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讲解 COM107/COM113 Circuits and Devices 2024讲解 回归


Course Code


Course Name

Circuits and Devices

Academic Session


Assessment Title

AC Circuit Analysis using LTSpice

A.  Introduction/ Situation/ Background Information

Alternating Current Circuits or AC circuits are simply circuits powered by an Alternating Source, either current or voltage. An Alternating Voltage or Current is one in which the amount of either the voltage or the current alters about a distinct mean value and reverses direction periodically.  Most  household  and  industrial  systems  and  Appliances  in  the  present-day  are powered using alternating current.

LTspice is a SPICE-based analog electronic circuit simulator computer software, produced by semiconductor manufacturer Analog Devices (originally by Linear Technology). It is the most widely distributed and used SPICE software in the industry. Though it is freeware, LTspice is not artificially restricted to limit its capabilities (no feature limits, nonodelimits, no component limits, no subcircuit limits).

Figure A1: LTSpice

B.  Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) covered

At the end of this assessment, students are able to:

CLO2        Identify, formulate and analyse electrical circuits reaching substantiated conclusions using the principles of electrical engineering sciences (Cognitive Level 4 – Analyzing).

CLO3        Design  solutions for electrical engineering problems and design systems that meet specified needs with appropriate  consideration for energy efficiency and pratical considerations (Cognitive Level 5 – Evaluating).

C.  University Policy on Academic Misconduct

1.   Academic misconduct is a serious offense in Xiamen University Malaysia. It can be defined as any of the following:

i. Plagiarism is submitting or presenting someone else’s work, words, ideas, data or information as your own intentionally  or unintentionally. This  includes  incorporating published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form. into your work without acknowledging the source (the person and the work).

ii. Collusion is two or more people collaborating on a piece of work (in part or whole) which is intended to be wholly individual and passed it off as own individual work.

iii. Cheating is an act of dishonesty or fraud in order to gain an unfair advantage in an assessment. This includes using or attempting to use, or assisting another to use materials that are prohibited or inappropriate, commissioning work from a third party, falsifying data, or breaching any examination rules.

2. All assessments submitted must be the student’s own work, without any materials generated by AI tools,  including  direct  copying  and pasting  of text  or paraphrasing.  Any  form.  of academic misconduct, including using prohibited materials or inappropriate assistance, is a serious offense and will result in a zero mark for the entire assessment or part of it. If there is more than one guilty party, such as in case of collusion, all parties involved will receive the same penalty.

D.  Instruction to Students

1.   This is a group assignment. You are required to work in a group of two to four members.

2.   You are required to use LTSpice to complete this assignment.

3.   Deadline: 12 Jul 2024, 11:59:59 pm

4.   Use the cover page provided.

5.   TWO items for submission,

a.   Project report

b.   LTSpice project files

Warning: This assignment is an open-ended problem that has many working solutions.

Similar solutions will be viewed as academic misconduct.

E. Evaluation Breakdown


Component Title




LTSpice project files



Project report




F. Task(s)

Task 1: A.C. Power Analysis using LTSpice

A coil with the inductance of L1 H has a coil resistance of Rs Ω . The coil is  supplied with a

240 vrms , 50 Hz a.c. source.

* L1 = (last two digits of the student ID of the first member in the group) × 1 mH + 22 mH Rs = (last two digits of the student ID of the second member in the group) × 0.1 Ω + 2.2 Ω

1)  Use LTSpice to analyze the power factor of the circuit. Determine and evaluate its apparent power, active power, and reactive power.

2)  Design a power correction circuit to improve its power factor to at least 0.95. Show all your calculation, simulation results, and evaluation.

Task 2: RLC Resonant Circuit Design using LTSpice

Design a series RLC circuit to resonant at the frequency, fr. You may use any combination of RLC circuits in your design. Show all your calculation and the analysis of your resonant circuit using LTSpice. The quality factor, Q, must beat least 10.

* fr  = (sum of last three digits of the student ID for all members) × 1 KHz

Recommended report format

a)   Cover page

b)  Contents

i.   Introduction & objective(s)

ii.   Task 1

iii.   Task 2

iv.   Learning outcomes (What have you learned?)

v.   Conclusion

c)   Format Report:

-   Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.

-   Spacing: 1.5

-   Paragraph alignment: Justify

-   Header:

●   Top Left corner: Course code course name

●   Top Right corner:  Assignment 2

-   Footer:

●   Bottom Left corner:  2024/04

●   Bottom right corner: Page number

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