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辅导EE2800辅导Mobile Web Application

EE2800 Mobile Web Application Project Version 3.0
18 November 2019
Mobile Web Applications EE2800/1
College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences
Digital Design Assignment

Digital Design BSc, Level 2
Module Code: EE2800

Module Name: Mobile Web Application Project
Assignment Code: EE2800/1
Set By
Professor Marios Angelides and Dr Paul Kyberd

Contribution to Module Mark
This assignment contributes 100% to the total mark for the module.

Submission Deadline
Wednesday, 06 May 2020 (Wiseflow); any work submitted after this
deadline is deemed to be late and will be penalised according to the
standard published penalties.
To develop an understanding of and to develop the necessary skills to
design, deploy and integrate client side and server-side technologies for
mobile web application development.

• To demonstrate the ability to design and implement a responsive mobile

• Implement an application such that content, presentation and interaction
are separated 

• Demonstrate an ability to use the facilities of the client device to enhance
the performance of the application 

• Documentation the design and technology decision taken in a clear,
concise and coherent manner

NOTE: This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment and as such is subject to the
University's rules and regulations on copying and plagiarism, and to the policy on
late submission and the ensuing penalties.

EE2800 Mobile Web Application Project Version 3.0
18 November 2019
Mobile Web Applications EE2800/1
Learning Outcomes 

1. To provide a foundation and understanding of the architecture, the
technologies and some of the key issues involved in mobile web application

2. To introduce some of the key components used in mobile web application
construction and to develop the necessary skills to deploy such components.

The requirement is to display photographs held in an external database on a
server. The photographs must be stored with suitable metadata.
• They should have the date on which they were taken
• They should be associated with a comment or description which is a
text string
• They should be tagged with a type (semantic tagging). The type should
be one from a list of possible types. You may choose the categories
which you implement examples include: landscapes, cityscape, …;
friends, family, …; dogs, cats, flowers, … You should choose
categories which correspond to your interests
• They should be geo-tagged. In other words, associated with a physical
location. That can be using the GPS co-ordinates, the longitude and
latitude, Ordinance Survey Grid. We will allow place names, but this
will be considered only a partial fulfillment of the requirements
• You should be able to view the contents of the database on your
mobile device
• The mobile interface should be responsive – at a minimum it should
display appropriately in portrait and landscape mode, but ideally on
different size screens.
• You should be able to display the images selected on the basis of the
associated meta-data
• It should be possible to display images in time order, and display the
other metadata
• It should be possible to display images from the same location, and
display the other metadata
• If should be possible to display the images according to semantic type,
and display the other metadata
• It should be possible to display the images according to semantic type
ordered by date, and display the other metadata
• It should be possible to display the images by location and ordered by
date, and display the other metadata.
• It should be possible to take a photograph on the mobile device and
transfer it to the server database, along with the appropriate
metadata, from within the app.
• The database should be sharable with friends, but protected by a
username and password combination. Friends can view, but only you
can add to and modify the database.
• It should be possible to display images from nearby on the basis of
location information

EE2800 Mobile Web Application Project Version 3.0
18 November 2019
Mobile Web Applications EE2800/1
When implementing the solution, it should work on any device, however you
may choose a device whose simulation is available under Chrome and
develop for that device, and we will mark the submission primarily on that
device. Credit will be given for a solution which is completely device

We recommend you start by creating and populating the database on the
server and only, when that is working, attempt to upload images from the
mobile device.

The list of requirements follows an order which could provide the starting
point for your implementation schedule. There is no need for you to follow
any particular order in implementing the features, however by being guided
by the order of the list it will be possible to provide intermediate releases of
the software which display some of the required functionality. In the
marking we will give more credit to an implementation which provides some
of the functionality in a complete and usable manner, than an
implementation which includes all the points but not implemented correctly.
We will give credit for including an implementation plan in the

These are the minimum requirements on which to base your implementation.

The application is meant to demonstrate your mastery of the techniques
covered in the respective supporting study blocks. It is your responsibility to
create an application that demonstrates a full range of techniques,
demonstrates comprehension of the course aims and includes a rich
solution that addresses a full range of the techniques and technologies

Notes on the implementation
Please read carefully, failure to respect these requirements will mean you may
lose marks

Modern mobile devices have a lot of processing power, this means
that, as clients, they are able to take much of the computing load when
delivering a service to the user. This has obvious advantages over earlier
paradigms, it means that as the number of users increases, the amount of
processing power available for the service increases. In order to leverage this
power, much of the work for the service must be undertaken by the mobile
devices and javascript provides a language for this task.

The module EE2702 will provide you with the necessary knowledge (in
the lectures) and practical experience (in the workshops) to use phones as
part of a client-server service and the assessment EE2800 provides you with
an opportunity to demonstrate your mastery of these ideas. The description
of the task which you need to complete is deliberately left open so that you
EE2800 Mobile Web Application Project Version 3.0
18 November 2019
Mobile Web Applications EE2800/1
have an opportunity to demonstrate your creativity and the full range of
your skills.

However, the module is about mobile devices and your ability to program
them and so certain constraints must be observed. Firstly, no credit will be
given to any part of the solution which uses PHP, since this is a server-side
technology. To be clear a complete solution which uses PHP and not
Javascript will be a fail.

