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COMPX202讲解 、辅导 Java设计编程


Assignment 3: Android Studio
(Weighting: 20%)

Due date: Friday 21
June 2024 at 23:59
Submission instruction: As indicated below, you must work with a Git repository and upload
your work on the university’s GitLab server. You also need to upload the final version of your
Android project to Blackboard as a ZIP file (from Android Studio, in menu
File>Export >Export to ZIP file…). The ZIP file should be named "GA3.zip" where is
your group number. The ZIP file should include a copy of your final README.md file.


The goal in this assignment is to understand and implement an Android Studio App.

IMPORTANT: The assignment is group work. The usual rules on plagiarism fully apply: you
cannot copy answers from any other students, or copy from the internet without
acknowledgement. Cases of plagiarism will be strictly dealt with.

Part A: Creating An Android Java Project

The first stage is to create a new Android Java project. Name this project
Compx202A3_G (e.g. Compx202A3_G11). The Project will have
three activities (MainActivity, CommentActivity, and RateActivity) that are shown and
described individually below. Some of the components/widgets/UI elements are for you to

1. MainActivity

• The basic structure of MainActivity is shown in Figure 1.
• You should have your group number posted. NZUWI2024S_COMPX202
• The 3 buttons will serve as links to the remaining 3 activities.
• The 3 activities should be about sensors and use sensors discussed in the lecture Notes.

2. Sensor1Activity

• An example structure of Sensor1Activity is shown in Figure 2.
• This is just an example.

3. Sensor2Activity

• An example structure of Sensor1Activity is shown in Figure 3.
• This is just an example.

4. Sensor3Activity

• An example structure of Sensor1Activity is shown in Figure 4.
• This is just an example.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4

Question/Task 1: Show the complete code for MainActivity.java.
Question/Task 2: Explain Sensor1 and show the complete code for Sensor1Activity.java.
Question/Task 3: Explain Sensor2 and show the complete code for Sensor2Activity.java.
Question/Task 4: Explain Sensor3 and show the complete code forSensor3Activity.java.
Question/Task 5: Screencap every running activity, save them as images, and add them in
the Readme file later. Add also all images in your zip file.

Part B: Uploading to GitLab

The next stage is to create a project in GitLab, which will be your remote repository. Use the
same project name from Android Studio. Commit and push all your files.

Part C: Creating README.md

This stage is to create a ‘README.md’ document which will serve as the documentation for
your GitLab repository. It will also serve as your report for this assignment.

1. In your new README file, add the following lines

Assignment 3 by *your group number* (*your ID numbers*)

2. You should see the text you just entered formatted as a heading. Leave a blank line and add
a line with “## Question 1”. Write next your answers to Question 1.
3. Do the same for the rest of the Questions (2-5).
4. Do a final check to make sure you have committed and pushed your most recent work.
Ensure that you can see your changes on GitLab.
5. Include as a zip file the final version of your README.md file and all images on
Blackboard (Assignment 3). NZ

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