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CS 452 Operating Systems Phase 1 - Process Control

 CS 452 (Fall 22): Operating Systems

Phase 1 - Process Control
due at 5pm, Thu TBD 2022
1 Semester Overview
This semester, you will be writing some of the major features of an operating
system kernel. The various components of the kernel are separated into various
libraries; each “Phase” of the project implements a different library.
The various phases will be strictly separated from each other; at no time
can they share variables! Their only interaction will be through function calls
(which you can think of a bit like “methods” in an object-oriented system).
Moreover, when we test each Phase, we will have instructor-provided libraries
that give the full implementation for each previous phase. For this reason, it
is critical that you implement the functions exactly as stated in the spec -
otherwise, your code will not be able to interact with the instructor code, and
you will fail all of the testcases.
1.1 Phase List
The project will have 5 Phases, as follows:
❼ Phase 1 - Process Control
Keeps track of what processes exist, what their names are and what the
parent/child relationships are. Handles “zapping” (which is our kernel’s
equivalent of the kill operation from UNIX).
Blocks and unblocks processes as requested by higher-level code (must be
implemented in Phase 1, but won’t be used until Phase 2), and handles
all dispatching decisions.
❼ Phase 2 - Messages and Interrupt Handlers
Implements “mailboxes,“ which are data structures that keep track of mes￾sages. It uses the functions from Phase 1 to block and unblock processes
as the processes send, receive, and wait for messages.
In addition, this Phase implements the basic mechanisms for interrupts
and system calls. While you will write interrupt handlers for all of the
devices that USLOSS supports (clock, terminals, and disks), you will not
write the actual device drivers themselves - that happens in Phase 4.
Instead, in this Phase, you will write the interrupt handler for each device,
which turns a device interrupt into a message.
❼ Phase 3 - User Processes and Syscalls
Implements a set of system calls, which allow user-mode code to make
requests of the kernel.
❼ Phase 4 - Device Drivers
Adds device drivers for the clock, terminal, and disk devices. You will
also implement system calls that allow the user-mode code to access these
❼ Phase 5 - MMU
Implements the very beginnings of an MMU, including one of its most
basic features: demand paging.
Back in Phase 1, when a process was created or destroyed, or we switched
from running one process to another, your functions would call MMU
handler functions to “notify” them about the changed situation. Until
now, those handlers were always NOPs. Now, you are going to fill them
In addition, you will implement a handler for page faults - which are
special interrupts that occur when a process attempts to access a page
which is not (yet) mapped by the MMU.
2 Phase 1 Overview
In this Phase, you will implement one major data structure - the process table
- along with any number of smaller data structures to help. Although I will
require that your process table has a certain size - and that we use those slots
in a certain way - I will otherwise give you complete freedom about how you
implement your data.
You will be required to implement the following functions, which may be
called from other kernel-mode code (never from user-mode code). See below in
this spec for details on each required function.
❼ phase1_init()
This will be called exactly once, when the simulation starts up. Initialize
your data structures, including setting up the process table entry for the
starting process, init. (We’ll give details about what init does below).
Although you will create a process table entry for init, you must not run
it (yet).
❼ startProcesses()
This function never returns.
Called by the testcase, once all of the data for the various phases have
been initialized. At the time when this function is called, no process is
“running,” and the only process that has been created is init.
This function should call the dispatcher; since init is the only process, it
obviously will run. init will create all of the other processes (see below).
❼ fork1(...)
This function creates a new process, which is a child of the currently
running process. The term “fork” is a misnomer here; this function doesn’t
actually duplicate the current process like the UNIX fork. Instead, it
creates a brand-new process, which runs inside a fresh MMU address space,
and calls a new function as its main().
❼ join(...)
Like the UNIX wait() syscall, this function blocks the current process
until one of its children has terminated; it then delivers the “status” of
the child (that is, the parameter that the child passed to quit()) back to
the parent.
❼ quit(...)
This function never returns.
Like the UNIX exit() syscall, this function terminates the current pro￾cess, with a certain “status” value. If the parent of this process is already
waiting in a join(), then the parent will be awoken.
