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COMP9311 20T2 - Assignment 2
Testing Facilities
Database Systems
Last updated: Sunday 7th July 2:53pm
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[Assignment Spec] [Database] [Schema Summary] [Testing] [Samples]
This document describes the testing facilities available for Assignment 2.
After creating the database and loading the mymyunsw.dump, you have a basic MyMyUNSW database,
with all of the data tables and their tuples.
To help test you views and functions against the Assignment 2 database, it is very useful to load one more
file, whose contents are described in more detail below. Use the following command to do this:
$ psql ass2 -f /home/cs9311/web/20T2/assignments/2/check.sql
This loads some additional tables containing expected results for calls to the views and functions. In order
to prevent problems with people loading it multiple times and producing incorrect expected results tables, it
drops each table before loading it. A side-effect of this is that the very first time you load the check.sql
file, you may receive some messages like:
psql:check.sql:141: NOTICE: type "testingresult" does not exist, skipping
psql:check.sql:410: NOTICE: table "q1_expected" does not exist, skipping
psql:check.sql:421: NOTICE: table "q2_expected" does not exist, skipping
As long as these are all NOTICEs and not ERRORs, everything is ok. You'll get these notices messages
every time you load check.sql into a fresh copy of the MyMyUNSW database. You can safely ignore
them, as long as they are accompanied by CREATE TABLE messages.
The check.sql file contains examples of expected output for the Assignment 2 exercises and functions to
use this data to check your views/functions. The expected outputs are mostly available in the form of tables
with names like q1_expected, q3_expected, q8a_expected, and so on. The expected results are used
by the checking functions, but you can also use them "by hand" to get some idea of the expected results
that your SQL queries should be producing, e.g.
$ psql ass2
... PostgreSQL welcome stuff ...
ass2=# select * from q1_expected;
... table showing expected results for "select * from Q1;" ...
ass2=# select * from q2_expected;
... table showing expected results for "select * from Q2;" ...
ass2=# ... etc. etc. etc.
The expected results tables were generated from queries like the following:
q1 ... select * from Q1 order by ...;
q2 ... select * from Q2 order by ...;
q8a ... select * from Q8(arg1, ...);
etc. etc. etc.
The checking scripts also use these queries, and you can use them yourself for your initial checks on the
correctness of your queries.
2020/7/15 COMP9311 20T2 - Assignment 2
https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs9311/20T2/assignments/2/checking.php 2/2
The check.sql file also contains a collection of PLpgSQL functions that take your views/functions and
compare their results against the expected results. They assume that your views are defined the same as in
the ass2.sql file. The check functions are invoked as follows:
ass2=# select check_q1();
... gives a message on correctness of Q1 view ...
ass2=# select check_q2();
... gives a message on correctness of Q2 view ...
ass2=# select check_q8a();
... gives a message on correctness of Q8 function for one example query ...
The check_qX() functions test for the following conditions:
your view/function (QX) does not yet exist
your view returns too many tuples
your view is missing some tuples
your view has extra tuples and is missing others
Note that the most likely reason for the last condition being reported is that the format of individual attributes
does not match the required format. You can check this by examining the results of your view and the
expected results closely; looking for subtle table alignment/layout differences. Having "just one extra space"
is not treated as a trivial error, because it's possible that the output of these views (in a real-life scenario)
might be used as input to some other program, which could crash because the expected format was not
followed exactly.
Note also that if you type the name of a check_qX() function incorrectly, PostgreSQL gives you the
following error message:
ass2=# select * from check_q33();
ERROR: function check_q33() does not exist
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types.
You may need to add explicit type casts.
The error is useful; the hint about adding explicit type casts is not useful.
The check.sql file has one checking function for each of the expected results tables (i.e. for each test
case). There is also a function that will run all of the checking functions and produce a table of test/result
pairs, which eventually should look like:
ass2=# select * from check_all();
test | result
q1 | correct
q2 | correct
q8a | correct
(N rows)
Note that it may take some time to produce results because some of the individual tests are slow.
While you're not required to completely understand the code in check.sql at this stage, it might be useful
to take a look through it. You might pick up a few useful tricks.

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