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讲解 program、辅导 python程序语言

FinTech Project Part A
Data Design and Analysis Report

Optton #
Student ID

Report Speciffcattons
Your task is to provide brief and sharp contextual descriptton of steps taken and executed during the
coding sequence of this project. This is in additton to your python scripts. Your audience is a team of
Max 4-5 pages in total with unlimited Appendix and Reference pages

Recommended Report Outline
1. Statton #1: Data Lake | 10%
a. What would be the product descriptton
b. Product basic use and interface – online, offfine?
c. Input Data
d. What needs to be calculated and stored and cleaned
e. Output Data
f. How would you deffne Statton #1

2. Statton #2: Prompt and Features Engineering | 10%
a. What are the inputs to achieve the results relevant to this statton and delivering on
ffnancial product
b. What are the requirements in terms of data collectton and data formats
c. Describe your core features
d. How would you deffne Statton #2

Appendix: Plot, Tables, Graphics, support material / references used during this Project

  • QQ:99515681
  • 邮箱:99515681@qq.com
  • 工作时间:8:00-21:00
  • 微信:codinghelp

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