Organisational Resourcesterm 2, 2024Assessment Summaryassessment Task Weighting Due Date* Learning Outcomesassessment 1: Reflective Learning Portfolio 1A Collection Of Artefacts And Reflective Commentary From Weeks 1-320% Week 4 – 11:59 AM Monday 17 June CLO1, CLO2, CLO3,CLO4, Clo6assessment 2: Refl
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/6/18 6:41:46   
ASSESSMENT Guidecomm1170organisational Resourcesterm 2, 2024Course Learning Outcomes (Clos)1. Identify Different Types Of Organisation Resources And Processes To Lead Organisational Change. [PLO 1]2. Examine Suitability And Efficacy Of An Organisation's Approach To Resource Management. [PLO 1, 2]3.
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/6/10 16:01:41   
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