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# Referee for COMP30024: Artificial Intelligence, 2018
# Authors: Matt Farrugia and Shreyash Patodia
# version: v1.0
import time
import argparse
import importlib
VERSION_INFO = """Referee version 1.1 (released Apr 08 2018)
Plays a basic game of Watch Your Back! between two Player classes
Run `python referee.py -h` for help and additional usage information
def main():
"""Coordinate a game of Watch Your Back! between two Player classes."""
# load command-line options for the game and print welcome message
ptions = _Options()
# initialise the game and players
game = _Game()
white = _Player(options.white_player, 'white')
black = _Player(options.black_player, 'black')
# now, play the game!
player, pponent = white, black # white has first move
while game.playing():
if options.delay:
turns = game.turns
action = player.action(turns)
except _InvalidActionException as e:
# if one of the players makes an invalid action,
# print the error message
print(f"invalid action ({game.loser}):", e)
# other player's turn!
player, pponent = opponent, player
print(f'winner: {game.winner}!')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# default values (to use if flag is not provided)
# missing values (to use if flag is provided, but with no value)
class _Options:
Parse and contain command-line arguments.
--- help message: ---
usage: referee.py [-h] [-d [DELAY]] white_module black_module
Plays a basic game of Watch Your Back! between two Player classes
positional arguments:
white_module full name of module containing White Player class
black_module full name of module containing Black Player class
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d [DELAY], --delay [DELAY]
how long (float, seconds) to wait between turns
def __init__(self):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Plays a game of Watch Your Back! between two "
"Player classes")
help="full name of module containing White Player class")
help="full name of module containing Black Player class")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--delay',
type=float, default=DELAY_DEFAULT, nargs="?",
help="how long (float, seconds) to wait between turns")
args = parser.parse_args()
self.white_player = _load_player(args.white_module)
self.black_player = _load_player(args.black_module)
self.delay = args.delay if args.delay is not None else DELAY_NOVALUE
def _load_player(modulename, package='.'):
Load a Player class given the name of a module.

:param modulename: where to look for the Player class (name of a module)
:param package: where to look for the module (relative package)
:return: the Player class (a class object)
module = importlib.import_module(modulename, package=package)
player_class = module.Player
return player_class
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This part of the referee is designed to store the state of a game for the
# purpose of validating actions and providing helpful error messages for when
# players suggest invalid actions. It is not intended to be used by Players.
# You should design and use your own representation of the game and board
# state, optimised with your specific usage in mind: deciding which action to
# to choose each turn.
class _Game:
"""Represent the state of a game of Watch Your Back!"""
def __init__(self):
Initializes the representation of the game.
This 'state' includes the current configuration of the board and
information pertaining to the game's progression between phases
# board configuration (initially empty)
self.board = [['-' for _ in range(8)] for _ in range(8)]
for square in [(0, 0), (7, 0), (7, 7), (0, 7)]:
x, y = square
self.board[y][x] = 'X'
self.n_shrinks = 0
# tracking progress through game phases
self.turns = 0
self.phase = 'placing'
self.pieces = {'W': 0, 'B': 0}
self.winner = None
self.loser = None
_DISPLAY = {'B': '@', 'W': 'O', 'X': 'X', '-': '-', ' ': ' '}
def __str__(self):
"""String representation of the current game state."""
displayboard = [[_Game._DISPLAY[p] for p in row] for row in self.board]
board = '\n'.join(' '.join(row) for row in displayboard)
if self.playing():
progress = f'{self.turns} turns into the {self.phase} phase'
progress = 'game over!'
return f'{board}\n{progress}'
def playing(self):
""":return: True iff the game is still in progress"""
return self.phase == 'placing' or self.phase == 'moving'
def update(self, action):
Validate an action and update the current state accordingly.
:raises _InvalidActionException: for any action that is not legal
according to the rules of the game
# update the board
if self.phase == 'placing':
elif self.phase == 'moving':
if action is None:
# progress the game
self.turns += 1
if self.phase == 'placing':
if self.turns == 24:
# time to enter the moving phase!
self.phase = 'moving'
self.turns = 0
if self.phase == 'moving':
if self.phase != 'completed' and self.turns in [128, 192]:
def _place(self, place):
Validate a 'place' action and update board configuration accordingly.

