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CSCI 1100 — Computer Science

 CSCI 1100 — Computer Science 1

Homework 5
Wandering trainer
This homework is worth 100 points total toward your overall homework grade, and is due Thurs￾day, October 31, 2019 at 11:59:59 pm. You will write and debug three versions of one program,
with the first version setting up a framework, the second program solving a restricted problem and
the third completing the effort.
See the Fair Warning about Excess Collaboration documentation for a discussion of academic
integrity issues. Also review the grading criteria in the Submissions Guidelines document and
Lecture 11. For the rest of the semester, these criteria will be a significant part of your grade. You
may have noticed these guidelines becoming worth more points over the past few assignments. This
assignment they will be worth a significant part of the grade.
The homework submission server URL is below for your convenience:
The three versions of your program must be named:
This assignment builds heavily on material from HW 3 and the random walk example from Lec￾ture 11. Feel free to make use of your code from these assignments and the code we provided.
In this homework assignment, you will be writing a program that controls a wandering pokemon
trainer in a quest to catch pokemon. The three parts of the assignment build on each other to
complete the final program. Start out slowly and get the randomization functions working first
(Part 1), then run a single simulation (Part 2) and finally gather statistical data by running a
bunch of simulations (Part 3).
Part 1: Setting it up
In Part 2 and Part 3 you will be asked to put together a simulation of a wandering Pokemon trainer,
searching the wilds for valuable and unique pokemon. In this part, we are going to address the
framework that will hold it all together.
To complete this homework, you will need to define a main program and at least two functions called
move_trainer() and throw_pokeball(). For part one, you do not have to fully flesh out either
the main part of the program or the move_trainer() and throw_pokeball() functions. Instead,
we want you to explore the use of the random functions random.seed(), random.choice() and
Create the function move_trainer(). Do not worry about any return value from the function and
do not worry about the parameters to the function. Instead set up directions as ['N', 'E', 'S', 'W']
and then in the body of the function use the random.choice() and random.random() functions
to choose and print a direction and a value. The direction should be printed as a string and
the value should be printed as a float accurate to 2 decimal places. Then create the function
throw_pokeball(num_false, num_true). This function should create a list of num_false boolean
False values followed by num_true boolean True values, and then use random.choice() to choose
and print one of the values from this boolean list.
Now add code to the program asking for an integer grid size size, an integer number of False
values F and an integer number of True values. T. Calculate the random seed as 11 * size, print
it out and then use the random.seed() function to set the seed value. Now call move_trainer 5
times, followed by calling throw_pokeball(F, T) 5 times.
Two examples of the program run (how it will look when you run it using Spyder IDE) are provided
in files hw5 part1 output 01.txt and hw5 part1 output 02.txt. (In order to access these files, you
will need to download file hw05_files.zip from the Course Materials section of Submitty and
unzip it into your directory for HW 5.)
Do not continue on before you have Part 1 working correctly. This part is not worth many points,
but if this is not working, you will not be able to get the rest of the code working either. Once this
works, you should not need to change any of the random calls as you work through Parts 2 and 3.
Part 2: Wandering Trainer
A pokemon trainer is placed in the middle of a grid that is size rows tall and size columns
wide. This value is read into the program by asking the user. The user must also be asked for a
probability p that must be greater than 0.0 and less than 1.0, but will generally be relatively small.
The reason for the probability is explained below. You may assume all input is correct. The upper
left corner of the grid is location (0, 0), while the bottom right corner is location (sizee 1, sizee1).
Again, the maximum limits of the grid are (sizee 1, sizee 1). This is important both to get Part 2
correct and because it will cause an error accessing the tracking grid in Part 3 if you do not set
this correctly. The trainer starts out at location (size//2, size//2).
The program must simulate random movements of the trainer. The trainer can only move in a
straight line to one of the four compass points to the North (decreasing row), East (increasing
column), South (increasing row), or West (decreasing column) one step per turn. After taking a
step, the trainer will have a p probability of seeing a pokemon on that spot and if they see one
they will throw a pokeball for a chance to catch it. In Part 1 you put together the random calls
that you need to manage moving and throwing the pokeball. In this part modify your functions to
return the values you roll instead of just printing them out. move_trainer should return a tuple
of (direction, probability) and throw_pokeball should return either True or False.