While the current process will never again run any code, it will continue
to take up space in the process table until its status has been delivered to
its parent.
❼ zap(...)
Like the UNIX kill() syscall, this function asks another process to ter￾minate itself. It does NOT actually terminate the other process, however.
Instead, it sets a flag which tells the process that it should quit() as soon
as is practical.
If the other process is blocked, that process will quit() at some point
after it unblocks. Unlike the UNIX kill syscall, zap does not unblock a
blocked target process.
The zapping process will block until the target process terminates.
Any number of processes can be waiting to “zap” the same target process;
when the process finally calls quit(), all of these blocked processes will
awake at the same time.
❼ isZapped()
Asks if the current process has been zapped by another. Your code in
Phase 1 will not force the process to call quit() - but we expect that
well-behaved processes will call quit() as soon as they can, once they
have been zapped.
❼ getpid()
Returns the PID of the current executing process.
❼ dumpProcesses()
Prints human-readable debug data about the process table.
❼ blockMe(...)
Used by other Phases to ask that the current process be blocked for a
while. The process will not run again until unblockProc() is called on it.
❼ unblockProc(...)
Moves a process (not the current process) from the blocked state to un￾blocked; it will run again as soon as the dispatcher allows.
❼ readCurStartTime()
Returns the time (in microseconds) at which the currently executing pro￾cess began its current time slice.
❼ currentTime()
Reads the current wall-clock time from the CLOCK device.
❼ readtime()
Returns the total amount of CPU time (in milliseconds) used by the cur￾rent process, since it was created.
❼ timeSlice()
Checks to see if the currently executing process has exceeded its time slice;
if so, it calls the dispatcher. Otherwise, it simply returns.
3 Special Process: init
Your Phase 1 code must implement a special kernel-mode process called init.
init must always have PID 1, and it will never die. It must run at the second￾lowest priority (6).
init has two purposes. First, it takes part in the Bootstrap process; it will
call functions, in all other 4 Phases, to allow them to start any service processes
that they require, and then will call fork1() twice, to create two basic processes:
sentinel, and testcase_main.
After Bootstrap is complete, it enters a loop which calls join() over and
over, simply to clean up the process table. So long as you are getting good
return values from join(), keep calling it (ignoring entirely what processes
are dying, or what their statuses are). However, if you ever receive -2 from
join() (meaning that you have no children left), print out an error message
and terminate the simulation.
No process will ever zap() init, and so it doesn’t need to call isZapped().
It will never call quit().
4 Special Process: sentinel
Your Phase 1 code must implement a special kernel-mode process called sentinel.
It will never die, but it must run at the lowest priority (7).1
sentinel exists to detect deadlock; it only runs if every other process, in the
entire system, is blocked. In Phase 1, there should never be a situation where
all processes block (unless a testcase is testing the deadlock check). However,
once we implement device drivers, there will be situations where all processes
might block for a short while - when we have processes waiting to get responses
from various devices.
Thus, sentinel must implement a loop like this:
while (1) {
if (phase2_check_io() == 0)
report deadlock and terminate simulation
The USLOSS_WaitInt() function call blocks the simulation until an interrupt
arrives. Thus, sentinel (and all other processes will block, not consuming any
CPU, until some sort of interrupt arrives.
5 Special Process: testcase main
Your Phase 1 code must implement a special kernel-mode process called testcase_main.
It runs at priority 5 (the lowest “normal” priority).
This function simply calls one other function: testcase_main().
2 This
function will be provided by the testcase - not by your own code.
If the function testcase_main() ever returns, then your code must call
USLOSS_Halt(), passing it the return value from the function. But if the re￾turn code is nonzero, you must ALSO print out an error message. That is,
if testcase_main() returns nonzero, it is reporting “some error was detected
by the testcase,” while if it returns zero, that means that the testcase did not
notice a problem.
6 Bootstrap
One of the harder problems in an OS is figuring out how to “bootstrap”3
kernel. Once it’s running, it’s possible to imagine how proceses can share the
I recommended, above, that you use fork1() to create this process, but normally fork1()
won’t create a process with a priority lower than 5. You may either (a) put special code into
fork1() to handle sentinel, or (b) create sentinel manually, in the process table, without
fork1(). Your choice!
