2023-24 EXAMINATIONS PART II (Second, Third And& Final Year) MANAGEMENT SCIENCE MSCI242L & 242M Spreadsheet& Modelling For& Management This Exam Contains 3 Sections. You Must Answer All Of The Questions In Each Section. Section A Contains 25 Questions, And Is Worth 50 Marks. Section B Contains
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/6/4 18:16:16   
2022-23 EXAMINATIONSPART& II& (Second, Third And& Final Year)MANAGEMENT SCIENCEMSCI242L & 242M Spreadsheet& Modelling For& Managementthis Exam Contains 3 Sections.& You Must& Answer “Ll Of The Questions In& Each Section.Section& A Contains& 15 Questions, And Is Worth 45 Marks.Sec
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/5/14 17:17:58   
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