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讲解 Assignment 2: PLAN9045 Economics for the Built Environment讲解 R语言

Assignment 2: guidelines: PLAN9045 Economics for the Built Environment

Assignment 2: guidelines

Critical Essay Assignment

Key Facts:

Assessment weighting: 40% of course

Length: 2,000 words maximum (this is a hard limit, we will stop reading at 2,000 words, not including references)

Due Date: Friday 11th October

Format: Single file in word (doc or docx) or pdf format.

Submission: Canvas Assignments


What are you expected to do?

Write a critical essay that answers one of the following questions:

The planning system and housing supply

The incoming NSW Labor Government recently announced that they would offer large density bonuses to developers who deliver affordable housing. With reference to NSW planning

legislation and regulation and the property development process, discuss the merits (or not) of this approach and the likelihood of addressing the current housing crisis.


Public Private Partnerships

Public private partnerships are frequently used to deliver key infrastructure in Australia and other  countries. Critically examine arguments for and against the use of PPPs with specific reference to PPPs in the proposals for delivery of social housing in Waterloo.


Financialisation of housing

Housing is increasingly seen as a financialised asset. With reference to recentchanges in interest rate settings in Australia and other countries, discuss the impact of monetary policy on housing inequalities.


Western Sydney Aerotropolis

The Western Parkland City is an ambitious project that aims to create a new, third economic centre in Sydney's metropolitan region. With reference to the concept of aerotropolis, critically evaluate the proposal to create a new viable economic hub in Sydney's Western Parkland City.




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