Discipline of Business Information Systems
INFS6071 Project Management in Business Semester 1 2024
Individual assignment 1
Part 1 (24%) and Part 2 (6%)
Due date: 11:59 pm 26 Apr 2024
General instructions
There are two parts to the assignment. To undertake the assignment, students should follow the instructions below:
• The maximum length of the assignment is 2000 words comprising 1600 words for Part 1 and 400 words for Part 2. You can exceed the word count by 10% for each part.
The length of document does not include cover page, list of references and table of contents.
• For further information, please refer to the business school policies: http://sydney.edu.au/business/currentstudents/policy .
• Final report submission: The report should be submitted via Canvas by due date. Please include course name, title of the report and student ID on the front page (cover page) of the submission. The link for the submission can be found on Canvas in the Assessment section. You should name the submission file as follows: SID.pdf, e.g. 123456.pdf. Please note that you SHOULD NOT provide name (first name or family name) in the assignment document.
• Please submit the assignment as a pdf file.
• Use Arial font, size 11 points.
• Use 1.5 spacing.
• Use A4 paper and portrait orientation.
• Proof-read and sense-check your report before submitting it.
• Use the Business School Referencing Guide (APA 6th or 7th edition is fine).
• Please see marking guidelines on pages 4-6 of this document.
• IMPORTANT: You can submit the assignment only once! Please make sure that the file that you submit is the final version.
Part 1 (24 marks)
Download and read the case study (pdf file) found at the following link:
https://www.audit.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/Final%20Report%20- %20Health%20capital%20works%20-%20website%20version.PDF
Then analyse the findings on infrastructure projects delivered by NSW Health from the perspective of the formal project management methodology, PMBOK6 (i.e. PMBOK 6th edition).
Based on your analysis, respond to the following questions:
1. Where and how there is evidence of such a methodology being applied and its contribution. Please provide your answer in the form. of a table outlining the relevant PMBOK knowledge areas, evidence of application, and contribution. (6 marks)
2. Where and how such a methodology might have helped avoid or mitigate identified problems. Please provide your answer in the form. of a table outlining the relevant knowledge areas and PMBOK processes that could have been applied. Give concrete examples of what kind of tools and techniques could have been applied. (10 marks)
3. If there were problems that appear to be outside the scope of PMBOK, discuss these problems. Conduct your own academic research and research about the project to provide ideas on how these problems could have been mitigated. (8 marks)
General requirements:
• Clear, well-structured and written presentation that captures the major aspects of the report in a succinct manner.
• Consider all aspects of PMBOK and apply those that are relevant. Please use PMBOK 6th edition. Do not use PMBOK 7th edition.
• Conduct your own research to support your arguments and to understand the project context.
• Apply a structure to each section of your report to guide the reader and demonstrate you have applied a comprehensive and systematic approach.
• You are required to use third-party references to support your arguments for question 3 above.
A useful starting point for online research is Google Scholar, scholar.google.com. If you are working off-campus you can access Google Scholar from the university library webpage and access articles and other resources:http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/databases/
Remember the instructions for scientific writing, particularly referencing!
Part 2 (6 marks)
Application of analytical techniques in professional project management
Critical Path Analysis
MoneyMachine plans to establish an online finance business focused on advancing small value personal loans. A mobile app supported by state-of-the-art analytics will be a key feature of the proposed business. The activities involved in this project are given below.
Establish office premises
Undertake detailed market analysis
Employ and train staff
Undertake system development
2, 3
Complete acceptance tests
Release beta version to select users
Make improvements to the system
Undertake promotion of the business
Hire more staff
Commence normal operations
8, 9
4(a) Draw a network diagram using the activity on node (AON) notation representing the project. What is the critical path and how long is it? You may use PowerPoint to draw the diagram and then copy it into your assignment document. You should not use Microsoft Project or any other project management software for this part of the assignment. (4 marks)
4(b) In the context of the above project at MoneyMachine, explain possible key challenges in managing projects using critical path. Please use appropriate references to support your explanation. (2 marks)
Presentation requirements for Q4(a)
• Prepare network diagram for the project including identification and measurement of
critical path - including evidence of having performed a forward and backward pass (i.e. include your workings, for example, in the form. of a table).
• Make sure you identify the critical path and its duration in your answer.