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辅导 FINS5568 Capstone - Portfolio Management Process ASSIGNMENT Task 1辅导 留学生数据结构程序


Capstone - Portfolio Management Process


Task 1

Social Impact Bond

Purpose: We use this task to present an authentic scenario for students to practise the course learning outcome (CLO) below which is aligned with two program learning outcomes, PLO1 Business knowledge and PLO3 Business communication.



Formulate answers to questions raised by

the prospective

investors ahead of a roadshow to promote interest in social

impact bond investing.

PLO 1: Business knowledge

Students will make informed and effective selection and application of knowledge in a discipline or profession, in the contexts of local and global business.

PLO 2: Problem solving

Students will define and address business problems, and propose effective evidence- based solutions, through the application of rigorous analysis and critical thinking.

PLO 3: Business communication

Students will harness, manage, and communicate business information effectively using multiple forms of communication across different channels.

The scenario:

Following the announcement made in September 2015 by the Premier of South Australia, Jay Weatherill, about the Government’s decision to engage Hutt St Centre and Common Ground Adelaide in developing an intervention to provide intensive support to South Australians who have experienced homelessness, the South Australian government proceeded to the next stage of the social impact bond (SIB) venture and called on Social Ventures Australia (SVA) to assist the government in formulating the information memorandum.

By January 2017, SVA was ready to release the information memorandum to the public and invite the prospective investors to consider an investment in the SIB, known as the Aspire Social Impact Bond.

Your role:

Imagine that you were an analyst in impact investing at SVA. In recognition of your leadership in the formulation of the information memorandum, you were tasked to lead a team of up to three members, including yourself, to run a week-long roadshow in the last week of January 2017 to promote the Aspire Social Impact Bond to prospective investors.

After receiving several questions from the registered participants about the financial product ahead of the roadshow, your team decided to prepare responses to the questions and have the information printed beforehand for distribution to the prospective investors at the launching event.

The question:

This assignment requires you to answer the most popular question among the registered participants. The question is shown below.

We want to make an informed judgement on whether the Aspire Social  Impact Bond is worthy of our investment. Tell us why we should not miss out on this opportunity to subscribe for the bond.


1.  Attempt the assignment individually or as a group of up to three members including yourself.

2.  Go to the Assessment Hub of the course Moodle page to select and join one of the pre-named groups before the due date. This registration requirement applies to all students, i.e.,

•   For individual attempt, the group will have one member.

•   For joint attempt, the group may have two or three members. The members may be enrolled in the same or different classes who must agree to work together. DO NOT select and join a group with one or more incumbent members unless everyone in the group agrees to work together.

3.  Submit the assignment before the due date via the Turnitin drop-box created for this assignment. If your group has more than one member, only one member will need to submit on behalf of the entire group.

4.  Do not exceed 400 words. This word limit is strict.

5.  This course prohibits the use of AI tools, such as ChatGPT, for assessments. Students must produce their own work.


1.  Watch the pre-recorded lecture videos at your own pace before Week 1 to learn the topic.

2.  Come to class in Week 1 to learn how we utilise the information memorandum of another social impact bond to develop an answer to the same question as this assignment.

3.  Study the Aspire Social Impact Bond information memorandum. Then follow the approach we take in class to make informed and effective selection and application of knowledge, develop effective evidence-based solutions for the registered participants, and compose an answer for this assignment task in writing effectively.

4.  A well-written answer has the following attributes.

•   Rigorous, i.e., the answer is precise, exact, and thorough.

•   Clear, i.e., the answer is easy to read and understand with minimal grammatical mistakes.

•   Concise, i.e., the answer does not have redundant and unnecessary materials and is within the word limit.

•   Coherent,  i.e., the answer  is well-structured whereby the words, sentences, and paragraphs are connected logically.

5.  No referencing is needed. We know the answer is based on the Aspire Social Impact Bond information memorandum.

Due date and penalty:

1.  The due date and time are 9 am Friday, 14 June (Sydney time), Week 3.

2.  Late submission will incur a penalty of 5% per calendar day or part thereof (including weekends) from the due date and time. An assessment will not be accepted after 5 days (120 hours) of the original deadline unless special consideration has been approved by the Special Consideration Team. An assignment is considered late if the assignment has not been submitted on time via Moodle or where the ‘wrong’ assignment has been submitted.-Refer to the course Moodle page for information on special consideration if needed.

3.  Exceeding the word limit will incur a penalty of 5% per 10 words above the word limit or part thereof.

4.  Where unauthorised use of AI is detected, penalties as stipulated by the UNSW Conduct and Integrity Office will apply. If you need help with your assessments, there are alternatives to unauthorised AI

use. You can

•   Book a staff consultation appointment if you do not understand the assessments and struggle with learning and understanding the subject.

•   Apply for Special Consideration if you’re under too much pressure.

•   Seek help from the Academic Skills Team, the Student Support Team or from the Psychology & Wellness Team.

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