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讲解 MIS2002S BBS 41 Digital Business 2024讲解 留学生SQL语言程序


BBS 41

Digital Business


Today, people are spending more money online, which has shifted business emphasis to

digital sources of revenue and digital channels. However, digital business is more than just

selling online, but to create competitive edges based on unique combinations of digital and

physical resources.

This scheme is designed to give an overview of digital business, and a week by week

breakdown of the work required. Reading material for each week is expected to be

undertaken prior to the start of the next topic, as is the completion of any work not finished in

the scheduled seminars. Minor adjustments may be made to the scheme during the

semester and the Digital Reading List may be updated with new and interesting articles

and/or research that link directly to the lecture and/or seminar topics.


This Study Guide is designed to provide you with details of this module; the learning outcomes; plus delivery and assessment arrangements. The Study Guide consists of 6 parts.

Part 1 gives background details to the subject area are provided and the broad aims of the module are set out.

Part 2 consists of the module outline. In this part the (a) module learning outcomes, (b) the themes and topics to be explored are explained along with the (c) learning supports to be used.

Part 3 gives details of the module delivery arrangements. It sets out the session arrangements and the expectations in relation to your prior preparation and student engagement. The provisions for online provision are outlined in terms of class delivery and any module work with class mates.

Part 4 provides details of the assessment techniques used in this module explaining the assessment components, their rationale.

Part 5 explains the UCD grading policy and grade descriptors drawing on the university document are given for each assessment component for the module.

Part 6 presents the concluding comments.  

Accessing Zoom and Online Etiquette for MIS2002S lectures

We will utilise Zoom (UCD has a university-wide license incorporating additional security features) for our virtual classroom sessions. The following Zoom link will be used for all virtual sessions. A “clickable” link can also be found on Brightspace.

Zoom Link

This module will be delivered face-to-face and online via UCD’s integrated Zoom classroom. This is accessible via brightspace.ucd.ie

To students, please login to Brightspace >> MIS2002S-Digital Business-2023/2024 Summer >> My Class >> ZOOM, to join the lessons.

To join a scheduled class, please click on the Zoom link which will open the following window. Please click on “Launch Meeting”.


I strongly recommend downloading the free Zoom app to your PC, laptop, iOS, or Android device to enjoy the best possible student experience. Click on “Allow” which will open the Zoom app.


Once Zoom opens, you will see a screen as shown below. The lecture notes will be shared here, you will be able to see all other students, and use the chat function to ask questions.


Zoom Features and Online Etiquette


Background Details

You will be introduced to the core concepts of the module through a lecture series delivered by staff - you are encouraged to think of this module as ‘cross-functional’; in nature and therefore appreciate the implications of digital channels for different parts of the business.

Where possible, external speakers will be integrated into the lecture program to give practical perspective of how the emergence of digital channels have fundamentally changed how they operate.

As part of this process you will be encouraged to consider both theoretical approaches to digital business but also the practicalities of how businesses operate in the digital domain. You will also engage in a range of smaller classes which will vary between seminars and workshop based sessions.

Given the technological nature of the module, there will be some subjects that are best approached via hands-on usage of relevant software applications (e.g. the use of Google Analytics to analyse the behaviour of visitors to a company website).

Formative assessment: As part of the seminar and workshop program, you will regularly receive feedback on your progress. This will be achieved through delivery of presentations and engagement in seminar activities.

Module Aims

Throughout this module you will be introduced to the opportunities and challenges posed by

doing business in an increasingly digital domain. This module is designed to give you an

understanding of how using online channels impacts upon different parts of the organization,

and will in particular focus upon 3 core areas of business:

Digital Business Strategy: You will develop an understanding of the cost structures

associated with using digital channels, different business models (including omni and

multiple channel business strategies), distance issues around serving global markets and

implications in terms of taxation and service delivery.

Marketing: In this part of the module you will consider changing consumer media

consumption and behavior; social media and m-commerce; customer relationship building in

an online context, digital brand communities and performance metrics.

Supply Chain Management and Information Systems: You will also develop an

appreciation of the role of supply chains in serving global markets, addressing issues such

as the application of various systems to facilitate digital transactions (e.g. ERP, CRM) and

issues related to web performance (e.g. web design and analytics).

Table 1 – Programme Goals Table

Programme Code: BHBUS015 (Sg)

Programme Title: Bachelor of Business Studies

Pathway: Management

Programme Goals

Specify the overall programme goal and insert a one-line description of each goal.

Programme Learning Outcomes

Specify the learning outcomes associated with each programme goal.

On successful completion of the programme students should be able to:

BBS 40

Digital Business

Module Components






Programme Goal 1:

Informed Thinkers: Our graduates will be knowledgeable on management theory and will be able to apply this theory to business problems (Knowledge).


Programme Learning Outcome 1a:

Explain current theoretical underpinnings of business and the management of organisations.



Programme Learning Outcome 1b:

Apply appropriate methods, tools and techniques for identifying, analysing and resolving business problems within functional and across functional business areas.

Continuous Assessment – section

2 Infographic report





Programme Goal 2:

Communication, Analytical and Critical Thinking Skills: Our graduates will have well developed skills of communication, analysis and critical thinking (Skills and Competencies).


Programme Learning Outcome 2a

Prepare a short business presentation (written and/or oral) on a current business issue.

