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讲解COMP90041 Programming and Software Development 留学生Java、Java编程讲解、辅导留学生Java设计

The University of Melbourne
School of Computing and Information Systems
COMP90041 Programming and Software Development
Lecturer: Prof. Rui Zhang
Semester 1, 2018
Project C
Due: 3pm, Friday 25 May, 2018
1 Introduction
The aim of this project is to add some more advanced features to the system developed in Project B.
The features to be added are:
Sort the players with more speci c rules
Handling of invalid input via Exceptions
Write (read) the game statistics into (from) a le, i.e., one which is stored on the hard disk between
executions of Nimsys
A new type of player - an AI (Arti cial Intelligence) player, whose moves are automatically deter-
mined by the computer rather than a game user
A victory guaranteed strategy for the AI player
An advanced Nim game and a victory guaranteed strategy for the AI player in this new game (for
bonus marks)
The system should still operate as speci ed in Project B, but with additional functionality, due to the
addition of the aforementioned features. Thus, it is advised that you use your Project B solution as a
starting point for implementing Project C.
Knowledge Coverage
Exceptions, covered in Week 9 lecture
File I/O operations, covered in Week 10 lecture
Polymorphism, you may use either inheritance or interface to design the AI player in addition to
the human player; the corresponding concepts are covered in Week 8 lecture
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2 Requirements
In following description, all command line displays are put in a box. This is only for easier understanding
the format. The box should NOT be printed out by your program, only the contents in the
box should be printed. The command prompt is illustrated below:
2.1 Sort the players with more speci c rules
In Project B, when resolving the ties of winning ratio, you are required to sort the player by the username
in either ascending alphabetical order or descending alphabetical order.
In Project C, ranking should still consider winning ratio rst. When resolving the ties of winning
ratio, you are required to sort the player by the username in ONLY ascending alphabetical order, for
all the commands.
Example Execution:
Suppose we have three players in (username, First Name, Last Name) format as follow: (LS, Luke,
Skywalker), (HS, Han, Solo), (DV, Darth, Vader). They all have the same wining ratio.
1. rank all users (default, i.e., descending order)
0% | 00 games | Darth Vader
0% | 00 games | Han Solo
0% | 00 games | Luke Skywalker
2. rank all users in descending order
$rankings desc
0% | 00 games | Darth Vader
0% | 00 games | Han Solo
0% | 00 games | Luke Skywalker
3. rank all users in ascending order
$rankings asc
0% | 00 games | Darth Vader
0% | 00 games | Han Solo
0% | 00 games | Luke Skywalker
2.2 Invalid input handling via Exceptions
The system should check inputs for validity. For this task, you will not be required to implement exception
handling for all possible invalid inputs - just a subset of them. The range of potential invalid inputs
you are required to address by Exceptions (not via if-then statements) are listed below, along with the
required behaviour of your program. Note that some of this input checking was also a requirement in
Project B. Where this is the case, you need to modify your code so that the invalid input is handled via
Exceptions. The rest of the invalid input handling cases described in Project B do not need modi cation.
c The University of Melbourne 2018 2
Invalid command - The user enters a command which is not a valid Nimsys command. Here, invalid
command suggests the input command is not among the speci ed commands, i.e., addplayer,
editplayer, removeplayer, displayplayer resetstats, rankings, startgame, and exit.
$createplayer lskywalker,Skywalker,Luke
‘createplayer’ is not a valid command.
Invalid number of arguments - The user enters a valid Nimsys command, but does not provide
the correct number of arguments. Note: You only need to check for insu cient number of argu-
ments, and simply ignore any extra arguments, i.e., an insu cient argument count will generate
an Exception while an excessive count will not. Di erent commands may have di erent number of
arguments; your program should be able to check invalid number of arguments for all commands.
$addplayer lskywalker
Incorrect number of arguments supplied to command.
Invalid move (during a game) - The player tries to remove an invalid number of stones from the
game. For the move to be valid, it must be an integer between 1 and N inclusive, where N is
the minimum of the upper bound and the number of stones remaining. Any other inputs (e.g.
fractions, decimals, non-numeric entries) should be detected as invalid.
Example (Upper bound is 3 stones here):
7 stones left: * * * * * * *
Han’s turn - remove how many?
Invalid move. You must remove between 1 and 3 stones.
7 stones left: * * * * * * *
Han’s turn - remove how many?
After implementing the invalid input checking, the scenarios detailed above should not cause your
program to crash - rather, your program should display the appropriate error message, and continue ex-
ecution, as illustrated in the examples. You may assume that, aside from the cases explicitly mentioned
above, the input to your program will be valid.
