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Java辅导:Assignment 3辅导Java编程

Assignment 3
Instructor: Musard Balliu
October, 2016
In this assignment, you will implement an object-oriented application to deter-
mine the truth value of boolean circuits. A boolean circuit is a logical formula
consisting of boolean variables a,b,x,y,···, negation (NOT, written as !), con-
junction (AND, written as ∧) and disjunction (OR, written as ∨). For example,
(a ∧ b) ∨ (c ∨ !(b)) is a boolean circuit on variables a,b and c. The truth value
of a boolean circuit is either true or false, and it can be determined when-
ever the truth values of all variables of the circuit are fixed. For example, if
a = true,b = false and c = true, the truth value of the boolean circuit above
is true. An assignment of truth values to the boolean variables of a circuit is
called a truth assignment for that circuit.
Two circuits are equivalent iff they have the same truth value for all possible
truth assignments of their variables. For example, the circuit a ∧ a is equivalent
to the circuit a, and the circuit !(a∨b) is equivalent to the circuit !(a)∧!(b). The
circuit a∧b is not equivalent to the circuit a∨b, since, for instance, if a = false
and b = true, the truth value of the first circuit is false, and the truth value of
the second circuit is true.
The free variables of a circuit are the variables used in that circuit (without
repetitions). For example, the free variables of the circuit (x ∧ y) ∨ !(x) are x
and y.
The task
In this assignment, you are given two classes, Assignment.java and Circuit.java,
and they are already implemented for you. In particular, the method equals(),
implemented in Circuit.java, allows to determine whether or not two circuits are
DIT948-2016, Assignment 3
The goal of this assignment is to complete the implementation of subclasses
Variable.java, Not.java, And.java e Or.java of the superclass Circuit.java. Con-
cretely, you have to complete the implementation of the methods isTrueIn(),
freeVariables() and toString() for each subclass (and a few other methods,
constructors and instance variables). The methods have the following specifica-
• isTrueIn(Assignment a) determines whether a circuit is true for a given
assignment a.
• freeVariables() returns an array containing the free variables of a cir-
cuit, in any order and without repetitions.
• toString() returns a string representation of the circuit.
You also have to implement a main class, CircuitMain.java, that creates two
circuits !(a ∧ b) and !(a) ∨ !(b) and checks whether or not they are equivalent.
Finally, you have to create n random circuits of maximal depth 5, calculate their
truth value, and print to the console both the (string representation of) circuits
and their truth values, for a given positive integer n provided as input by the
In order to get a VG, you must implement a graphical user interface (GUI) that
handles the features in class CircuitMain.java.
The specification of each method is provided as commented java files, included
in the following sections and available for download from
musard/teaching/programming2016/dit948-2016/Assign3 2016.zip
The interface, example session
The set of all variables used in a random circuit is ”v”,”w”,”x”,”y”,”z”,”a”,”b”,
of which the variables ”v”,”y”,”a” are true in the assignment (and, conse-
quently, the remaining variables are false). The class CircuitMain has a main
method which, when executed, should lead to an user session of the following
Welcome to the DIT948 circuit oracle
I will now check equivalence for the following circuits:
Circuit 1: !((a /\ b))
Circuit 2: (!(a) \/ !(c))
DIT948-2016, Assignment 3
The result is: false
How many random circuits should I generate? 5
I have created the following random circuits:
1. (((b \/ (y \/ z)) \/ b) /\ z) : false
2. (v /\ (((a /\ v) /\ (b \/ w)) \/ ((z \/ a) /\ !(y)))) : false
3. !((!(!(v)) /\ z)) : true
4. y : true
5. (v \/ !(!((z /\ v)))) : true
Similarly, the GUI implementation may result in an interactive session as below.