Continuous Assessment – section 1 presentation

Programme Learning Outcome 2b:

Analyse specific business case studies or problems and formulate a report detailing the issues and recommended actions.

Continuous Assessment – section 2 infographic report

Programme Learning Outcome 2c:

Conduct secondary research on management-related issues and report on the findings and draw appropriate conclusions.

Continuous Assessment – section 2 infographic report


Programme Goal 3:

Personal and Professional Development: Our graduates will demonstrate a commitment to personal and professional excellence and development (Skills, Competencies and Attitudes).

Programme Learning Outcome 3a:

Develop collaborative learning and team-work skills by engaging in module-related team activities.

Continuous Assessment

Programme Learning Outcome 3b:

Demonstrate capacity for problem solving collaboratively and individually.

Continuous Assessment





Programme Goal 3:

Ethical Awareness:  Our graduates will demonstrate an awareness of ethical issues in business and their impact on society (Attitudes).

Programme Learning Outcome 3a:

Demonstrate an awareness of ethical values and business issues concerning the advancement of the broader societal ‘good’.

Continuous Assessment

Programme Learning Outcome 3b:

Illustrate an understanding of how business decisions might influence society and the wider community at large.

Continuous Assessment


Module Title:  Digital Business

Module Code: MIS2002S

No. of ECTS: 10 credits

Module Learning Outcomes  

On completing this module, students will be expected to be able to: 

Knowledge & Understanding:

● To develop an understanding of the opportunities and challenges faced in business

when utilising digital channels. (MLO1)

● To appreciate the roles of different business functions in delivering a successful digital

operation. (MLO2)

Intellectual / Professional skills & abilities:

● To develop skills in software applications utilised to monitor digital business

performance and interpret data as a basis for future digital decision making. (MLO3)

Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):

● Develop an understanding of issues surrounding customer privacy and security when

engaging in digital business. (MLO4)

Module Text:

Laudon, K.C. and Traver, C.G (2023). E-Commerce 2023-2024: Business, Technology and Society, Global Edition. 18th Edition. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. ISBN 9781292409313


Description (Book Title) 






FT UCD BBS 41 Digital Business (DB)

E-Commerce 2023-2024: Business, Technology and Society, Global Edition

Laudon, K.C.





Themes and Topics

Topic 1: Intro to digital business

Today, people are spending more money online, which has shifted business emphasis to digital sources of revenue and digital channels. We will uncover the trends that fuels the growth of consumer spending which empowers the rise of Digital Business industry.

Topic 2: Digital business infrastructure

The development of digital business models is an important task for companies being confronted with digitalization and digital disruption. We shall study the various types of digital business models and its characteristics, as well as how it could be applied simultaneously.

Topic 3: Digital business model and strategies

Digital strategy focuses on using technology to improve business performance, whether that means creating new products or reimagining current processes. This topic helps you to understand the direction an organization will take to create new competitive advantages with technology, as well as the tactics it will use to achieve these changes.

Topic 4: B2B Digital Business Model and strategies

At a glance, there might not seem to be many differences between B2C and B2B Digital Business. But the reality is a little more complex. In this topic, we shall understand the professional buyers’ additional needs that business-to-business web stores have to meet in order to provide a viable alternative to simply calling, emailing or even faxing your sales department.

Topic 5: Intelligent Technologies 1 – Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is surely a term that you must be familiar with. We will explore how The industrial Internet of Things (IoT) that focuses on automation - not just to lower operating costs can increase productivity, improve business processes, enhance customer experience, expand to new markets, and generate additional revenue streams.

Topic 6: Intelligent Technologies 2 – Big Data

The concept of big data has been around for years, most organizations now understand that if they capture all the data that streams into their businesses, they can apply analytics and get significant value from it. We shall explore what are some of those. And how excel plays an important role on big data analytics.

Topic 7: Intelligent Technologies 3 – Artificial Intelligence

The 21st century has marked a rapid advancement of technology in every aspect of human life and interactions. Despite being around for many decades, the replication of human intelligence in machines — artificial intelligence — has now become popularized.

Topic 8: Intelligent Technologies 4 - Blockchain & ethical considerations

Similarly, distributed ledger technology and cryptocurrencies have exceeded everyone’s expectations and are looking to compete with traditional fiat currencies. With AI and cryptocurrencies to become formidable fortresses, how does artificial intelligence impact distributed ledger technology? This topic will also focus on how firms should engage ethical choices in developing and deploying these technologies.

Topic 9: Digital marketing revolution and customer decision making

Comparing our own user behavior. a couple of years ago to now, it is clear that the decision making process and the steps leading up to the final purchase have changed dramatically. We need to understand what this means for digital marketers and its implication on digital business strategies.

Learning Materials

For this module, please read the assigned chapters in the prescribed text and the additional readings assigned (see Module Delivery Schedule in Part 3)

Supplementary reading:

Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F (2015). Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and

Practice. 6th Edition. Pearson Education Limited.

Osterwalder, A. and Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business Model Generation: A Handbook for

Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. 1st Edition. John Wiley & Sons.

Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., Smith, A. and Papadakos, T. (2014). Value

Proposition Design: How to create products and services customers want. 1st Edition. John

Wiley & Sons.


The module delivery relies on students’ ability to engage in prior preparation, to seek confirmation and clarification as appropriate and to be actively engaged during the sessions.

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