:param place: (x, y) tuple representing the square on which to place
the piece
# unpack and validate piece representation
x, y = place
assert(isinstance(x, int) and isinstance(y, int))
self._invalidate(f"invalid place action representation: {place!r}")
# validate place itself
piece = self._piece()
if not self._within_board(x, y):
self._invalidate(f"player's place contained invalid coordinates: "
if piece == 'W' and y > 5 or piece == 'B' and y b and update the board configuration accordingly.
:param move: nested tuple ((xa, ya), (xb, yb)) representing move
(xa, ya) -> (xb, yb)
# unpack and validate move representation
(xa, ya), (xb, yb) = a, b = move
assert(all(isinstance(coordinate, int) for coordinate in a+b))
self._invalidate(f"invalid move action representation: {move!r}")

# validate move itself
piece = self._piece()
if not (self._within_board(xa, ya) and self._within_board(xb, yb)):
self._invalidate(f"player's move contained invalid coordinates: "
f"({a}) -> ({b})")
if self.board[ya][xa] != piece:
self._invalidate(f"player tried to move from a square it doesn't "
f"have a piece on: ({a}) -> ({b})")
if self.board[yb][xb] != '-':
self._invalidate(f"player tried to move to an occupied square or "
f"corner: ({a}) -> ({b})")
if not (self._is_jump(move) or self._is_move(move)):
self._invalidate(f"player tried to move to a non-reachable square "
"(a square that is neither adjacent nor opposite an adjacent "
f"occupied square): ({a}) -> ({b})")
# if that was all okay... we can carry out the move!
self.board[yb][xb] = piece
self.board[ya][xa] = '-'
def _forfeit(self):
Validate a 'forfeit' (no move) action, which must not be taken unless
the player has no legal moves available.
piece = self._piece()
message = f'player tried to forfeit a move, but had available moves'
# check for any possible moves for any of the player's pieces
for xa, ya in self._squares_with_piece(piece):
for dx, dy in [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]:
# is the adjacent square unoccupied?
xb, yb = xa + dx, ya + dy
if self._within_board(xb, yb) and self.board[yb][xb] == '-':
# if not, how about the opposite square?
xb, yb = xb + dx, yb + dy
if self._within_board(xb, yb) and self.board[yb][xb] == '-':
# if that was all okay... there are no available moves and so the
# forfeit was legal! no action required.
def _squares_with_piece(self, piece):
Generate coordinates of squares currently containing a piece
:param piece: string representation of the piece type to check for
for x in range(8):
for y in range(8):
if self.board[y][x] == piece:
yield (x, y)
def _piece(self):
""":return: the piece of the player with the current turn"""
return 'W' if self.turns % 2 == 0 else 'B'
def _other(self):
""":return: the piece of the other player (not the current turn)"""
return 'W' if self._piece() == 'B' else 'B'
def _within_board(self, x, y):
Check if a given pair of coordinates is 'on the board'.
:param x: column value
:param y: row value
:return: True iff the coordinate is on the board
for coord in [y, x]:
if coord 7:
return False
if self.board[y][x] == ' ':
return False
return True
def _check_win(self):
Check the board to see if the game has concluded.
Count the number of pieces remaining for each player: if either player
has run out of pieces, decide the winner and transition to the
'completed' state
n_whites = self.pieces['W']
n_blacks = self.pieces['B']
if n_whites >= 2 and n_blacks >= 2:
pass # game continues...
elif n_whites = 2:
self.winner = 'B'
self.phase = 'completed'
elif n_blacks = 2:
self.winner = 'W'
self.phase = 'completed'
elif n_whites < 2 and n_blacks < 2:
self.winner = 'draw'
self.phase = 'completed'
def _invalidate(self, reason):
In response to an error, invalidate the game state.

