz file in the following steps:
1. Put all the files you want to hand in in a subdirectory called pa2.
2. In the parent directory that contains pa2, invoke tar:
tar cvfz pa2.tgz pa2
The arguments to tar are cfvz. The c tells tar to create a new archive file. The f tells tar that the
next command line argument is the name of the output file. The z tells tar to compress the tar file
with gzip. The v just makes tar list the files it’s putting into the archive.
We will compile and test your program on the iLab machines so you should make sure that your
program compiles and runs correctly on these machines. You must compile all C code using the
gcc compiler with the -Wall flags.
5 Grading Guidelines
5.1 Functionality
This is a large class so that necessarily the most significant part of your grade will be based on
programmatic checking of your program. That is, we will build a binary using the Makefile and
source code that you submitted, and then test the binary for correct functionality against a set of
inputs. Thus:
• You should make sure that we can build your program by just running make.
• You should test your code as thoroughly as you can. In particular, your code should be adept
at handling exceptional cases.
Be careful to follow all instructions. If something doesn’t seem right, ask.
5.2 Design
Having said the above about functionality, design is a critical part of any programming exercise.
In particular, we expect you to write reasonably efficient code based on reasonably performing
algorithms and data structures. More importantly, you need to understand the performance (time
space) implications of the algorithms and data structures you chose to use. Thus, the explanation
of your design and analyses in the readme.pdf will comprise a non-trivial part of your grade. Give
careful thoughts to your writing of this file, rather than writing whatever comes to your mind in the
last few minutes before the assignment is due.
5.3 Coding Style
Finally, it is important that you write “good” code. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to look at
your code as closely as we would like to give you good feedback. Nevertheless, a part of your grade
will depend on the quality of your code. Here are some guidelines for what we consider to be good:
• Your code is modularized. That is, your code is split into pieces that make sense, where the
pieces are neither too small nor too big.
• Your code is well documented with comments. This does not mean that you should comment
every line of code. Common practice is to document each function (the parameters it takes
as input, the results produced, any side-effects, and the function’s functionality) and add
comments in the code where it will help another programmer figure out what is going on.
• You use variable names that have some meaning (rather than cryptic names like i).
Further, you should observe the following protocols to make it easier for us to look at your code:
• Define prototypes for all functions.
• Place all prototype, typedef, and struct definitions in header (.h) files.
• Error and warning messages should be printed to stderr using fprintf.