In addition, students often wish to use one of the frameworks which make
creating good looking apps with powerful functionality less time-consuming.
Since the object of the assignment is to demonstrate your mastery of
javascript, HTML and CSS, we would prefer that you coded simply without a
framework. If you use a framework, you should make it clear which
framework you have used, with suitable references and you MUST provide
an appendix where you describe how the framework achieves the
functionality which your application displays. It is probably easier to just to
hand code the app.

Remember that in a well-designed app, the content the presentation and the
interaction should be separate, which means that the CSS, HTML and
Javascript files should be separated for the most part. The submission will
penalised if this is not the case, unless you make a clear case for breaking
this rule in the documentation.

The module EE2701 will provide you with the necessary knowledge and
skills in the server-side technologies to complete this assignment. You will
need a basic database of 4 relations: user, address, photograph,
photographer. You may add more relations as you see fit. This database
grants access to the EE2800 user with a password secret. Note that the
password field itself is encrypted in the database. The user’s login ‘ID’ is
their email address and the associated ‘password’ should be strong (that is
contain upper, lower and numeric digits with a minimum length of 8
characters). To support configuration of the web application, our expectation
is that data such as database URL, name, user and password will be
configurable using an XML document (see below for an example).

XML Configuration
A typical configuration file would be of the form:

someurl anon whoever


EE2800 Mobile Web Application Project Version 3.0
18 November 2019
Mobile Web Applications EE2800/1
Client-Side Assessment
In the list below apart from ii) where it says display images it implies you
should also display any associated metadata. Not providing the display of
the metadata will be considered to be a fault. You may choose not to display
the metadata, for some of the selections, if you provide a convincing
argument in the documentation. Making metadata display user selectable is
an acceptable enhancement. It will not be possible to show all the images
simultaneously on the mobile device, so there must be a method for
selecting images to display. For location information you can use google
maps, open maps, or any other method you choose.

Functionality Marks
i. Responsive 5%
ii. Display an image downloaded from the database 15%
iii. Display an image with metadata 10%
iv. Display images in date order 5%
v. Display images on the basis of location 5%
vi. Display images on the basis of semantic tagging 5%
vii. Display images on the basis of sematic tagging and/or
location ordered by date
viii. Take a photo and upload it to the database with time,
semantic and location information.
ix. Make the database accessible to two classes of user, you
and friends. You can upload friends can only view
x. Allow an option to show images from “nearby” 5%
xi. Quality 20%

We are happy to answer any questions on acceptability of design and
technology decisions. We see this as the equivalent of discussing
requirements with the client. Questions and their answers will be posted on
Blackboard Learn.
When asked to provide something by a client you will be given a list of
requirements, but in the final analysis, the client will respond to the overall
quality of the product. To cover this, we have included 20% for overall
quality; you will note that you may get an A without gaining any marks for
quality, but anything you provide under any of the headings, which shows
particular imagination or technical mastery will attract quality marks. You
may get quality marks, even for an app which does not provide all the
requested functionality, if some of the functionality is of high quality.

If you make an early start in considering the assignment you will be able to
tackle problems of (client-side) implementation in the workshops where
assistance is available. The assistance will of course be the identification
and solution of a general problem and not help completing the assignment.

Server-side Assessment
The implementation must separate content (HTML) from presentation (CSS)
and from behaviour (JavaScript). The server-side implementation uses PHP
EE2800 Mobile Web Application Project Version 3.0
18 November 2019
Mobile Web Applications EE2800/1
scripting and employs MySQL as the database layer. The five use cases at
the end of this document demonstrate a typical (not exhaustive) basic
implementation: Login, Photographers, Pictures, Upload, Photographer. These
five use cases are not independent, they operate collectively as part of an
integral HTTP workflow. The user starts with a list of photographers, from
which specific image lists can be requested. Images in the ‘public’ domain
can be directly ‘viewed’, whereas those categorized as ‘private’ can only be
viewed by first login into the system. Subject to login constraints new
images can be uploaded onto the system and new photographers may be
defined as necessary.

Server-side Implementation Marks
Database Layer 50%
PHP layer 50%

Submission Information
The deadline for submission without penalty Wednesday, 06 May 2020
(Wiseflow). After that date the current published guidelines for penalty will
be applied.

You are required to submit a single archive file (i.e. a ‘zip’ file) via Wiseflow.
Your archive should contain the following:

1. Two separate reports, one each for the server-side and the client-side
that clearly and unambiguously address the implementation in terms
of how you have met the requirements. 

Each report should contain an introduction, an architectural overview
and details of the application you have built from the respective points
of view. The operation of the application should be clearly, but
succinctly described, and while small code ‘snippets’ may be used
within the reporting, their size and usage should be limited to simply
documenting your engagement and to help show how you have used
client-side and server-side scripting in the implementation. 

If external frameworks etc. are used as part of the solution, their
usage must be acknowledged in the documentation. This is
particularly the case if using a responsive web development
framework, any customisation of the framework must be clearly

2. A working copy of the project folder for the developed application that
includes all source code and any third-party frameworks etc. if used.
Credit will be given for achieving a working system, which
demonstrates a good grasp of the principles of software engineering. 

The script and CSS in the source files must be appropriately
EE2800 Mobile Web Application Project Version 3.0
18 November 2019
Mobile Web Applications EE2800/1
commented to explain their function and to demonstrate your
understanding of the technologies involved and their operational

Instructions on how to install the application must be included in the

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