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辅导 INFT6800 Professional Practce in IT Assessment 2辅导 留学生Matlab程序

INFT6800 Professional Practce in IT

Assessment 2

Group Report & Presentaton (30%)

Due date: Week 12 - Friday, 2nd Aug 2024

Title: Research Report and Presentaton on Sustainable Computng


Based on the artcles provided in this document and with additonal research on sustainable computng, students need to answer the questons given below. Additonal research on sustainable computng, blockchain and green sofware is an essental requirement to write the research report and prepare presentaton on each answer.

Below are the questons that need to be answered by the students in this task:

1.    What is green or sustainable computng? Why do you need computng to be sustainable?

2.    What is blockchain technology and how it works? Will blockchain technology promote green computng?

3.    How green sofware can help make computng sustainable? What are the strategies to produce green sofware?

4.    What are the advantages and disadvantages of developing green sofware?

Please justfy your answers based on data analysis and facts. For each queston an appropriate real world example must be provided.

Write a report on your fndings and prepare a 12 to 15 minutes video presentaton using the following structure:

-      Introducton (answer to Q 1)

-      Literature review (related past research on Qs 2 – 4)

-      Problems, discussion and real world examples (answer to Qs 2-4)

-      Conclusion

-      References


This is a group assessment and a group can have 4-5 student. At the tme of submission all group members must complete peer evaluaton form. For the video presentaton, It is a requirement that every group member must present at least for 2 minutes.

Helpful resources:

-    htps://devblogs.microsof.com/sustainable-sofware/

-    htps://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01724069/document

-      htps://www.researchgate.net/publicaton/272148058_Understanding_Green_Sofw are_De velopment_A_Conceptual_Framework

-    htps://www.acs.org.au/content/dam/acs/acs-publicatons/ACS-Data61-Blockchain- 2030-Report.pdf

-    htps://hbr.org/2020/09/how-green-is-your-sofware



Students submit their report, video presentaton and peer evaluaton form. on Canvas by the due date.

More informaton about video presentaton submission will be provided on Canvas.

Students who wish to earn high marks must ensure that their report and presentaton  is clearly linked to items pointed out in the marking criteria. Moreover, they will ensure that standards of academic integrity are maintained by adequately citng all references (Formatng for references: APA style).

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