2Pay attention to the difference between the “process” and the “function.” They have the
same name, but they are not the same thing.
CPU, how the dispatcher works, etc. But how do we start things off at first?
It might seem easy, but the details are complex: you have to initialize all of
the data structures for all of the Phases; you have to start a certain number of
“service processes,” which help the OS work properly (and some of them might
depend on other ones), and then you have to start up the testcase code itself.
To make matters worse, our OS implementation is broken into Phases, and so
we have to support partially-implemented OSes.
Overall, the bootstrap process for our project works like this:
❼ Initialize the data structures for all of the Phases, in order from 1 to 5.
(The testcase will skip phases that don’t exist yet.)
To do this, the testcase will call:
During this part of Bootstrap, no processes are running, and therefore
calling fork1() is forbidden.
All code running at this time is running in kernel mode.
❼ Once all of the phases have initialized their data, it’s time to create our
initial processes. The testcase calls startProcesses(), which is provided
by the Phase 1 code. This function will create the init process, and then
call the dispatcher, which will cause the init process to begin running.
For a very short while, init is the only process in the entire system!
startProcesses() will never return.
❼ Now, at last, we are running inside the context of a process. The init
process will call into each of the other phases (in order), asking them
to create processes if they wish. (Since we are now running in process
context, fork1() can be called.)
To do this, the init process (provided by Phase 1) will call:
in that order.
Each testcase knows which Phase it is testing; it will provide dummy impl￾mentations for these functions, for any Phase(s) that are not implemented
yet. (That way, we don’t have to change our Phase 1 code as we add new
❼ Next, init creates two additional processes: sentinel and testcase_main.
See above for details about what each process does.
❼ Finally, init enters its infinite loop; it will simply call join() over and
over, cleaning up statuses from any of its children which eventually die.
If all of its children die, it will report an error an halt the simulation;
otherwise, it will run forever.
As noted above, init will never die.
7 Interrupts and Concurrency
Beware concurrency issues!!! Any time that your code is running - even if
it is running code that is definitely part of the kernel - it is possible that your
function might be interrupted. In the kernel, this generally happens because of
interrupts - an interrupt can fire at any time, while your code is running. This
means that any operation - even things that seem simple - can be interrupted!
For example, a simple line like
might break down, inside your CPU, into 3 (or more!) assembly language state￾ments:
LOAD reg[foo], x
INCREMENT reg[foo]
STORE x, reg[foo]
What would happen if an interrupt occurred between the load and store oper￾ations - might code in the interrupt handler modify the variable x without you
For this reason, all functions you write in Phase 1 (except if one simply reads
a simple state, such as getpid(), or anything that runs before startProcesses()
is called) need to disable interrupts, and then restore them later. This will en￾sure that no other code can run; your program will have complete control over
the CPU until you restore the interrupts.
See the USLOSS documentation to see how to read and edit the PSR to
disable and restore interrupts.
While all of the functions you write need to run with interrupts disabled, if
you write helper functions it is peremissible for them to simply assume that
interrupts are disabled - and not disable them again - so long as their callers
always disable interrupts before calling the helper.
7.1 Restore vs. Enable
Notice that I said that, at the end of a function, you must restore interrupts,
not enable them! This is because it is quite possible (likely, even!) that the
code which calls one of your functions may have already disabled interrupts.
For instance, perhaps an interrupt handler is running, and is trying to send
a message; this might require waking up a process, and waking up a process
requires updating fields in the process table.
Therefore, when you disable interrupts at the top of your function, save the
old PSR state, and make a point of restoring the PSR to exactly its previous
value before you return.
8 Basic Process Rules
8.1 Parent and Child Processes
A process may create as many child processes as it likes, but of course each
process will have exactly one parent. Unlike in UNIX, parent processes in our
OS cannot end until all of their children have ended and the parent has collected
all of their statuses (using join()).