To proceed, set your trainer at the center point of the grid as described above, then move the trainer
based on the results of a call to move_trainer. If the probability returned by move_trainer is
less than or equal to the value p, the user sees a pokemon on the current spot and you need to call
throw_pokeball to see if she catches it. Pokeballs are expensive. Only throw a pokeball if you
see a pokemon. The first time you call throw_pokeball you should provide it with 3 False values
and 1 True value. Thereafter, increase the number of Trues by one for every pokemon the trainer
successfully catches. Nothing changes if the pokemon is not caught. The trainer should continue
to make these random steps until she reaches the edge of the grid (row or column becomes 0 or
size e 1),
To solve Part 2 your program must report the position of the trainer and the number of pokemon
seen, and the number actually caught.
Important Details:
1. The first time the trainer moves is turn 1
2. In each turn:
(a) Take a step and check for a seen pokemon using move_trainer
(b) If the trainer sees a pokmon, throw a pokeball using throw_pokeball and record if you
catch it.
(c) Report all pokemon seen and if you catch them or not.
3. At the end, output the final number of time steps, the final position, and the total number
of pokemon seen and caught. See examples below for details.
4. In order for everyone to have the same output we must seed the random number generator.
After you read the user input, but before the first time you call one of the random functions,
you must include the following code
seed_value = 10 * size + size
The seed ensures that the random number generator gives the same sequence of values for
the random calls. For us, that means that we can compare your output to our output and
expect to get the same sequence of movements and captures. Part of the function of Part 1
of this homework is to help you verify that you are setting the seed correctly and making the
correct sequence of calls to match our values. To see more interesting behavior when playing
with or testing your program, you might want to comment out the call to the seed function;
just be sure to put it back in before you submit!
5. You MUST modify and use the following routines from Part 1
def move_trainer():
return a tuple, (direction, seen), where direction is one of
✬N✬, ✬E✬, ✬S✬, or ✬W✬ and seen is a random number between
0.0 and 1.0 that determines if a pokemon is seen.
def throw_pokeball(num_false, num_true):
num_false is the number of False entries at the start of a catch list
num_true is the number of True entries at the end of a catch list
return a True or a False randomly chosen from the list.
move_trainer determines the direction the trainer moves and whether they see a poke￾mon. The function must return a tuple containing in order, the direction and a probability.
throw_pokeball determines if the trainer catches the pokemon they saw. Your main code
must call these functions in some kind of loop and use the results to track the pokemon
and decide what to output. Do not call the random.seed function inside the move_trainer
6. In move_trainer and in throw_pokeball you must make the calls to random.choice(direction)
and random.random() in the correct order and only as described above. You set this up in the
routines we wrote in Part 1 and modified above. Test the values returned by those routines
to decide what move to make and if a pokemon is seen or captured.
Three examples of the program run (how it will look when you run it using Spyder IDE) are
provided in files hw5 part2 output 01.txt, hw5 part2 output 02.txt, and hw5 part2 output 03.txt
from hw05_files.zip.
Part 3: Gathering Data About the Wandering Trainer
Thus far, we have only considered a single case of running the pokemon simulation, but simulations
are typically run over and over again and statistics are gathered about the results of the runs. So,
in this last part of the assignment your program will need to repeat the simulation a user-specified
number of times, and output several summary statistics:
1. An output of the likelihood of catching a pokemon on each space in the grid. This should be
calculated as the number of pokemon caught t missed.
2. The average number of turns used over all simulations.
3. The minimum and maximum number of turns in a single simulation and the simulation
number (from 1 to the number of simulations run) at which these occurred.
4. The maximum pokemon likelihood, caught t missed, in the grid.
5. The minimum pokemon likelihood, caught t missed, in the grid.
A Counting Grid: You must create a list of lists of counts that maintains the difference between
the number of pokemon caught on a space and the number seen but missed. Here are two examples
to help you. The first example shows an easy way to initialize the grid to have size rows and size
count_grid = []
for i in range(size):
count_grid.append([0] * size )
The second example illustrates counting the number of occurrences of the numbers 0 through 9
using the random number generator (without using the seed function):
import random
num_trials = 2500
counts = [0] * 10
for i in range(num_trials):
digit = random.randint(0, 9)
counts[digit] += 1
print(✬Occurrences and percentages:✬)
for i in range(10):
print("{:1d}: {:4d} {:4.1f}".format(i, counts[i], 100.0 * counts[i] / num_trials))
Important details:
❼ You must make use of the move_trainer and throw_pokeball functions from part 2. You
can copy and paste them into your hw5_part3.py file.
