讲解 BAN 501、辅导 Java/c++程序语言
Module 1 Project A
Project Name Marketing Campaign Budget Allocator
Project Due Date Sunday by 11:59pm
• Practice working with variables, data types, and operators.
• Implement conditional statements and loops to make decisions and repeat tasks.
• Perform basic calculations and manipulate data.
1. Planning:
o Define three marketing channel variables (e.g., social_media, email_marketing,
o Assign a budget limit to each channel as an integer (e.g., social_media = 5000,
email_marketing = 3000, advertising = 2000).
o Identify a factor influencing budget allocation:
▪ campaign_goal (options for campaign goal could include "Brand Awareness",
"Lead Generation", "Sales")
2. Coding:
o Start by introducing variables to store user input:
▪ user_campaign_goal = input("Enter your campaign goal (Brand Awareness,
Lead Generation, Sales): ")
o Implement an if statement to branch based on the selected campaign_goal:
▪ If Brand Awareness:
▪ Increase the "Social Media" budget by 20% (5000 * 1.2).
▪ Increase the "Advertising" budget by 15% (2000 * 1.15).
▪ If Lead Generation:
▪ Increase the "Email Marketing" budget by 30% (3000 * 1.3).
▪ If Sales:
▪ Increase each of the three budgets by 10%.
o Calculate the remaining budget by subtracting the initial total budget (sum of all base
budget values) from the allocated sum of budgets. (Allocated budgets are the budgets
with the increased amounts. Base budgets are the original budget amounts.)
3. Testing and Refinement:
o Test the program with different combinations of user_campaign_goal.
o Add comments to explain your code logic and improve readability.
4. Optional Enhancements:
o Display the allocated budget for each channel and the remaining overall budget in a
visually appealing format. Display the allocated budget for each channel and the
remaining overall budget in a visually appealing format. (Allocated budget is the new
amount. Overall budget is the allocated amount subtracted by the original amount.)
o Implement a menu system to navigate different functionalities (e.g., budget
allocation, budget overview). o Integrate real-world data like average costs for different marketing channels or
historical campaign performance.
Additional Tips
• Use mathematical operators and calculations directly within your conditional statements.
• You can create separate variables to store the adjusted budgets for each channel before
subtracting them from the total budget.
• Focus on clear code structure and indentation to make your logic easier to understand.
Grading Criteria
1. To get high marks on this project, you must complete all requirements and have the project
function perfectly.
Submit your project .py file on Canvas.