Your process table must include fields which allow you to track the par￾ent/child relationships between the currently running (or recently terminated)
8.2 Process Table and PIDs
You must implement an array, known as the “process table,” which stores infor￾mation about all of the current and recently-run processes. You must define the
struct which is used to store process information, and you can organize it how￾ever you like; however, your process table must be an array of these structures,
with exactly MAXPROC4
Each time that fork1() is called, you will allocate another slot in this table,
and use it to store information about the process (or return an error to the
user). This slot must not be freed until the parent process has collected the
ending status for the process with join(); however, once this status has been
collected, you must re-use the slot for other, additional processes that might be
Each process must be assigned a PID (process ID); this is a non-negative
int. At all times, the PID, and the slot where the process is stored in the
process table, MUST be linked as follows:
int slot = pid % MAXPROC;
This is critical because other code, in other Phases, may have their own ta￾bles that parallel the process table, and they will use the calculation above to
deteremine the slot they should use for each process’s data.5
We do not define how you must assign PIDs, but simply assigning them
sequentially is an easy strategy. However, because of the modulo rule above, be
aware that sometimes you will need to skip over a PID in the sequence, since
the process table entry where it normally would be assigned is still in use.6
9 Priorities and the Dispatcher
Each process is assigned a priority, which must be in the range 1-7 (inclusive).
Lower numbers mean higher priority, and no process will run if a higher priority
process is runnable. init must run at priority 6, and sentinel must run at
priority 7; for all other processes, the range is limited to 1-5 (inclusive).
The dispatcher must treat priorities as absolute; that is, a process will never
run if there is a runnable process with a more favored priority. For example,
suppose that there are 3 processes with priority 4, which have been waiting for
a very long time for the CPU; further suppose that there is a fourth process,
with priority 2, which is also runnable. The priority 2 process will run forever
- until it blocks or dies - entirely starving the priority 4 processes.
Within a given priority level, dispatcher must implement round-robin schedul￾ing, with an 80 millisecond quantum for time-slicing. This means that any time
that a process becomes runnable (when it is created, or when it moves from
blocked to runnable), it is added to the end of a queue, and will wait its turn
behind other processes already in the queue.
If a process runs for its full 80ms timeslice, it will be moved back to the
rear of the queue, and another process will get a turn (assuming, of course, that
there are any other runnable processes at the same priority).
If a process becomes runnable and it has a higher priority than the currently
running process, the dispatcher will immediately switch to it.
9.1 Context Switching
An operating system kernel performs a “context switch” to change the CPU to
make it ready to execute a different process than the one that is currently run￾ning. This generally involves loading the CPU up with new registers (including
things like the Instruction Pointer a.k.a. Program Counter) as well as setting
up basic machine state variables (like the PSR in USLOSS).
Usually (pay attention to the exceptions below!), a context switch also re￾quires that we save the old state of the process. To implement this, the kernel
In a real OS, where the various subcomponents of the OS are more tightly linked than
our Phases, the other subcomponents would have their own fields in the process table struct,
and thus the layout of the process table might be less restrictive.
6For example, since init will never die and init has PID 1, this means that it will be
impossible for any process to have PID 1+MAXPROC.
must have some sort of data structure which keeps track of the state of a process
while it is “switched out.”
If implemented properly, a process can be switched out of the CPU, stored
in memory for as long as we want, and then switched back into the CPU, and
the code will never notice it (unless they are closely monitoring the clock). That
is, a context switch must restore the process to exactly the same state as it
had before it was switched out.
While conceptually simple, context switches are notoriously hard to actually
implement. Therefore, you should use the ContextSwitch mechanism built in
to USLOSS. You should store a USLOSS_Context variable in each process’s slot
in the process table. Call USLOSS_ContextInit() to initialize this when a new
process is created, and then use USLOSS_ContentSwitch() to switch from one
context to another.
9.1.1 When Is Saving Not Required?
As noted above, there are exceptional situations where you do not need to
save the current state when performing a context switch. The first is when
the testcase calls startProcesses() during the bootstrap process. As noted
above, this call switches from no-processes-running to starting processes in the
first place, and it never returns. Thus, you don’t need to save anything.
The second (much more mundane) situation is quit(). When a process
quits, it posts its status into the process table (and perhaps wakes up a few
processes waiting for it), but then it simply ceases to run. In this case, there’s
no need to ask USLOSS to save the current state, as you will never return to it.