The classes
Class Variable.java
This is a subclass of Circuit implementing Variable in a Circuit
public class Variable extends Circuit {
DIT948-2016, Assignment 3
// Private instance variable,
// name, a String representing a variable
// code here
// Constructor with parameters
public Variable(String name) {
// code here
String representation of a variable of a circuit
public String toString() {
// code here
Returns the name of the variable
public String getName() {
// code here
Returns true if the variable is true in the assignment
public boolean isTrueIn(Assignment assignment) {
// code here
Returns the array of free Variables in this Variable.
public Variable[] freeVariables() {
DIT948-2016, Assignment 3
// code here
Class Not.java
This is a subclass of Circuit implementing the negation of a Circuit
public class Not extends Circuit {
// Private instance variable,
// negated, a Circuit to be negated
// code here
// Constructor with parameters
public Not(Circuit negated) {
// code here
String representation of the negation of a circuit
public String toString() {
// Code here
Returns true if the negation of the circuit is true in the assignment
public boolean isTrueIn(Assignment assignment) {
// code here
DIT948-2016, Assignment 3
Returns the array of free Variables in the negated circuit. The order of
variables is not important, however, a variable should appear exactly
once in the array (no repetitions)
public Variable[] freeVariables() {
// code here
Class And.java
This is a subclass of Circuit implementing the conjunction of a left Circuit
and a right Circuit
public class And extends Circuit {
// Private instance variables,
// left, the left Circuit
// right, the right Circuit
// code here
// Constructor with parameters
public And(Circuit left, Circuit right) {
// code here
String representation of the conjunction of a left circuit and a right
public String toString() {
// code here
DIT948-2016, Assignment 3
Returns true if the conjunction of the left circuit and the right circuit
is true in the assignment
public boolean isTrueIn(Assignment assignment) {
// code here
Returns the array of free Variables in the conjunction of a left circuit
and a right circuit. The order of variables is not important, however, a
variable should appear exactly once in the array (no repetitions)
public Variable[] freeVariables() {
// code here
Class Or.java
This is a subclass of Circuit implementing the disjunction of a left Circuit
and a right Circuit
public class Or extends Circuit {
// Private instance variables,
// left, the left Circuit
// right, the right Circuit
// code here
// Constructor with parameters
public Or(Circuit left, Circuit right) {
// code here
DIT948-2016, Assignment 3
String representation of the disjunction of a left circuit and a right
public String toString() {
// code here
Returns true if the disjunction of the left circuit and the right circuit
is true in the assignment
public boolean isTrueIn(Assignment assignment) {
// code here
Returns the array of free Variables in the disjunction of a left circuit
and a right circuit. The order of variables is not important, however, a
variable should appear exactly once in the array (no repetitions)
public Variable[] freeVariables() {
// code here
Remarks and Notation
Your are NOT allowed to introduce additional (static or instance) variables in
the class templates. However, you can implement additional methods, if needed.
Classes Assignment.java and Circuit.java can be used as APIs and you are not
allowed to change their implementation.
DIT948-2016, Assignment 3
The GUI provided earlier is just an example. Feel free to implement your own
fancy version, so long as it contains the basic tasks as required by the assignment.
• To get a G, you do not need to implement a graphical user interface.
• To get a V G, it is necessary implement all tasks in the assignment.
Note that these requirements are necessary, but not sufficient, to get the
respective grades (see Administrative matters).
Administrative matters
Strive for readable code with appropriate comments! While the ultimate test of
a program is that it does what it is supposed to do, we should be able to
read the program and understand it.
The assignment is to be completed in groups of two students. (Groups of different
size should first be agreed with the course instructor.)
Solutions must be uploaded to the GUL system by 23:55 on October 19.
Please note: The submission must be made via GUL. It’s no good sending
it to me via email, either before or after the deadline!
Only Java source files should be uploaded, no class files. Your Java files should
be put in a zip-archive with the following name:
where author1, author2 are the surnames (family names) of the group members.
You must also supply a README-file (README.txt) containing the names of
the authors and their social security numbers, together with a brief statement
about each author’s contribution. For example, “author1 has been responsible for
user input and author2 for the program logic”. A statement such as “All authors
have contributed equally to all aspects of the program” is not acceptable.
Note that each author must submit individually via the GUL (even though
it is the same program!). Only students who submit via the GUL can be graded.
All comments etc. will be posted on the course web page.
DIT948-2016, Assignment 3
Once the deadline has passed, each group must explain solutions to the TAs
during the first Thursday supervision session. Exceptions are to be agreed
with the instructor and the TAs. Group members are expected to know and
explain all parts of the code despite their statement of contribution.

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