. The word limit for this assessment is 2,000 words.
. The word limit does not include the essay title/question, bibliography or footnotes.
Do not include any information in footnotes other than references and citations.
. The word limit must not be exceeded. Penalties for the word counts in excess of the published word limit are as follows:
o Penalty 1: Immediately at the point that the word limit is exceeded: mark is reduced by one step.
o Penalty 2: Where the word limit is exceeded by more than 10%: mark is reduced by two steps.
o Penalty 3: In addition to the two steps penalty, any material in excess of 20% above the published word limit will not be read.
. Please note that misstatement of the correct length of your work may be treated as a disciplinary offence.
. You must submit your work in a single document no later than 1PM on 10 JUNE
2024. You are strongly advised to submit earlier, if possible, to avoid any last-minute problems or complications.
. You must submit in electronic form. to the relevant Turnitin Assessment Dropbox. Submit your work whilst logged in to the KLE with your own Keele Student identity.
. Instructions on how to submit can be found at Turnitin Student Guides (
. It is your responsibility to download the digital receipt as proof of your submission (see step 4 at Turnitin Student Guides (
. Work may be submitted at any time before the deadline.
. If the Turnitin service fails on the day of the deadline, the Law School Office will inform. you of the details by email message sent to your Keele Student email account.
. You should continue to monitor your email account for a message informing you that the Turnitin service has been restarted (the ‘2nd Message’).
. All submissions received no later than 12 hours after the time at which the 2nd
Message was sent (as shown in the Law School Office) will be deemed to be within the submission deadline.
. All submissions must be double spaced and typed using a 12-point font, with 1-inch (2.5cm) margins.
. You must use footnotes and the Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) to refer to references and citations. Full details of the
OSCOLA can be found at OSCOLA | Faculty of Law (
. Put your student number and the module title on your submitted work. Do not put your name on any part of your submission.
. Copy and paste the following statements into the first page of your work and complete them before you submit your work.
1. Wordcount (not including the bibliography):
2. Ido / do not (delete as applicable) consent to all or part of this submission
being used anonymously to provide examples or illustrations for teaching and assessment preparation purposes.
3. I would particularly like feedback on the following aspect of my work:
(state one element that you would like the marker’s feedback to specifically address).
. Do not plagiarise from any source or copy from each other.
o You must write your answers independently. All work will be submitted through Turnitin to help identify plagiarism and collusion.
o You must include a full bibliography and footnotes identifying where you are using ideas developed by others.
o Please note that the inappropriate use of a proofreader, as outlined in Section 5 of the University’s proofreading guidance
( could be classed as academic misconduct.
. In marking and commenting on your work, markers will have regard to the
University’s Generic Assessment Criteria, insofar as they are applicable to this
specific assessment. The Generic Assessment Criteria may be found in the Policy Zone of the Keele website:
Students are required to choose TWO out of the four essay questions below and to write two answers on the topics below in one single word document. Each of the two answers carries 50% of the overall mark. This essay is worth 100% of the final mark.
1. Consider different types of legal systems in the world, then evaluate the English
legal system whilst paying attention to its advantages and disadvantages.
2. Evaluate the distinction between offer and invitation to treat according to the
decision in Gibson v Manchester City Council [1979] UKHL alongside with Storer v Manchester City Council [1974] 1 WLR.
3. Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] UKHL 100, established the duty of care in the
absence of contract. With reference to other relevant case law, discuss how the duty of care has been refined and limited since the adoption of this landmark decision.
4. Evaluate the three types of partnerships with reference to literature and relevant
legislation. Choose your preferred partnership out of the three and justify your answer.