10 Kernel Mode
The code in Phase 1 must only be called in kernel mode. Therefore, your code
must check, at the top of each of the required functions, to confirm that the
PSR shows that you are running in kernel mode.
If any one of the required functions is called from user mode, print an error
message and call USLOSS_Halt(1).
Of course, if you implement any helper functions in Phase 1 (I recommend
it!), it’s up to you whether or not to perform this cheeck; it is only required on
the functions listed in this spec.
11 Contexts
Before we get to the formal spec for each function, you must understand the
difference between process context and interrupt context.
Once startProcess() is called, the OS is always running one process or
another; there is no way to be “not running a process.” However, when an
interrupt occurs, it often completely unrelated to the current process. For
instance, we might be calculating the digits of PI in the CPU, and be interrupted
by the disk, telling us that some I/O has completed.
Interrupt Context
Thus, as we handle most interrupts, it’s important that we understand that
the currently running process is probably not related to the interrupt - and as
such, there is a very limited set of actions that we might perform. We call
this “interrupt context,” and it means that we can only do things that are
(a) non-blocking, and (b) not specific to the currently running process. For
instance, calling getpid() in interrupt context is meaningless; we shouldn’t
care which process is currently running. Likewise, calling join() or blockMe()
is illegal in interrupt context, since both calls might block the currently-running
process. On the other hand, calling unblockProc() is perfectly valid, since it
is changing something about another process - not related to the one that is
currently running.
Process Context
On the other hand, sometimes (even in an interrupt) we are specifically running
in the context of a certain process. For instance, syscalls are implemented as
a special type of interrupt; likewise, page faults (which you will deal with in
Phase 5) are interrupts that are specific to the currently running process.
Following the Rules
Each function below is labelled as “Process Context Only” or “Interrupt Context
OK.” This imposes rules on both the caller, and the called function.
If the function is “Process Context Only,” then this function must not
be called in Interrupt Context. Some of these functions will block the current
If the function is “Interrupt Context OK,” then this function is safe to be
called from Process Context or Interrupt Context. This puts severe limitations
on the called function; while it may disable (and later restore) interrupts, it
must never block, and it must not access any information that is specific to the
currently-running process.
Of course, as mentioned above, it is permissible for an Interrupt Context
function to read and write the process table, modifying some other function.
But it must never do anything that is specifically about the current function.
12 MMU Interactions
We will not implement the MMU (Memory Management Unit, for Virtual Mem￾ory) until Phase 5. However, your code in Phase 1 must call the MMU, in three
different situations, to let it know that it needs to do something. Until Phase 5,
the testcases will provide dummy versions for these functions, that do nothing.
Almost at the end of fork1() - after you’ve fully initialized the process entry
for the child - you must call mmu_init_proc(pid) to let it know that a new
process exists. It will create a new page table for this process, and store it in
the Phase 5 data structures.
For very basic Phase 1 processes - init, sentinel, etc. - it is permissible for
you to call mmu_init_proc() for them, but it is not required. If you decide to
call it, however, make sure that you do this sometime after startProcesses()
is called - so that we know that the Phase 5 data structures have already been
Any time that a process is terminated with quit(), you must call mmu_quit(pid)
to inform the MMU that it can free the page table for that process.7
context switch
If the dispatcher performs a context switch, it must call mmu_switch(new_pid)
to notify the MMU that it needs to switch page tables. Note that you must do
this anytime that you call USLOSS_ContextSwitch() - even if you don’t have
an old context (such as during startProcesses()).
13 Detailed Function Specifications
13.1 void phase1 init(void)
Context: n/a, called before startProcesses(). See Bootstrap above.
May Block: n/a
May Context Switch: n/a
Initializes the data structures for Phase 1. This function may, if you wish,
populate the proc table with the information for init, but it must not perform
any context switch, so init will not run (yet).
13.2 void startprocesses(void)
Context: n/a
May Block: This function never returns
May Context Switch: This function never returns
7Worried that perhaps you didn’t call mmu init proc() to create the page table, and thus
you might be destroying something that doesn’t exist? Don’t worry - those processes aren’t
allowed to die, anyway!
