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Assessment Notice
Type of Task: Capstone Project

In this assignment, you will complete the final Unity3D project, which will demonstrate your
understanding and ability to apply all you have learned towards the creation of a unique Level 3 for
your game.

Date of Notification: Monday 8th October

Instructions and Guidelines:

1. Open level 2. Create a new scene – save as Level 3

2. Modify level 3 to create an interesting final level of the game.
• Try to make your level coherent. That is, try to make a complete experience for your player
versus a bunch of random things thrown together
• Position game object “collectibles” around the game terrain in such a way that the player
must follow a path, encountering obstacles along the way (cross a bridge, wade through
water, jump onto platforms, climb stairs, etc.)

3. Add a new Terrain. Build a new environment for level 3 to take place in.
• This could include adding different landforms, new grass or rock areas and new textures to
serve as pathways (for example, a red brick road)
• This must include water and trees
• This must be a different environment from level 2
• Suitable free textures can be downloaded from: https://www.textures.com

4. Using Adobe Fuse, create a new and different character for level 3.
• Export to Mixamo for conversion into a Unity friendly file
• Import your new character into Unity
• Fix now and change the rig to humanoid
• Adjust the character shader settings in the inspector panel
• Copy the third person controller from level 2 and paste in level 3
• Replace the character with your new character
5. Add 3D game objects.
• Copy the gold coins and other game objects from level 2 and paste in level 3
• Create new game objects, complete with materials, scripts, tags and physics
• These should include ‘extra’ coins in different colours, wooden cubes stacked to make
‘stairs’, planes to make ‘ramps’ or ‘bridges’, spheres as ‘stepping stones’ across a lake, etc.
• Suitable rocks, stones and tree stumps can be downloaded from: https://www.textures.com
• Add a suitable Unity asset package of new game objects to enhance level 3
• The following zipped asset folders can found in Student Resources > IT > Carli - from the
college computers
o Buildings (house, old bridge, tower, village, wood bridge)
o Environment (wood barrels, ruined car, ship cargo, wood boat)
o Icons (food, fruit and vegetables)
o Dragons
o Or, search and download one suitable free Unity (v5) asset package from:

6. Edit the player script. to display the new count score text and win text for level 3. An example
might be:
• Collecting a silver coin (or a mushroom) will add 5 points, and collecting a gold coin (or a
banana) will add 20 points
• But if the player steps on a black cube (or a donut), the points will reduce by 10
• Display the player points during the game
• When the player has accumulated the correct number of points, display a game over win

7. Add UI buttons to scenes.
• Main menu (displayed at game start) should include the following buttons:
o Play level 1
o Play level 2
o Play level 3
• Level 2 should include a Play level 3 button allowing the player to go to that level without
having to complete level 2
• Level 3 should include the following buttons:
o Reset (allowing the player to reset level 3 to the beginning)
o Back to main menu

8. Play your game several times and make sure there are no problems. If there are, fix them!

9. Create a WebGL build of the project (remember to add ALL game levels to the build). The
WebGL folder must be saved in your Unity project folder

10. Test and play your game in the Firefox browser. If there are any issues, fix them!

11. Create a compressed (zip archive) of your Unity project folder.

12. IMPORTANT: Name your zipped Project folder using your student number, preferred/English
name and class line. For example: 1234567_Isler_L2

Academic Integrity

Plagiarism and cheating will result in a penalty
• 1st ffence = 0 for task
• 2nd ffence = 0 for coursework
• 3rd ffence = 0 for that subject

Penalties for Late Submission of an Assignment:

• 20% deduction for 1 day
• 40% deduction for 2 days
• 60% deduction for 3 days
• Zero from that point onwards

An extension may be granted due to illness if you submit a Medical Report. See further information


Marking Criteria:

WebGL build folder is included in the project folder and works as expected. That is, the game can
be played in the Firefox web browser (2)

Main Menu works as expected. That is player can click to play any level (1)

Level 2 works as expected. That is, the player can go to level 3 at any time during play (1)

Modify level 3 to create an interesting final level of the game. Can the player navigate through the
game easily? Are there interesting and creative obstacles to encounter? Is there a variety of game
objects that can be collected to either win or loose points? Are there any enemies or special effects?

Add a new Terrain. Build a new environment for level 3 to take place in (2)

Using Adobe Fuse, create a new and different character for level 3 (2)

Add new and existing 3D game objects (3)

Level 3 third person controller, character and game objects work as expected. That is, objects
disappear on collision, points are gained or lost and a win state is displayed. The player can reset
the game or return to the main menu at any time during play. (3)

Project can be opened in Unity3D Editor (1)

Level 3 player script. UI script. edited and works as expected (2)

Outcomes Assessed:

CLO6 Cultural awareness
CLO7 Collaborative learning
CLO9 Creative and critical thinking
CLO10 Lifelong learning
K2 Knowledge and understanding of the historical developments that have led to current practices
in software design and development, and of emerging trends and technologies in this field S1
Skills in designing and developing software solutions
S2 Skills in management appropriate to the design and development of software solutions S3
Skills in teamwork and communication associated with the design and development of software
H3.1 Identifies and evaluates legal, social and ethical issues in a number of contexts
H5.3 Selects and applies appropriate software to facilitate the design and development of software
H6.3 Uses and describes a collaborative approach during the software development cycle
H6.4 Develops and evaluates effective user interfaces, in consultation with appropriate people

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