MATH377:& Financial& And& Actuarial& Modelling& In& R Tutorial& 6Exercise 1.& Returns& On& Stocks& A& And& B& Have& The& Following Joint& Probability& Distribution:Probability Return On Stock A (RA ) Return On Stock B (RB ) 0.1 10% 35% 0.2 2% 5% 0.4 12% 20% 0.2 20
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/7/5 12:13:56   
MATH377: Financial And Actuarial Modelling In Rtutorial 5Exercise 1. Let X = (X1, X2) Be A Bivariate Normal Distributed Random Vector With Mean Vector Μ = (1.5, 1) And Covariance Matrixa) Evaluate The Density Function Of X At X = (1, 1) And X = (0, 2).B) Compute P(−2 ≤ X1 ≤ 4, X2 &> 1).C) Plot The 3
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/7/4 17:32:18   
MATH377:& Financial& And& Actuarial& Modelling& In& R Tutorial& 3Exercise 1. & The& File “Snow Data.Csv”& Contains& Ten& Observations& Taken& During& The& Years& 1970-79& On October’S& Snow& Cover& For& Eurasia& (Snow& Cover& Is& In& Millions&
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/7/4 10:27:30   
MATH377: Financial And Actuarial Modelling In Rtutorial 4Exercise 1. For The Chi-Squared Distribution (Root Name Chisq):A) Use 3 Degrees Of Freedom To Generate A Sample Of Size 1000.B) Plot A Histogram Of Your Sample In A).C) Write An R Function To Compute The Loglikelihood Function. Test Your Funct
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/7/4 10:27:30   
MATH377: Financial And Actuarial Modelling In R Tutorial 1 Exercise 1. Write An R Code To Determine The Result Of The Following Computation:Exercise 2. Without Using R, Determine The Result Of The Following Logical Computation((!(4 == 3) | (Abs(-3) &<= 2)) & ((2^2 &> 4) & (TRUE))) | ((!FALSE | (4+2)...
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/7/3 14:16:34   
MATH377: Financial And Actuarial Modelling In R Tutorial 2 Exercise 1. Create Three Vectors Of Length 3, With Content And Names Of Your Choice. Next, Combine The Three Vectors Into A 3 × 3 Matrix Where Each Column Represents One Of Your Vectors. Finally, Compute The Determinant (Det() - Is Your Matr
分类:编程语言   时间: 2024/7/3 14:16:34   
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