Called during bootstrap, after all of the Phases have initialized their data struc￾tures. Either this function, or phase1_init(), must create the process table
entry for init, and this function must call your dispatcher. Since there is no
current process, the dispatcher will context switch to init; see above to see
what init does when it runs.
13.3 int fork1(char *name, int (*startFunc)(char*), char
*arg, int stackSize, int priority)
Context: Process Context ONLY
May Block: No
May Context Switch: Yes
❼ name - Stored in process table, useful for debug. Must be no longer than
❼ startFunc - The main() function for the child process.
❼ arg - The argument to pass to startFunc(). May be NULL.
❼ stackSize - The size of the stack, in bytes. Must be no less than USLOSS_MIN_STACK9
❼ priority - The priority of this process. Processes 6,7 are reserved for
init,sentinel, so the only valid values for this call are 1-5 (inclusive).
(However, if you want to create sentinel with fork1(), you are permitted
to make an exception for that one process.)
Return Value:
❼ -2 : stackSize is less than USLOSS_MIN_STACK
❼ -1 : no empty slots in the process table, priority out of range, startFunc
or name are NULL, name too long
❼ > 0 : PID of child process
Creates a child process of the current process. This function creates the entry
in the process table and fills it in, and then calls the dispatcher; if the child is
higher priority than the parent, then the child will run before fork1() returns.
When the child process runs, startFunc() will be called, and passed the
parameter specified as arg. If startFunc() ever returns, this terminates the
process; it has the same effect as if the process had called quit() (with the
return value being the process status).
Since it is possible for startFunc() to return, Phase 1 must provide a wrap￾per function, which is the actual main() (from the perspective of USLOSS). This
function must look up the process in the process table, find the startFunc(),
call it, and call quit() if startFunc() returns.
The child process starts in kernel mode; it may switch itself into user mode if
desired, but this must be done by the startFunc(); fork1() is not responsible
for doing it.
fork1() will allocate a stack, of stackSize bytes, for the process. It will
do so using malloc(), which is not true to how a real OS works - but it’s a
simplification we will use for this project. You will not be required to free()
the stack (embarrasing!10), but you are permitted to do so if you want; see
quit() for more information about freeing the stack.
fork1() must call the function mmu_init_proc(pid) for the newly created
process. Until Phase 5, this will be a dummy function that accomplishes nothing
- but our Phase 1 code must call it, so that when Phase 5 is implemented, the
MMU can take this chance to create a new page table.
fork1() must call USLOSS to create a new context, using USLOSS_ContextInit().
Each process in the process table should have its own USLOSS_Context variable,
to store the state of this process whenever it is blocked.
❼ In UNIX, the fork() syscall creates a duplicate of the current process,
not a new process with its own main(). But to implement this requires
some Virtual Memory trickery which is too complex for Phase 1, so we’re
doing this (hackish) solution.
❼ Because creating a new process requires allocating memory for it, fork()
in the Real World may block, while new memory pages are allocated;
other, older pages might have to be swapped out to disk, discarded from
the disk cache, etc.
To simplify Phase 1, we are ignoring all that; your code will simply call
malloc(). This is entirely unrealistic in the Real World, but it’s good
enough for our project.
13.4 int join(int *status)
Context: Process Context ONLY
May Block: Yes
May Context Switch: Yes
❼ status - Out pointer. Must point to an int; join() will fill it with the
status of the process joined-to.
Return Value:
❼ -2 : the process does not have any children (or, all children have already
been joined)
❼ > 0 : PID of the child joined-to
Blocks the current process, until one of its children terminates. If a child has
already died, then this will not block, and will return immediately; otherwise,
it blocks until one of its children dies. The PID of the dead child is returned,
and the status is stored through the status out-pointer.
If multiple children have died before this call, or if multiple children die in
rapid succession before this process can awake, then only one child status will
be returned per call to join(). The status of other child(ren) will be saved,
and will be available for later calls to join().
The status returned, in the out-pointer, is always the same status as passed
to quit().
