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Construction Technology & Services III - 218.224

Assignment Report on Infrastructure for New Suburban Development

Due Date: 18th October 2024

Purpose: This assessment contributes toward 40% of your grade for this course Length: 3000 – 3500 words

Learning outcome/s being assessed:

•   Discuss design considerations for large infrastructure projects.

•   Describe construction methods, materials and details for infrastructure projects.

•   Assess the various risks on public infrastructure projects and how they might be managed.

•   Describe the maintenance requirements for large infrastructure projects.

Assignment Details:

Auckland Council is facing a challenge to provide housing to ever increasing population of the city. Auckland Council has developed the Auckland Plan 2050’, one of the key focus of this plan is to provide ‘Homes and Places’ for Aucklanders. To ensure housing provisions for all, the New Zealand government is encouraging the development of new suburban communities in various parts of Auckland, including the North-West of Auckland. For such developments to occur, investment in lifeline infrastructure projects is required. The process always starts with joint efforts from a multidisciplinary team that studies and looks for the best options for the infrastructure  projects to be suggested for further investigation. The planning team recognizes various development infrastructure requirements, including transport and storm infrastructure.

As a planning team member, involved in the development of a new suburban community in North-West of Auckland, you must prepare a report on transportation, stormwater, and drinking water infrastructure projects.

The report you will write should include the following:

(1)       An introduction to why the development of a new suburb is needed in the North- West of Auckland.

(2)       Investigate whether such a development project will support Auckland Plan 2050- development strategy.

(3)       Identify and discuss in detail one component of transport infrastructure that will be provided in the new development.

(4)       Identify and discuss one component of stormwater infrastructure that will be provided to meet the requirements of the new community.

(5)       Identify and discuss  one component of drinking water infrastructure that will be provided to meet the portable water needs of population in this new development.

(6)       For all the identified components (transport, stormwater, and drinking water), provide their description, including (i) design features, (ii) construction method, (iii) planned maintenance activities (Scheduled and condition-based maintenance) and (iv) stakeholders involved in the development and maintenance of each of these identified components.

(7)       Also, make a list of the ‘Environmental Risks ’ associated with the development of these infrastructure facilities.

(8)       Conclusion of the report.

General Notes

-    The report should be between 3,000 – 3,500 words.

-    Any fact that is mentioned in the report should be adequately referenced.

-    Using sketches, figures and pictures is highly recommended; however, it needs to be cited in the report and correctly referenced.

-    Besides the body of the report, an executive summary, a list of contents, and a conclusion should be included.

-    A detailed description of each identified component should consist of design features, construction method, planned maintenance activities (Scheduled and condition-based maintenance), role of these components, stakeholders involved and environmental risks.

-    The student will be allowed to submit a draft to check the Turnitin score, which should not by any means be more than 15%.

-    Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not allowed to write this report.

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