2.3 The player statistics le
In Project B, no program data are stored to disk, so all player data are lost when exiting the program.
Here, the task is to store these data upon exiting the program, and to restore them on subsequent ex-
ecutions. Thus, if one was to exit your program (using the ‘exit’ command), and then start it again
(by running ‘java Nimsys’ at the shell prompt), your program should be restored to the state it was in
immediately before exiting. That is, it should be as if the program never exited at all.
This can be achieved by storing your player data in a le. At the beginning of the execution of your
program, if the le exists, it is opened and its contents loaded into the system. When your program
exits, this le will be updated with new/modi ed players, and then closed. If the le does not already
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exist, it will need to be created. It is up to you to decide the most appropriate format, e.g., text or
binary, of this le. The name of the le should be players.dat, and it should be stored in the same
directory as your program.
All player information should be stored, i.e., usernames, given / family names, and number of games
played / won. Note that you do not need to store information about games in progress, since a game
should never be in progress when the program exits properly, i.e., via the ‘exit’ command.
2.4 The AI (Arti cial Intelligence) player
Here, a new type of player is to be added - an AI player. This player type should be controlled by the
program, not by a human player. Aside from this, an AI player should be the same as a human player.
That is, they should have all the same information associated with them (i.e., username, given/family
names, and number of games played/won), and they should be stored in the system and appear in player
lists/rankings, just as human players are. They should also be manipulated via all the same commands
(with the exception of ‘addplayer’, since we now need to indicate whether we are adding a human player
or an AI player to the system - see below).
The only di erence between a human player and an AI player is in the way that they make a move.
Instead of prompting for a move to be entered via standard input, the AI player should choose their
own move, based on the state of the game. Thus, the only di erence between a human player and an AI
player should be in the method used to make a move. This suggests that the object-oriented principle
of polymorphism should be applied here. Java o ers polymorphism via two main avenues - inheritance,
and interfaces. In this case, inheritance is the more appropriate choice. Conceptually speaking, we can
think of human players and AI players as specialized players, i.e., a human player is a player, and an AI
player is a player. They are identical in almost every way, and so most of their attributes and methods
can be inherited - the only exception to this is the method used to make a move, which will need to be
rewritten to act autonomously. You can add an abstract NimPlayer class, which will be used to repre-
sent the behaviour/attributes common to both Human and AI players. You can modify your original
NimPlayer class used in Project B to be the new abstract NimPlayer class, and the human player class
(NimHumanPlayer) and AI player class (NimAIPlayer) can extend the abstract player class.
Part of your mark for this project will be based on how well you apply polymorphism in your implemen-
tation of the human and the AI player, so it is important that you do use the principle of polymorphism
in your design.
To allow for AI players to be added to the system, you should create a new command - ‘addaiplayer’.
This command should operate in exactly the same way as ‘addplayer’ (refer to Project B for details).
The only di erence is that the resulting player is an AI player. Note that all other commands, e.g.,
‘removeplayer’ and ‘editplayer’ should work for both human players and AI players. Provided below is
an example of the use of the ‘addaiplayer’ command:
$addaiplayer artoo,D2,R2
In this task you need to modify the provided NimAIPlayer.java to implement the AI player function-
ality. Note that this le and Testable.java are provided to you for auto-testing the task of Section 2.6.
You do NOT need to modify the advancedMove() method until you work on the task of Section 2.6.
After implementing the AI player, the ‘startgame’ command should allow games to be started with one
or both players being AI players. The game should proceed exactly as per the Project B spec, except
that when it comes to an AI player’s turn, there should be no reading of input from standard input
- instead, the move should be immediately made by the AI. Provided below is an example execution.
Here, Luke is a human player, and R2 D2 is an AI player:
c The University of Melbourne 2018 4
$startgame 10,3,lskywalker,artoo
Initial stone count: 10
Maximum stone removal: 3
Player 1: Luke Skywalker
Player 2: R2 D2
10 stones left: * * * * * * * * * *
Luke’s turn - remove how many?
7 stones left: * * * * * * *
R2’s turn - remove how many?
5 stones left: * * * * *
Luke’s turn - remove how many?
2 stones left: * *
R2’s turn - remove how many?
1 stones left: *
Luke’s turn - remove how many?
Game Over
R2 D2 wins!
The move an AI player makes given a speci c situation shall follow certain strategy such that the victory
is guaranteed for the AI player if it holds the ability to win when the game commences. For details,
please see the following section.