13.5 void quit(int status)
Context: Process Content ONLY
May Block: This function never returns
May Context Switch: Always context switches, since the current process
❼ status - The exit status of this process. It will be returned to the parent
(eventually) through join().
Return Value: This function never returns
Terminates the current process; it will never run again. The status for this
process will be stored in the process table entry, for later collection by the
parent process.
If the parent’s process is already waiting in a join(), then this call will
wake it up; the join() function will promptly return, delivering to the caller
information about this newly-dead process, or perhaps a newly-dead sibling.
If the parent’s process is not yet waiting in a join(), then this process table
entry must continue to be in use until the parent collects the status from the
process table entry.
If, when this process dies, one or more processes are blocked trying to zap()
this process, all of them will be awoken immediately.
13.5.1 Freeing the Stack
While it would be desirable to clean up the stack for each process, you must
not clean it up inside the quit() function, since the stack is still in use. For this
reason, we permit you, if you prefer, to simply “leak” the memory associated
with the stack.
However, if you prefer to not leak memory (an admirable policy!) then you
have two basic options:
❼ Free the stack, but only after it is no longer in use. (Hint: a context
switch must occur, triggered either by the dispatcher called directly from
this process, or from a call driven by an interrupt.)
Thus, one option is to free the stack at the same time when you free
the process table entry itself - since that must occur in the context of
another process (probably the parent) - meaning that a context switch
has certainly occurred.
❼ Re-use the stack. In addition to malloc(), remember that C provides
the realloc() function, which takes an existing buffer and re-sizes it
(relocating it if necessary). So one option is to keep the stack allocated,
even after the process is done using it; however, whenever the process
table entry is re-used, you will re-allocate the stack to the (new) proper
Hint: Remember that realloc(NULL,size) does the same thing malloc(size).
13.6 int zap(int pid)
Context: Process Context ONLY
May Block: Yes
May Context Switch: Yes
❼ pid - The PID of the process to zap.
Return Value:
❼ 0 : the zapped process has called quit()
Requests that another process terminate. However, the process is not auto￾matically destroyed; it must call quit() on its own. (This is important so
that processes inside kernel code do not accidentally get destroyed while in the
middle of a critical section.)
Unlike join(), zap() can target any process (not just children). However,
if the caller attempts to zap itself, or to zap a non-existent process (including
a process that is still in the process table but has terminated), zap() will print
an error message and call USLOSS_Halt(1). Likewise, if zap() targets PID 1
(init), zap() must print an error message and halt.
Like join(), zap() will block until the target process dies; however, unlike
join(), zap() does not have the ability to inspect the status of the target
While a single process cannot zap() multiple processes at the same time, it
may zap() several processes in sequence, one after another. On the other hand,
it is permissible for any number of processes to all zap() the same target; they
will all get woken up at the same time.
Unlike the kill() syscall in UNIX, zap() never unblocks any blocked process.
If the target process is blocked in zap(), join(), or blockMe(), they will
continue to be blocked, even though a process is attempting to zap() them. At
some point in the future, when they wake up (for some unrelated reason), the
process may, if they wish, call isZapped(), and notice that a zap() is pending.
13.7 int isZapped(void)
Context: Process Context ONLY
May Block: No
May Context Switch: No
Args: None
Return Value:
❼ 0 : the calling process has not been zapped (yet)
❼ 1 : the calling process has been zapped
Checks to see if the current process has been zapped by another.
This only asks the question whether or not a zap() is being requested; this
function will not automatically kill the current process. Instead, the current
process, if zapped, will quit at a time of its own choosing.
13.8 int getpid(void)
Context: Process Context ONLY
May Block: No
May Context Switch: No
Args: None
Return Value: PID of the current process
Returns the PID of the current process.
13.9 void dumpProcesses(void)
Context: Interrupt Context OK
May Block: No
May Context Switch: No
Args: None
Return Value: None
Prints out process infromation from the process table, in a human-readable
format. (Make it look nice, you’re going to be using it for debug.) The exact
format and content are up to the student, however, it must include, for each
process still in the process table (that is, processes that are alive, and those that
have ended but their status has not been collected yet), the following fields:
❼ Name
❼ Parent PID
❼ Priority
❼ Runnable status - 0=runnable, > 0 =blocked. See blockMe() below.
