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辅导ENCE 360 编程、R语言程序解析、调试R、R语言讲解、调试R、R辅导、讲解R

ENCE 360 Assignment - 2018
Your task is to write (some parts of) a multi-threaded HTTP downloader program.
There are two parts:
Part 1 – a minimal HTTP client
Part 2 - a concurrent queue using semaphores.
A downloader is written in terms of both these parts and you will do some analysis and write a short report.
All the programs can be compiled using a Makefile provided simply by going to the base directory where you
unpack the assignment and typing 'make'
• No more than 3 levels of nesting in any function and less than 40 lines of code
• Use minimum amount of code required
• Do not modify any code outside of http.c and queue.c (or the test programs which you may modify
to improve – but they will not be marked), otherwise your submission will fail to compile (and you
will receive zero marks)
• All memory allocated during the programs execution should be free()'ed and all resources, files,
sockets should be closed before the program finishes. Check your program with valgrind –leak-
check=all to be sure!
• Comment code as necessary, excessive commenting is not required but anything not obvious should
be documented
• Marks will be awarded for clean code and documentation
Submit files in the same directory structure as provided, with an extra file called report.pdf or report.doc in
the base directory, with the implementation files queue.c and http.c completed.
Please do NOT MODIFY any header files (.h files) because your files will be compiled using the original .h files
and any modifications will be ignored.
Your submission will be automatically marked, so any submission which does not fit the correct template
won't receive any marks.
Provided files
A multi-threaded downloader based on your solutions to Part 1 and Part 2.
http.c http.h
Http client implementation, Part 1.
queue.c queue.h
A skeleton for the concurrent queue, Part 2.
http_test.c queue_test.c
These are provided to test your implementations for Part 1 and Part 2.
Part 1 – http client (30%)
Write an implementation of an http client in http.c which performs an HTTP 1.0 query to a website and
returns the response string (including header and page content).
Make sure to test your implementation against a selection of binary files, and text files – small files and big.
Be very careful using string manipulation functions, e.g. strcpy – they will not copy any binary data
containing a '\0' – so you will want to use the binary counterparts such as memcpy.
For downloading bigger files you will need to think about how to allocate memory as you go – functions such
as realloc allow you to dynamically resize a buffer without copying the contents each time.
Functions which you will need to implement this include: memset, getaddrinfo, socket, connect, realloc,
memcpy, perror and free
Also, possibly useful: fdopen dup
DO NOT base your code on this code from the internet – e.g. http://coding.debuntu.org/c-linux socket-
It uses old style. socket programming (all the wrong functions) and will only waste you time and energy, you
may get ideas however.
Your lecture notes may be useful, and this is a good reference which you may find useful:
To retreive the file www.canterbury.ac.nz/postgrad/documents/cribphdmay.doc
"GET /page HTTP/1.0\r\n
Host: host\r\n
User-Agent: getter\r\n\r\n"
Where host = "www.canterbury.ac.nz" and page = "postgrad/documents/cribphdmay.doc".
Example output
Test programs http_test, and http_download is provided for you to test your code, an example output of the
http_test is shown below. It is implemented in test/http_test.c and is built by the Makefile by default.
./http_test www.thomas-bayer.com sqlrest/CUSTOMER/3/
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: ApacheCoyote/1.1
ContentType: application/xml
Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 04:47:16 GMT
Connection: close
ContentLength: 235
542 Upland Pl.
San Francisco
http_download does a similar thing but instead writes the downloaded file to disk using a filename you give
it. A script. is provided to test your implementation against those of well known file downloader wget
downloaded 13025535 bytes from
www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/research/reports/PhdTheses/2015/phd_1501 .pdf
Files __template and __output are identical
downloaded 9550 bytes from
static.canterbury.ac.nz/web/graphics/blacklogo.png Files
__template and __output are identical
Part 2 – concurrent queue (30%)
Write a classic implementation of a concurrent FIFO queue in queue.c which allows multiple producers and
consumers to communicate in a thread-safe way. Before studying the requirements, it is advised to study
the test program queue_test for an example of how such a queue is intended to be used.
Hints: Use semaphores (sem_init, sem_wait, sem_post etc.) and mutex(s) for thread synchronization. Use a
minimum number of synchronization primitives while still maintaining correctness and maximum
A test program queue_test is provided for you to test your code and illustrate how to use the concurrent
queue. Note that it is not a completely comprehensive test – and the test used for marking will be much
more stringent on correctness, it may be possible to run the queue_test program yet receive low marks. So
you may wish to write your own tests and/or test with the provided downloader program.
total sum: 1783293664, expected sum: 1783293664
(This should complete within two seconds on the lab machines)
Part 3 – report (40%)
Algorithm analysis
Describe the algorithm found in downloader.c (lines 200-230) step by step.
How is this similar to algorithms found in your notes, which is it most like – and are there any improvements
which could be made?
Performance analysis
Provide a small analysis of performance of the downloader program showing how performance changes as
the number of worker threads increases. What is the optimal number of worker threads? What are some of
the issues when the number of threads is increased?
Run the downloader several times over different inputs (I have provided some urls e.g. test.txt and large.txt)
with small files, and large files to download.
Usage (downloading files in test.txt with 12 threads and saving to directory 'download'):
./downloader test.txt 12 download
How does the file size impact on performance? Are there any parts of your http downloader which can be
modified to download files faster?
A pre-compiled version of the downloader exists in 'bin/downloader' how does your implementation
compare? If there's a large discrepancy when the number of threads increase, it's likely there's something
wrong with your concurrent queue!
Submit this as report.pdf with your submission

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