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CSE403 Coursework 3 Part 2 2019
This component carries 30% of the marks for the module.
Task: create a display widget to display information about the change in asset
price data for a single asset over a period of time (hour, day, week). It should
represent the change in values from the beginning to the end of the time period;
you do not need to display or represent the values in between. You do not need
to present the asset price change information as numerical data. It can be purely
graphical or qualitative.
The widget would be a service available to a Smart Home system. As such, it may be displayed on any device. You should decide and implement how visual widgets generally should integrate with the system’s displays. The minimum display size
for the widget is 96x96 pixels.
You should submit a working implementation which displays on a ‘today is’
display. You must design and code the‘today is’display yourself. It should run in
a Java JFrame not more than 1000 x 400 pixels. This will also be assessed.
The‘today is’isplay simply needs to display today’s day,date, month and year
(in English). You may use any date format you wish. Example:
The asset price data: opening price, closing price, high, low, and volume. The
asset price data will be read from a CSV file of the format described below. The
data for at least the previous 52 weeks will be available.
The whole project must be coded in Java SE 8.
You must submit before 8.00pm, Friday 6th December 2019 (week 13) on ICE.
Submit exactly two files:
• a complete NetBeans 8.2 project folder containing all the assets
necessary to run the project. This should be compressed as a zip archive.
• a text file which is your StockPriceDisplay.java file with the file extension
changed from .java to .txt. (Note: the name of this file is up to you; it is the
Tuesday October 5th 2019
class which is responsible for the stock price display widget). This MUST
NOT be in the zip archive
• This course is called Object Oriented Programming. Half of the marks
available will be given for good OOP, as taught on this module this
• This semester you have learned a number of features and principles of
OOP and Java. How are these relevant to this project? You will score
marks for integrating these principles and features into your project.
• You do not need to present the asset price change information as
numerical data. It can be purely graphical.
Set by Joe Lewis Set Week 10
September 2019 Due Week 13


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