2.5 The victory guaranteed strategy for AI players
When the number of remaining stones satisfy certain conditions, the player about to make a move may
have a strategy to guarantee the victory. In this section, your task is to implement this strategy for the
AI player as its removeStone() method. Please note that the removeStone() method will determine
and return the number of stones to be removed. We describe such strategy in the following paragraph.
Simply, for a player to guarantee the victory no matter how the rival player moves in the future, it
needs to ensure that the rival player is always left with k(M + 1) + 1 stones, where k2f0;1;2;:::g and
M is the maximum number of stones can be removed at a time. Additonally, the commencing condi-
tion should satisfy that the rival player rst move and there are k(M + 1) + 1 stones, or alternatively,
in every winning player’s turn there are some number of stones which cannot be expressed as k(M+1)+1.
The task is to implement the AI player’s behavior. such that it always wins if either one of the
following holds:
initial number of stones is k(M + 1) + 1, where k2f0;1;2;:::g, and the rival player moves rst,
initial number of stones is not k(M + 1) + 1, where k 2f0;1;2;:::g, and the rival player moves
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For example, suppose Winfred and Louise are playing a game where a maximum of M stones can be
removed each turn. Here, the notation [a, b] will be used to indicate all integers from a to b inclusive.
So the number of stones a player must remove is in the range [1, M]. For Winfred to ensure his victory,
the possible game states are ([a, b] here means there are at least a and up to b stones left to be removed
by the players):
Louise’s turn, 1 stone left
Winfred’s turn, [2, M+1] stones left
Louise’s turn, (M+1)+1 stones left
Winfred’s turn, [(M+1)+2, 2(M+1)] stones left
Louise’s turn, 2(M+1)+1 stones left
Winfred’s turn, [2(M+1)+2, 3(M+1)] stones left
Louise’s turn, 3(M+1)+1 stones left
and so on...
Notice that Winfred always has a way of moving to the next state, while Louise is always forced to move
to the next state, i.e., the numbers of stones left for Louise are xed in each of her turns.
If the winning condition does not hold, the AI player can remove any number of stones upto M, and
hope the other player makes a mistake.
2.6 An advanced Nim game and its victory guaranteed strategy (Bonus)
(This is a challenging task and it takes time to complete. You might nd it worth more
spending the time on assignments of other subjects. If you are successful in this task, you
can earn back 1.5 marks that you may have lost in this project or previous two projects.
The total mark for Project C is up to 11.5. However, the total mark for the three projects
cannot exceed 40.)
In this task, you are required to implement an advanced Nim game which has di erent rules from the
original Nim game. Similar to the implementation of AI players, the polymorphism (inheritence and
interface) provided by Java is expected to be demonstrated in your program. That is, both the origi-
nal Nim game and this new advanced Nim game are specialized game with di erent rules. Either the
inheritance or the interface can be chosen to re ect this relationship; the decision is up to you to suit
your own design. Since we are going to have two types of games, the removeStone() method in the
human player and AI player should also have two implementations, i.e., in game instances of di erent
types of game, di erent removeStone() implementations are used, particularly for the AI player. For
this advanced game setting, you can use the name advancedMove() for the method.
The rules of the advanced Nim game are as follows. The major rule in this advanced Nim game is that
a player is only allowed to remove 1 stone or 2 adjacent stones in each move. Here, adjacent
stones are stones who are neighbors to each other. Hence, the upper bound of stones to be removed is
always 2. However, the requirement on the adjacent stones makes the position of the stones matters,
i.e., removing the same number of stones at di erent positions may produce di erent game states, while
in the original Nim game stones are conceptually the same, i.e., removing the same number of stones
always produces the same game states. For example, given 5 stones represented as ,
in the original Nim game removing 2 stones will always produce the state
in the advanced Nim game, depending on which stones are removed, removing 2 stones produces
multiple states. In the following example, note that state 2 di ers from state 3 because in state 2
the rst two remained stones cannot be removed in a single move since they are not adjacent while
in state 3 the rst two remained stones can be removed in a single move.
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1. removing the rst and the second, results to
2. removing the second the third, results to
3. removing the third and the fourth, results to
4. removing the fourth and the fth, results to
Similar to the original Nim game, each player takes turns to remove either one stone or two adjacent
stones. A player wins if he / she removed the last stone.
There should be a new command de ned in the Nimsys, named startadvancedgame, which will com-
mence a new advanced game following the above rules. The syntax of this new command is
startadvancedgame initialstones,username1,username2.
