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Project Case Study – Semester 3
Travel Management System:
John is working as a Java Developer in Dream Travel Inc. He has been assigned a task to
develop a software “Travel Management System”. Currently the Contact details of all the
tourists are being stored in a physical register maintained by the various receptionists. This
current process of storing details leads to the following problems:
1. Contacts are not being added on time
2. Old contacts are not being updated systematically.
3. Searching Contact details are tedious job for receptionist.
4. As one receptionist finishes his/her duty, another receptionist will take over the
responsibility, which creates lots of confusion for them, because they are not aware of
what manipulations has done by earlier person.
John has decided to develop an application by considering the following guidelines:
1. First of all, whenever this software gets open, Dream Travel admin should enter his/her
Username & password in order to use this application.
2. After the successful login, admin will be redirected to the Home Panel, where he will find
the following options.
a. Tour Packages option: By clicking on Tour packages button he/she will switched to
Tour Packages Frame
b. Tourist Record option: by clicking on Tourist record Button: By clicking on Tourist
Record button he/she will switched to Tour Packages Frame
3. If the admin chooses Tourist Record, admin will be able to add new tourist record,
update existing tourist record and in addition to that admin can able to see all tourist
list and also can delete any record, if required.
Here, after clicking on Add tab, New Tourist record can be added.
For this, the admin has to enter the following details.
1. Name
2. Contact No.
3. Address
4. Nationality
5. Passport No. of a particular tourist
If the admin click on Edit option, Admin can change the following details by choosing his/her
passport number from the drop down list:
1. Name
2. Contact no.
3. Address
4. Nationality (from drop down list)
By clicking on Delete tab, the Tourist record can be deleted, for this his/her passport number
should be selected from the drop down list.
Tour Packages Option:
In Tour Packages option, admin will be able to add new tour packages and edit/ delete
existing tour packages.
Here for adding tour package, Admin will click on Add tab, then
1. Enter package name
2. Enter package code
3. Enter Country
4. Enter days
5. Enter Itinerary
Now the admin can submit the records, by clicking on Submit button, then the new tour
package will be added.
The admin can also reset the wrongly entered data, by clicking on Reset button.

Next, the admin can edit a package and also delete a package.
By clicking on delete tab and entering the details of,
1. Package Name
2. Package Code
And then by clicking on Delete button, any existing tour package will be deleted.
Finally to view any Tourist record or Tour Package, admin can directly go to View frame.
To view tour packages records, admin should click on Tour Packages Info.
Admin can able to all Tourist Information by clicking on Tourist Information Button.
In any page, if the admin clicks on Log Out button, it will redirect the admin to the Login Page.
Database Design
This Project will have the following Tables:
field type describe_en
i d int primary key, not null
username varchar(50) user name, not null
password varchar(50) user password, not null
field type describe_en
package_name varchar(50) not null
package_code varchar(50) primary key, not null
country varchar(50) not null
no_of_days int not null
itinerary varchar(100)not null
Tour Packages
field type describe_en
name varchar(50) not null
contact_no varchar(50) not null
address varchar(50) not null
nationality varchar(10) not null
passport_no varchar(50) primary key, not null
Tourists Information

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  • 工作时间:8:00-21:00
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