Transition to the 'invalid' state, declare the non-current player
the winner (the current player has played an invalid action), and
raise an exception describing the problem

:param reason: message describing what went wrong (to be included in
the exception).
:raises _InvalidActionException: (every time)
self.phase = 'invalid'
self.loser = self._piece()
self.winner = self._other()
raise _InvalidActionException(reason)
def _shrink_board(self):
Shrink the board, eliminating all pieces along the outermost layer,
and replacing the corners.
This method can be called up to two times only.
s = self.n_shrinks # number of shrinks so far, or 's' for short
# Remove edges
for i in range(s, 8 - s):
for square in [(i, s), (s, i), (i, 7-s), (7-s, i)]:
x, y = square
piece = self.board[y][x]
if piece in self.pieces:
self.pieces[piece] -= 1
self.board[y][x] = ' '

# we have now shrunk the board once more!
self.n_shrinks = s = s + 1
# replace the corners (and perform. corner elimination)
for corner in [(s, s), (s, 7-s), (7-s, 7-s), (7-s, s)]:
x, y = corner
piece = self.board[y][x]
if piece in self.pieces:
self.pieces[piece] -= 1
self.board[y][x] = 'X'
def _eliminate_about(self, square):
A piece has entered this square: look around to eliminate adjacent
(surrounded) enemy pieces, then possibly eliminate this piece too.

:param square: the square to look around
x, y = square
piece = self.board[y][x]
targets = self._targets(piece)

# Check if piece in square eliminates other pieces
for dx, dy in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)]:
target_x, target_y = x + dx, y + dy
targetval = None
if self._within_board(target_x, target_y):
targetval = self.board[target_y][target_x]
if targetval in targets:
if self._surrounded(target_x, target_y, -dx, -dy):
self.board[target_y][target_x] = '-'
self.pieces[targetval] -= 1
# Check if the current piece is surrounded and should be eliminated
if piece in self.pieces:
if self._surrounded(x, y, 1, 0) or self._surrounded(x, y, 0, 1):
self.board[y][x] = '-'
self.pieces[piece] -= 1
def _surrounded(self, x, y, dx, dy):
Check if piece on (x, y) is surrounded on (x + dx, y + dy) and
(x - dx, y - dy).

:param x: column of the square to be checked
:param y: row of the square to be checked
:param dx: 1 if adjacent cols are to be checked (dy should be 0)
:param dy: 1 if adjacent rows are to be checked (dx should be 0)
:return: True iff the square is surrounded
xa, ya = x + dx, y + dy
firstval = None
if self._within_board(xa, ya):
firstval = self.board[ya][xa]
xb, yb = x - dx, y - dy
secondval = None
if self._within_board(xb, yb):
secondval = self.board[yb][xb]
# If both adjacent squares have enemies then this piece is surrounded!
piece = self.board[y][x]
enemies = self._enemies(piece)
return (firstval in enemies and secondval in enemies)
def _enemies(self, piece):
Which pieces can eliminate a piece of this type?
:param piece: the type of piece ('B', 'W', or 'X')
:return: set of piece types that can eliminate a piece of this type
if piece == 'B':
return {'W', 'X'}
elif piece == 'W':
return {'B', 'X'}
return set()
def _targets(self, piece):
Which pieces can a piece of this type eliminate?

:param piece: the type of piece ('B', 'W', or 'X')
:return: the set of piece types that a piece of this type can eliminate
if piece == 'B':
return {'W'}
elif piece == 'W':
return {'B'}
elif piece == 'X':
return {'B', 'W'}
return set()
def _is_move(self, move):
Check if a move is a 'simple' move in terms of distance.

:return: True is the move is a correct 'simple' move
(xa, ya), (xb, yb) = move
if xa == xb and abs(ya - yb) == 1:
return True
if ya == yb and abs(xa - xb) == 1:
return True
return False
def _is_jump(self, move):
Check if a move is a 'jump' move in terms of distance.

:return: True iff the move is a correct 'jump' move
(xa, ya), (xb, yb) = move
if xa == xb and abs(ya - yb) == 2:
if self.board[min(ya, yb) + 1][xa] in self.pieces:
return True
elif ya == yb and abs(xa - xb) == 2:
if self.board[ya][min(xa, xb) + 1] in self.pieces:
return True
return False
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class _Player:
"""Wrapper for a Player class to simplify initialization"""
def __init__(self, player_class, colour):
self.player = player_class(colour)
def update(self, move):
def action(self, turns):
action = self.player.action(turns)
return action
class _InvalidActionException(Exception):
"""For when an action breaks the rules of the game"""
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
if __name__ == '__main__':

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