CPT202 Software Engineering Group Project
Assignment 3 – Project Individual Report
Start date
29th March 2024
Due date
24th May 2024
Assignment type
Individual assignment
Percentage in final marks
Late submission policy
5% of the awarded marks shall be deducted for each working day after the submission date, up to a maximum of five working days. Late submission for more than five working days will be not accepted.
Important notes
· Plagiarism results in award of ZERO mark; all submissions will be checked by Turnitin.
· The formal procedure for submitting coursework at XJTLU is strictly followed. Submission link on Learning Mall will be provided in due course. The submission timestamp on Learning Mall will be used to check late submission.
Learning Outcome
· A. Work as part of a development team demonstrating effective communication and interpersonal skills to design and develop a software system.
· B. Demonstrate an understanding of the software development process including the principal methods and issues involved in deploying systems to meet business goals.
· D. Understand the role of properly written documentation in the process of software development.
· E. Recognize the legal, social, ethical, and professional issues involved in the development and deployment of a software system.
General instruction
In this assignment, you are required to write an individual report to describe your contribution to the final solution for the group project. This report should only include your own work, NOT the group work.
The report must be in the format given in Individual Report Template, which is provided in the Assignment Package. It is important to note that the report must be at most 6 pages excluding the following: (1) the cover page that has the student ID, (2) the page of Table of Content, (3) references, and (4) appendixes. The appendixes may include example PBIs, UML, Entity-relationship diagram (ERD), screenshots of the products and/or (part of) source code, etc.
The software solution that you have designed and implemented must be accessible from the URL pre-allocated to your team. The URL must be made clear on the cover page of the report. For verification purposes, the software from the URL must remain unchanged for 4 weeks after the submission of the presentation.
The marking criteria and the weighting is based on the following factors: -
1. Report quality (15%):
The report should be well presented. The language used in the report must be clear and concise. Whenever appropriate, use images or drawings to aid understanding.
2. Software development process (20%):
The understanding of how Scrum facilitates the software development process and effective communication should be well discussed. The discussion should revolve around the parts you did (e.g., use a specific example from your own parts).
3. Software Design (25%):
The general design and implementation of all the PBIs that you have individually developed should be briefly described while provide a clear justification for these designs and implementations. Use UML diagram to support your illustrations whenever needed.
A detailed discussion on 2 essential PBI(s) that you have contributed should be provided in terms of the following aspects:
a. Logical flow: you could present an activity/sequence diagram and discuss.
b. Database: discuss how the database design support the PBI.
c. States of the objects involved. Discuss how the state changes and how it affects the behaviours of the objects.
d. UI. Discuss how the UI design helps deliver the PBI.
4. Change Management (15%):
Discuss how the requirements changes should be handled in a Scrum Project. The discussion should revolve around the project you do (e.g., use a specific example from your own project). If there are no requirements changed in your project, you should consider this part in the view of the whole project or potential changes in the further work.
5. Legal, social, ethical, and professional issues (15%)
Discuss where you have considered, or the project has been influenced by legal, social, ethical, and professional issues. Provide the possible solutions to these issues. The discussion should revolve around the project you do (e.g., use a specific example from your own project). If the parts you did do not involve such issues, you should consider this part from the view of the whole project.
6. Conclusion (10%)
Clearly illustrate the lessons you have learned from this project. Also, provide the improvement that can be done in the future from your perspective.
Submission and markings notes:
· You must submit the report in PDF format via Learning Mall by the above submission date. Name the report as CPT202-A3-StudentID.pdf.
· Strictly keep the report to a maximum of 6 pages with a font size 10, excluding appendixes.