It is the nal year for a cohort of students, and they all want to choose an interesting project to study.
We want to know if it’s possible to allocate the students projects and supervisors such that no project is
or supervisor is overloaded.
There is a set P of l projects (labeled 0, 1, 2, etc.)
There is a set T of m teachers (labeled 0, 1, 2, etc.)
There is a set S of n students (labeled 0, 1, 2, etc.)
Each project i can be studied by at most pi2Z+ students.
Each teacher i is willing to supervise at most si2Z+ students.
Each teacher i is willing to supervise students studying a subset ti P of the projects.
Each student i is willing to studying any project from a subset wi P of the projects.
Suppose there were:
l = 3 projects P =f0;1;2g
{ Project 0 can have up to p0 = 2 students studying it.
{ Project 1 can have up to p1 = 3 students studying it.
{ Project 2 can have up to p2 = 1 student studying it.
m = 2 teachers T =f0;1g
{ Teacher 0 is willing to teach up to s0 = 3 students, studying projects t0 =f0;1g
{ Teacher 1 is willing to teach up to s1 = 2 students, studying projects t1 =f1;2g
5 students
{ Student 0 is interested in projects w0 =f0;1;2g
{ Student 1 is interested in project w1 =f0g
{ Student 2 is interested in projects w2 =f1;2g
{ Student 3 is interested in projects w3 =f0;2g
{ Student 4 is interested in projects w4 =f0;1g
The answer in this case would be YES, because it is possible to match everything up. For example:
Allocate student 0 to project 0 and teacher 0
Allocate student 1 to project 0 and teacher 0
Allocate student 2 to project 1 and teacher 0
Allocate student 3 to project 2 and teacher 1
Allocate student 4 to project 1 and teacher 1
Consider the following decision problems1:
1. Student Projects:
\Given the constraints described above, is it possible to allocate projects such that every student
has a project to study on?"
2. Min-cut decision:
\Given a ow network G and an integer d, is the capacity of the min-cut of G at least d?"
Task 1: [30 marks]
Design an algorithm to solve problem (1) by reducing it to problem (2). Your algorithm should have the
following structure:
\Transform. the input"
Transform. the input of the Student Projects problem into input for the min-cut decision problem.
i.e. a ow network G and integer d.
\Solve the transformed problem"
E ciently solve the min-cut decision problem with input (G;d)
\Transform. the output"
Use the output of the min-cut decision problem to determine the answer to the Student Projects
Task 2: [30 marks]
Prove that this reduction works. Speci cally you should prove the following two theorems:
) \If the answer to the min-cut decision problem is YES, then the answer to the Student Projects
decision problem must also be YES."
( \If the answer to the Student Projects problem is YES, then the answer to the min-cut decision
problem must also be YES."
Task 3: [20 marks]
Reason about the time complexity of your algorithm. Don’t forget to consider:
How long does it take to transform. the input?
How long does it take to solve the transformed problem?
How long does it take to transform. the output?
Make sure your answer is given in terms of the input data to the Student Projects problem.
1decision problems are problems which always have a YES or NO answer
Task 4: [20 marks]
Implement the algorithm (on Ed), in the programming language of your choice.
Your program will read the input as a series of lines sent as standard input (i.e. as if the user had
typed them at the console)
The rst line is l, the number of projects
The second line is l integers representing pk (max students per project).
The third line is m, the number of teachers
The fourth line is m integers representing tj (max students per teacher).
The next m lines each contain up to l integers, representing the set of projects the corresponding
teacher is interested in
The next line is n, the number of students
The remaining n lines each contain up to l integers, representing the set of projects the corresponding
student is interested in
The original example would look like this:
2 3 1
3 2
0 1
1 2
0 1 2
1 2
0 2
0 1
The output should simply be the word YES or NO. For the example, it would be
Some skeleton code is provided in Python which reads the input for you. You can use this code, or
start from scratch in this or another language if you prefer.
For your convenience the skeleton code will also include access to an implementation of Ford-Fulkerson.
You are also welcome to use an implementation of Ford-Fulkerson you have found elsewhere (but you
must appropriately reference your source, and ideally should keep it in a separate source le to your own
Please note that the test cases will not cover any weird edge cases around the input format itself
(i.e. the input will always be valid, have the expected number of lines, all the numbers will be positive
integers, with the speci ed whitespace etc.)
There will be limits on both time and space used by your algorithm. So try to keep your imple-
mentation reasonably e cient in both. If you get the \killed" message in Ed, it probably means your
submission used too much memory { check with a tutor if you’re in doubt of what caused this particular
error message. If your submission used too much time, or gave the wrong answer, you should get a clearer
feedback message from Ed.
Submission details
Submission deadline is Sunday 27th May, at 23:59pm. Late submissions without special considera-
tion will be subject to the penalties speci ed in the rst lecture (25% per day or part thereof.)
Submit your answers to Tasks 1 { 3 as a single document (preferably a pdf or doc le) to Canvas.
Your work must be typed text (no images of text, although you can use diagrams if you think it
helps.) Please try to be reasonably concise.
Submit your code for Task 4 to
Both your code and report will be subject to automatic and manual plagiarism detection systems.
Remember, it’s acceptable to discuss high level ideas with your peers, but you should not share the
detail of your work, such as (but not limited to) parts of the actual algorithms, (counter)examples,
proofs, writing, or code.
Additional question for COMP3927 students only: [40 marks]
This question is for COMP3927 students only. The answer to this question should be submitted separately
to the rest of your report (there will be a separate submission point for it on canvas.)
Assume that we are given a machine M and n jobs 1;:::;n that are speci ed by their length ‘j and
their weight wj, 1 j n. Precedence constraints are given by a partial order of jobs; if job i precedes
job j in the partial order, denoted by i!j, then i must be processed before j. The goal is to schedule
the jobs on M such that the total completion timePnj=1 wj Cj is minimized; here Cj is the time at which
the job j is completed in the given schedule. A brute force algorithm would try all O(n!) permutations
of the jobs. Your task is to design a more e cient algorithm.