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辅导 MDIA1002 Journalistic Voices and Values - 2024讲解 迭代

MDIA1002 Journalistic Voices and Values - 2024

Published on the  21 May 2024

General Course Information

Course Code :  MDIA1002

Year :  2024

Term :  Term 2

Teaching Period :  T2

Course Details & Outcomes

Course Description

Journalism is facing challenges on multiple fronts. Even prestigious outlets are accused of disseminating ‘fake news’ and grossly biased coverage, as the very notion of ‘factual’ reporting is questioned. Individuals implicated in alleged scandals turn to the courts to prevent exposure or to win large payouts for defamation. Journalism in the public interest risks being overwhelmed by‘click-bait’and the sensationalist coverage of celebrity lives. In this course you will track, analyse, and produce your own journalism about such issues and controversies. You will deal with debates around the laws applying to news coverage, journalistic ethical values and journalism’s social role, rights, and responsibilities. In the multimedia journalistic pieces you produce, you will have the opportunity to explore issues around diversity in who is given a voice   in news coverage, whose issues, concerns and experiences are deemed worthy of attention, and whose views and perspectives journalists choose to report.阝Througha deeper understanding of voices and values, you will also learn how‘accountable’journalism has been meeting these types of challenges and how journalism as a 'public good' may thrive into the future.阝

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 : Demonstrate knowledge of current media law and debates around journalistic ethics, principles, and practices.

CLO2 : Effectively apply theories around journalistic principles and practices, via the production of journalistic pieces which analyse and critically assess current wider media reporting.

CLO3 : Situate current journalistic practices in relevant social, institutional, and ethical settings.

Course Learning Outcomes

Assessment Item

CLO1 : Demonstrate knowledge of current media law and debates around journalistic ethics, principles, and practices.

• Professional Production Package 1

• Portfolio of in-class and tutorial preparation activities

• Professional Production Task 2

CLO2 : Effectively apply theories around

journalistic principles and practices, via the production of journalistic pieces which

analyse and critically assess current wider media reporting.

• Professional Production Package 1

• Portfolio of in-class and tutorial preparation activities

• Professional Production Task 2

CLO3 : Situate current journalistic practices in relevant social, institutional, and ethical


• Professional Production Package 1

• Portfolio of in-class and tutorial preparation activities

• Professional Production Task 2

Learning and Teaching Technologies

Moodle - Learning Management System | Echo 360


Assessment Structure

Assessment Item


Relevant Dates

Professional Production Package 1 Assessment Format: Individual


Portfolio of in-class and tutorial preparation activities Assessment Format: Individual


Professional Production Task 2 Assessment Format: Individual


Assessment Details

Professional Production Package 1

Assessment Overview

Students research, pitch and produce a media package

Equivalent to 1500 words. Feedback via LMS.

Course Learning Outcomes

· CLO1 : Demonstrate knowledge of current media law and debates around journalistic ethics, principles, and practices.

· CLO2 : Effectively apply theories around journalistic principles and practices, via the

production of journalistic pieces which analyse and critically assess current wider media reporting.

· CLO3 : Situate current journalistic practices in relevant social, institutional, and ethical settings.

Portfolio of in-class and tutorial preparation activities

Assessment Overview

Media package production tasks undertaken In-class and as tutorial-preparation Equivalent to 1500 words

Feedback via LMS

Course Learning Outcomes

· CLO1 : Demonstrate knowledge of current media law and debates around journalistic ethics, principles, and practices.

· CLO2 : Effectively apply theories around journalistic principles and practices, via the

production of journalistic pieces which analyse and critically assess current wider media reporting.

· CLO3 : Situate current journalistic practices in relevant social, institutional, and ethical settings.

Professional Production Task 2

Assessment Overview

Students research, pitch and produce a media package Equivalent to 2000 words

Feedback via LMS

Course Learning Outcomes

· CLO1 : Demonstrate knowledge of current media law and debates around journalistic ethics, principles, and practices.

· CLO2 : Effectively apply theories around journalistic principles and practices, via the

production of journalistic pieces which analyse and critically assess current wider media reporting.

· CLO3 : Situate current journalistic practices in relevant social, institutional, and ethical settings.

General Assessment Information

Grading Basis Standard

Requirements to pass course

In order to achieve a pass grade, students must make a genuine attempt with all the assessment tasks.

Students who fail to attend at least 80% of tutorials run the risk of failing the course. Students who miss tutorials may be required to undertake supplementary activities.

A student may be advised by the Course Convenor to withdraw from the course if signifcant learning activities are missed. Alternatively, a student may be required to undertake supplementary class(es) or task(s) as prescribed by the Course Convenor.

Attendance Requirements

SAM attendance guidelines.

Students are expected to be regular and punctual in attendance at all classes for the School of the Arts & Media (SAM) courses in which they are enrolled.  We expect 80% mininum attendance in tutorials. If students have more than two unexplained absences they may be refused fnal assessment.

Students who do not meet attendance expectations run the risk of failing a course. No additional or special consideration will be provided if a student misses out on essential course information and materials, or misses an assessment task/deadline, due to unexplained absences or an unapproved lack of attendance.

A student may be advised by the Course Convenor to withdraw from the course if signifcant learning activities are missed. Alternatively, a student may be required to undertake supplementary class(es) or task(s) as prescribed by the Course Convenor.

If assessment tasks have been missed, the student should apply for SpecialConsideration, accompanied by appropriate documentation.

Course Resources

Prescribed Resources

There is no textbook for this course.

Course Evaluation and Development

There will be opportunities throughout the course for student to provide feedback on lectures, tutorial activities and assessment tasks. Adjustments to the course will be made on the basis of these conversations.

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