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讲解 ECTB60H3F LEC01and LEC02, Summer 2024 Agri-Food, Cultures, and Translation讲解 Python程序

ECTB60H3F LEC01and LEC02, Summer 2024

Agri-Food, Cultures, and Translation

Information about the Examination – Timed Synchronous Exam

Time:        Friday, June 21, 2024, 09:00-11:00 AM (Two hours. Get ready by 08:40 AM).

Venue:      Quercus/Quizzes, available at 09:00-11:10 AM.

Submit your exam paper by 11:05 AM at the latest.

Late submission to my email is unacceptable.

Worth:     40% of the course.

1.   Answer one short question in English (minimum 200 words for each). (10%)

Answer one short question in Chinese (minimum 300 Chinese characters) (10%Scope: Weekly postings on Quercus/Modules.

2.   Food-related idioms, proverbs and sayings. (5x2=10%)

English to Chinese translation (5%) and Chinese to English translation (5%). Scope: NOT limited to those already posted on Quercus/Modules.

3.   Comment on English-Chinese translations and give your improved version where needed. Two short passages (10x2=20%).

Scope: Any postings, including the bilingual texts in Extensive Reading under Modules.

4.   Chinese-English translation. (20%)

Two short passages – any content related to agri-food (10x2)

5.   English-Chinese translation, with commentaries. (10x3=30%)

-    Similar to your assignments but much shorter

-    Selections from the postings on Quercus/Modules, plus commentaries on Eat Drink Man Woman, a film you must watch before the final exam.


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