❼ Number of children
❼ CPU time consumed
Remember: This is the minimum! I urge you to add more fields - as many
as help you debug. And you may also find it useful to look at old (freed) process
table entries, in addition to the live ones.
13.10 int blockMe(int newStatus)
Context: Process Context ONLY
May Block: Must block
May Context Switch: Must block
❼ newStatus - The reason for blocking the process
Return Value:
❼ 0 : otherwise
Used heavily by the other Phases to block processes for a wide variety of reasons.
The newStatus describes why the process is blocked; in this call, it must be
greater than 10. (Print an error message, and halt USLOSS if it is not.)
Record the status in the process table entry for this process; once this is
nonzero, the dispatcher should never allow the process to run (until the process
is unblocked, of course!).
Call the dispatcher, to cause the OS to switch to some other process.
13.11 int unblockProc(int pid)
Context: Interrupt Context OK
May Block: No
May Context Switch: Yes
❼ pid - The process to unblock
Return Value:
❼ -2 : the indicated process was not blocked, does not exist, or is blocked
on a status ≤ 10.
❼ 0 : otherwise
Unblocks a process that was previously blocked with blockMe(). Note that,
while blockMe() always blocks the current process, unblockProc() must of
course be called by a different process.
The new process is placed on the appropriate run queue (according to its
priority). It is always placed at the end of the queue, after any already-queued
unblockProc() must call the dispatcher just before it returns, in case the
newly-awoken process is higher priority than the currently running process.
Thus, like fork1(), this function will never block, but it might context switch
to another process temporarily.
13.12 int readCurStartTime(void) / int currentTime(void)
/ int readtime(void)
Context: Process Context ONLY
May Block: No
May Context Switch: No
Args: None
Return Value: See below
These three functions deal with timing processes as they consume the CPU.
readCurStartTime() returns the wall-clock time (in microseconds) when the
current process started its current timeslice. This value should be stored when
the dispatcher switches to a process; it is reset any time that a context switch
occurs. It is also reset if the dispatcher notices that the time slice has expired, it
makes a new scheduling decision, but decides to keep running the same process
- that is, a new time slice begins.
When the variable for readCurStartTime() is set, it must be set equal to
currentTime(), so that it is a high-accuracy clock.
currentTime() simply reads the current wall-clock time (in microseconds) and
returns it. This must use USLOSS_DeviceInput(USLOSS_CLOCK_DEV, ...) to
read the time; simply counting how many interrupts have occurred is not accu￾rate enough.
readtime() returns the total time (in microseconds) consumed by a process,
across all of the times it has been dispatched, since it was created. It must
include information for the current time slice, but it must not update the
variable used for readCurStartTime(); that variable is only reset when a new
timeslice begins.
When a process is swapped out for any reason, the dispatcher must calculate
how long the process ran in the current time slice, and update the total in the
process’s entry in the process table.
13.13 void timeSlice(void)
Context: Process Context ONLY
May Block: No
May Context Switch: Yes
Args: None
Return Value: None
This function compares readCurStartTime() and currentTime(); it calls your
dispatcher if the current timeslice has run for 80 milliseconds or more.
It would be possible, of course, to simply call the dispatcher directly, and let
it make decisions about time slicing (it must also be aware of the 80 millisecond
limit). However, the dispatcher is likely to be moderately expensive to run;
this is a fairly cheap check to make. Moreover, this may be called by other
Phases (or by a testcase), and those are not supposed to have access to call
your dispatcher directly.
Note that, even if a process’ timeslice has expired, it sometimes will not get
switched out. This happens when there are no other runnable processes with
the same priority - and thus the process continues to run. However, its variable
for readCurStartTime() will be updated, so that the dispatcher won’t be called
again soon - not until another 80 milliseconds have elapsed.
14 Turning in Your Solution
You must turn in your code using GradeScope. While the autograder cannot
actually assign you a grade (because we don’t expect you to match the “correct”
output with perfect accuracy), it will allow you to compare your output, to the
expected output. Use this report to see if you are missing features, crashing
when you should be running, etc.
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