INFS4203/7203 Assignment
Semester 2/2018
Marks: 10 marks (20%)
Due Date: 23rd
October 2018, 1:5PM
What to Submit: See deliverables part
Where to Submit: Electronic submission via blackboard
The goal of this project is to gain practical experience in aplying clustering and
classification to real data. You must work on this project individually. The
standard academic honesty rules aply. You must use R for this project.
There are three main tasks: Data Preparation, Clustering, and Classification.
Please read the report carefuly until the end. Since some parts of your code
require a random seed, you need to pre-set the seed for reproducible results.
Your seed value is the last four digits of your student ID.
You will be using the “Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Original)” data
. The data has
69 observations (rows) and 1 atributes (columns). One of the atributes is a
binary class variable with value 2 for “benign” and 4 for “malignant”. You may
find and learn more detailed information about the data in the data description
. Please note that some of the observations can be missing (usualy filed
with “?”).
Data Folder: htps:/
cancer-wisconsin/ . Download file .
Data Description:
Task 1 - Data Preparation:
Write the necessary code to pre-process the data. That pre-processing stage
includes the folowing tasks:
1.1. Extract the data into an R data frame.
1.2. Assign the following names to the 1 diferent columns in your dataset
1. Sample code number
2. Clump Thickness
3. Uniformity of Cell Size
4. Uniformity of Cell Shape
5. Marginal Adhesion
6. Single Epithelial Cell Size
7. Bare Nuclei
8. Bland Chromatin
9. Normal Nucleoli
10. Mitoses
11. Class
When aplicable, change any space character to dot (e.g. “Normal
Nucleoli” to “Normal.Nucleoli”).
1.3. Remove all rows with missing values. Notice that R might define a column
with missing data as “factor”. If such column is suposed to be integer,
then your ned to change the column type from factor to integer.
1.4. Remove the first column (Sample code number) as it is not useful for our
next tasks.
1.5. Notice that R might define the “class” column as integer. In that case,
change its type from integer to factor.
1.6. Save the dataframe. into a file with filename bcw_processed.Rda .
Task 2 - Clustering:
Apply K-Means and Hierarchical clustering to cluster the data as folows.
2.1. Load the preprocessed data file from Task 1 into a data frame. Please
note that for this set of clustering tasks, you should not include the Class
2.2. Cluster the data into 2 clusters using K-Means clustering, using the default
parameters for the kmeans function. Plot the results of the clusters as a
2D plot where the x-axis is Clump Thickness and the y-axis is
Uniformity of Cell Size.
2.3. Plot another 2D plot with the same dimensions above, but color the points
according to the Class column.
2.4. Compare the 2 plots obtained in the previous two tasks – do the clusters
visualy represent the benign vs malignant classes?.
2.5. Cluster the data into more than 2 clusters (i.e., k = 3, 4, 5) using K-Means
clustering and plot all the clustering results.
2.6. Compare the plots and SSEs obtained in the previous task, and provide
your coments on the quality of clustering.
2.7. Apply hierarchical clustering to the data using the hclust function with
default parameters and plot the corresponding dendrogram. Particularly,
cluster the dendrogram into 2, 3, 4, and 5 clusters and plot al of them.
2.8. Compare the plots obtained in the previous task and provide your
observations on the achieved clusters - should we have a new subtype of
2.9. Try diferent aglomeration methods in hierarchical clustering (i.e.,
“single”, “complete”, and “average”). Plot the resulting dendrograms
and provide your coments on the quality of clustering - is the data
sensitive to the used aglomeration method? Based on your results, what
do you think is the default aglomeration method used in Task 2.7?
Task 3 - Clasification:
Aply binary classification using decision tree and K-NN techniques.
3.1. Load the preprocessed data file from Task 1 into data frame. Divide the
dataset into “training” and “test” subsets randomly (70% and 30%
3.2. Learn a classification tree from the training data using the default
parameters of the ctree function from the “party” library. Plot that
classification tree and provide your coments on its structure (e.g., what
are the important/unimportant variables? Is there any knowledge we can
infer from the tree representation that helps in diferentiating between the
classes?). Using the learned tree, predict the class labels of the test data.
Calculate the accuracy, precision, and recal.
3.3. Try building you classification tree again via the ctree function but using
parameters that are diferent from the default setings. Can you achieve
beter accuracy or more meaningful representation by tuning some
parameters? (Note that in the ctree function from “party” library, you
can modifiy ctree_control parameters. Execute ?ctree form. RStudio
Console for the detailed documentation.)
3.4 Apply K-N classification to predict the labels in the test subset and
calculate the accuracy, precision and recal. Particularly, try diferent
values of K (e.g. K = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), and report your observations on the
achieved classification.
Deliverables: R project with your student number as the project’s name (e.g.
12345678.Rproj). The project should have the folowing folders:
1) Code:
• myPreparation.r : Code to complete Task 1.
• myClustering.r : Code to complete Task 2.
• myClasification.r: Code to complete Task 3.
Provide the apropriate header in each file (your identity and file
description) and give meaningful coments in the script.
2) Data:
• : orgininal dataset.
• bcw_processed.Rda : preprocessed data output from Task 1.
3) Plot:
• All plots generated in Tasks 2.2, 2.3. 2.4, 2.5, 2.7, 2.9, 3.2, and 3.3.
4) Report: your report should include the folowing:
• Brief description for the main functions in your source code and any
assumptions or special setings of those functions.
• Plots, evaluations, and your coments on the observed results.
Please note that your preprocessed data, plots, and results should be
reproducible. That is, we can delete them and be able to generate them by
runing your code. Hence, remember to set the seed before any function that
requires a random value. That seed is the last 4 digits of your student number.
Marking: Your total mark earned for this assignment is based on:
• Report: accurate statistics and clear presentation;
• Code and reproducible results.
• Demo: one-on-one demo presentation, if needed.
Submit one archive file with your student number as the file name (e.g. with al the files and folders mentioned above. The project is
due 11:55PM, 23 rdOctober 2018. No late submission is alowed.