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讲解 INFT6800 Assessment 3 - Professional Practice in IT T2 2024 – Written Assignment II讲解 留学生SQL 程序


Assessment 3 - Professional Practice in IT

T2 2024 - Written Assignment II (25%)

Due date: Week 6 - Friday, 21st June 2024

Title: Writing aSpecification for a Smart Farming Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)


You are a newly graduated student from the University of Newcastle (UON) majoring in computer science. During your study, you have been part of the Smart Farming Lab doing various research and technological experiments on creating new complex algorithms for effective farm management with UAVs. One of the projects that you have completed during your affiliation to the lab was pest control in farms using UAVs. These custom designed UAVs will help in detecting and controlling pests by spraying pest control chemicals. You think this UAV design is worth patented for the innovative features it has.

Some features that you claimed to be available in your solution:

1.    Ability to detect pests onboard using advanced machine learning algorithm during flight.

2.    Ability to spray the right amount of pest control chemical based on the type of pests.

3.    … ..

4.    … ..

5.    … ..

IMPORTANT: Two features are given above, you must add 3-4 more features based on your research after consulting with your lecturer

NOTE:  To  prepare  your  specification  document,  you  can  begin  by  reading  some  journal  papers provided on Canvas on UAVs for smart farming. However, you must search more journal papers to find additional features for smart farming UAVs.

In order to apply for the invention patent, you have to write a specification for your invention and send it to IP Australia. Instead of using the service of a patent attorney, you have decided to apply for the patent at your own by visiting the IP Australia website. The following information  have  been summarized  from  the  IP  Australia  website  with  regards  to  writing  specification  for  your  patent application.

The following document is required to lodge your patent application: >> 2024INFT3800 - Patent-specification-template.docx

This  is  a  patent  specification  template  provided  by  the  official  IP  Australia  website.  A  complete specification  is  made  up  of  Title,  Description,  Claims,  an  Abstract  and  Drawings  (optional). The specification should be drafted carefully. This is the document on which a patent, if granted, is based.

Below are brief descriptions of each section in your specification document.


You must include an abstract in your specification to act as an executive summary. This will help the reader quickly identify the key features of your invention.


The title should be short and concise.

Technical Field

This part of the description should include one or two sentences explaining the general technical field of your invention.

Background of the invention

This section sets the scene for your invention, it explains to the reader the problem you are trying to solve with your invention and advantages you have found with your invention.

Summary of the invention

Use this section to tell us how you aresolving the problem or shortcoming with existing products that you identified in the ‘Background of the invention’ section.

Brief Description of the drawings

Drawings are optional but recommended if they help explain your invention.

Detailed description of embodiments

You  should  use  this  section  to  explain  how  at  least  one  embodiment  (e.g.  a  representative description) of your invention is made, how it works, and what its benefit is.


The claims are the part of the patent specification that describes the scope of the legal monopoly you want covered by your patent.

You will find a more detailed explanation of each section when you downloaded the template provided.


Your Patent specifications template has used the standard format of IP Australia document. Please DO NOT include any instruction paragraphs from the template into your final patent specification document.


Submit your  patent  specification  document  as  a  single  PDF  of  using  the  file  naming  convention “studentID_INFT6800_Ass3.pdf” . To submit your  report,  please  log on to Canvas and  look  up the following folder: Assignments  Assessment 3 - Individual Report. Your submission will be in a Turnitin submission.


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