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讲解 N1608: Contemporary Issues in Accounting辅导 数据结构语言

N1608: Contemporary Issues in Accounting

Portfolio Assessment – weighting 50%


· Your answer must be no more than 1,500 words in total EXCLUDING any abstract, bibliography, or appendices.

· You should use the Harvard referencing style. Click here for guidance on the style.

· General style. of the written piece: click here for guidance.

· Each student should submit only ONE document: the written essay, in Word (.doc or .docx), through Canvas. Please do not email your work directly to the module tutors. It will not be accepted as a submission.

· It is strongly recommended to not use ChatGPT or similar programs. However, if these are going to be used you are required to clearly report and cite all the materials which have been included.

Submission deadline:

The marking criteria will be the standard marking criteria for Business and Management undergraduate work, a copy of which is provided below.

Assessment notice

Students submitting essays and other coursework assessments should be aware that the penalties imposed upon students committing academic misconduct may include obtaining zero marks for the assessment unit, or even more severe penalties. See http://www.sussex.ac.uk/s3/?id=155 for further information. The most common forms of misconduct that are usually detected are plagiarism and personation. To find out more about them – and how to avoid them, see: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/s3/?id=35

Guidance on how you may approach this assessment will be provided if necessary during workshops and consultation hours.


Discuss the assertion that accounting is overly involved in ‘controlling’ and ‘governing’ employees in organisations. How do these mechanisms occur? Provide a few examples of these mechanisms.

Finally, by drawing on the work of Miller and O’Leary (1987), critically discuss the statement below.

In defining our concern as with “construction of the governable person” we would not want to imply an image of a totally obedient individual. We wanted rather to examine the programmatic frameworks and power relations in terms of which the lives of individuals are viewed, measured and supervised. […]. What is at issue in [the] more recent development in [accounting] is a form. of power which operates though freedom: a freedom for the individual to have an informal life within the organization, […] and to be influenced by the environment outside the firm” (Miller & O’Leary, 1987, p. 263)

Your answers need to include the concepts introduced in the first five weeks of the module.

(100 points)


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