❼ Next you must write and test a function called
def run_one_simulation(grid, prob):
runs the simulation and keeps track of the number of pokemon caught
on each space in the grid versus the number seen but missed. prob is
the probability a pokemon will be seen at each turn
returns the number of turns required to reach the edge of the grid
that starts the trainer in the center of the grid, and runs one full simulation of the trainer
until the trainer reaches the edge of the grid. At the end, it returns the number of turns
taken. Each time step has three phases. In the first phase, the trainer moves, during the
second phase the trainer looks for a pokemon, and during the third phase the trainer tries to
catch any pokemon seen phase 2. This is exactly your move_trainer and throw_pokeball
functions from Part 1. run_one_simulation should call move_trainer once per time step to
move the trainer and look for pokemon. If it sees a pokemon, it should call throw_pokeball
to try and capture it. The results should be tracked and recorded in grid. For instance,
suppose that the trainer moves to (row, col) as a result of a move_trainer call. If the prob￾ability returned by move_trainer <= p, you should call throw_pokeball and increment
grid_count[row][col] by one if the throw was successful, or decrement it if the capture
failed. You must have run_one_simulation in your program, but you may change its pa￾rameters as you wish. For example, you could pass in size — the number of rows and
columns of the grid.
❼ Do not call random.seed from inside run_one_simulation. It will cause the random number
generator to start over for each simulation and so your results will be the same for each
❼ Each time you call run_one_simulation the trainer should start in the center of the grid.
Just like in Part 2, each simulation starts with 3 Falses and 1 True value being passed to
throw_pokemon and the number of Trues go up by 1 for every pokemon caught.
❼ We suggest that you write a function to extract and print the statistics of the grid in order
to avoid cluttering the code in the main body of the program.
❼ At the end of each simulation, you may want to have run_one_simulation return the number
of turns used during that run. This will help with tracking the minimum and maximum
number of turns.
Finally, an example of the program run provided in hw5 part3 output 01.txt illustrates the output
and formatting we are expecting. A simple example showing a single iteration can be found in
hw5 part3 output 02.txt from hw05_files.zip.
In terms of formatting, each of the output values in the grid is formatted with {:5d} and no spaces
between entries. You can either generate each row as a string and print it out, or you can use the
sep= and end= values of the print statement to control the formatting. Average should use our
normal {:.2f} format.
Some notes on debugging
This is your most complex homework to date, so here are some suggestions for debugging:
❼ We are asking you to use large grids, 250 iterations per simulation, and for Part 3 a large
number of iterations. This is too much to debug easily. Start small
– Use Part 1 to get the random functions working and use Part 2 to get move_trainer
and throw_pokeball fully operational and to test them thoroughly. Step through them
in the debugger, make sure all paths are selected and make sure that the positions of
the trainer after each move are right. It should only take you a few times through the
– In Part 2, Use a small grid, eg. 5 × 6 to check the behavior of the trainer as it walks up
to the boundary. Does it go too far? Does it stop short? Make sure it works from all
directions moving N, E, S, W.
– If you think your code is working correctly, but you are not matching our output, print
out and check your seed first, and then check the number of random calls (random and
choice) and the order you are making them. You will only need one choice call and one
random call per call to move_trainer and one choice call per call to throw_pokeball.
The seed function should only be called once in any program.
– Use special values of the probability to simplify testing. For example, a probability of 1
should see a pokemon every turn. 0 should see no pokemon
– Use functions and debug them separately.
– In Part 3, start out small all over again. Use the same small grid as in Part 2 and limit
it to a small number of turns per simulation, and a small number of simulations. For
example, with a 5 × 6 grid, 5 turns per simulation, and 2 simulations; you can easily
trace your program execution using the debugger or print statements to verify correct
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