EEE8155 Coursework Handoutdesigning& Sustainable& Electric Propulsion& And Generation& Systems:& Coursework& Specification1& & & & Introductionthis Document Contains The Details For The Assessment& 2(Coursework).You& Are& Set& A& Design& Problem& And& Have& To&
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/7/30 12:06:59   
EEE8155& Designing& Sustainable& Electric& Propulsion And& Generation& Systems: Assignment& 1 Weighting: 40% Of Module 1. Introduction This& Is The First Of Two Assignments For The& Module& Design And Analysis& Of& Electrical& Machines& And& Drives,& EEE8015.The Assig
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/7/29 15:54:37   
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