During the game, each player enters the move in the form. of two integers position number, indicating
the position and the number of stones to be removed. The stones left are displayed on one line, each
stone is printed in the form. of if the stone is presented or if the stone
has already been removed.
Following is an example of the expected display of this command:
$startadvancedgame 10,lskywalker,artoo
Initial stone count: 10
Stones display:
Player 1: Luke Skywalker
Player 2: R2 D2
10 stones left:
Luke’s turn - which to remove?
3 2
8 stones left:
R2’s turn - which to remove?
6 stones left:
Luke’s turn - which to remove?
1 2
4 stones left:
R2’s turn - which to remove?
2 stones left:
Luke’s turn - which to remove?
5 1
1 stones left:
R2’s turn - which to remove?
Game Over
R2 D2 wins!
Any invalid input listed below shall be caught by try / catch syntax, and a line stating Invalid move.
should be printed out:
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invalid position; given N stones when the game commences, the position should be [1;N], any
other values are invalid;
invalid number of stones; the number should be either 1 or 2, any other values are invalid;
the stones at the speci ed positions have already been removed
Here is an example output:
6 stones left:
Luke’s turn - which to remove?
12 1
Invalid move.
6 stones left:
Luke’s turn - which to remove?
1 3
Invalid move.
6 stones left:
Luke’s turn - which to remove?
2 2
Invalid move.
6 stones left:
Luke’s turn - which to remove?
1 2
Invalid move.
6 stones left:
Luke’s turn - which to remove?
After implementing the game rules, you are also required to design the strategy for the AI player.
Because the game rules change in the advanced Nim game, the victory guaranteed strategy designed for
the original Nim game does not work in this new game. Your task here is to implement the AI in this
new game. The hints are: if the AI player is the rst one who moves when the game commences,
there is always a victory guaranteed strategy for the AI player; if the AI player is not the rst
one who moves when the game commences, it is still possible for the AI player to win as long as
the rival player does not play exactly following the winning strategy. Hence, the implementation of the
strategy for the AI player in this game should enable the AI player to:
win if it moves rst when game commences,
win if it moves second, given that the rival player does not follow exactly the wining strategy.
The details of the strategy are left for you to design. To simplify the code design, you may assume
a maximum of 11 stones in each game played. In order to get bonus marks, you need to
implement the strategy to meet all of the below requirements:
Your AI player class who can play the advanced game should be named as NimAIPlayer, please
note this name is case sensitive and mandatory;
Your AI player class should have a constructor with no parameters;
Your AI player class should implement the interface Testable (provided), which is listed as follows:
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public interface Testable {
public String advancedMove(boolean[] available, String lastMove);
Here, the boolean[] available represents the stones remained to be removed, true as remained
and false as removed, e.g., can be represented as [true false false false true]. The
lastMove represents the last move made by the rival player, e.g., if the rival player removed the
second stone in the last turn, then lastMove is of value \2 1", if the second and the third stones are
removed in the last turn, then lastMove is of value \2 2". The advancedMove() method returns
the move chosen by your AI player this turn, in the form. of position number. For example, if
your AI player chooses to remove the rst and the second stones, the returned string should be \1 2".
The de nition of this interface should be put into your source directory as a le named Testable.java
and submitted together with your solution. The victory guaranteed strategy designed by
you should be implemented in this advancedMove() method. This method will be invoked
when we test the correctness of your implementation of the victory guaranteed strategy.
Overall, your AI player class will look like (provided):
public class NimAIPlayer implements Testable ... {
// you may further extend a class or implement an interface
// to accomplish the task in Section 2.6
public NimAIPlayer() {}
public String advancedMove(boolean[] available, String lastMove) {
// the implementation of the victory
// guaranteed strategy designed by you
Your solution will be evaluated using test cases in three cases:
1. Your AI player moves rst to play against a dummy player, who moves randomly;
2. Your AI player moves rst to play against an oracle AI player, who enumerates all the possibilities
and try best to win;
3. Your AI player moves second to play against a dummy player, who moves randomly;
The solution will be assessed based on the wining ratio of your solution in the three cases. Figure 1
shows the testing procedure of a submitted solution. Speci cally, for three cases, case 1, case 2 and case
3, 0.5 marks will be granted ONLY if your AI winning ratio is 100% in each case, suggesting your AI
player passes all the test cases. Otherwise, a non-100% ratio for any case will not get any marks for that
particular case.
Checklist For Solution
Blank line and whitespace related issues
Make sure in terms of format, your output matches with the expected output on the submission

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