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辅导 CHIN2600 Final report: Problem-solution essay调试R语言程序

CHIN2600 Final report: Problem-solution essay

Purpose: Synthesize your learning, both theoretical and practical, and propose solutions to the identified problem.

Weight: 60%.

Description: Write a problem-solution essay analysing social interactional data you have collected from your social life and relating them to themes, theories, or concepts discussed in the class. You are encouraged to write this essay based the problem you have identified in the video project. It is ok if you want to focus on a topic different from your video project.

What to include:

- The paper should have at least the following components:

1) a cover page that includes your name, student ID number, and class session (day and time, e.g., Monday 4:00-6:00 pm). Check APA student sample paper on Blackboard for additional requirements;

2) an introduction that introduces a real-world and language-based problem, an aspect of the Chinese language you are focusing on, and the importance of the problem;

3) a theoretical section that briefly explains what theories or concepts you are using in analysing the data and why they are the best theories or concepts for analysing the data. The theories or concepts need to be from the content covered in class;

4) a data section that briefly explains how the data are collected and selected;

5) a data analysis section that presents your analysis with rich and illustrative examples. This is the main part of the paper;

6) a solution section that presents practical solutions to or suggestions for the identified problem. The solutions or suggestions should be based on the findings of the data analysis. This is also the main part of the paper;

7) conclusion section that summarizes your findings, arguments, and any reflections;

8) a reference list in the end that includes sources you referenced in the paper. In the reference list, provide the URL to your interview/interactional recordings if you use them as your data.

- The paper should follow APA https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html

- Make sure to relate the analysis to the themes, theoretical frameworks, or concepts studied in class.

- Your data analysis must include transcripts (interactional data) or texts (screenshots). Transcripts should have Chinese characters.

- This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Translation (MT). Students are advised that the use of AI or MT technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Length: Approximately English 2000—2500 words, excluding references, the cover page, and Chinese transcripts.

Format: Microsoft Word.

Submission: Upload your paper to Blackboard Turnitin (CHIN2600 Blackboard > Assessment > Final paper > Final paper Submission). You have unlimited attempts for submission before the due date, so make sure to check the similarity report and make changes when you submit your paper to Turnitin. Turnitin does NOT email a submission receipt to you. But you can screenshot your online submission or download digital receipts from the Assignment Dashboard.

Assessment criteria: Check Blackboard

Important Date:

l Week 9: Project introduction

l Week 12-13: Group conferences (see below for the schedule). 2-3 students in a group. Before the conference, try to prepare at least one question you have encountered when collecting, transcribing, or analysing the data. While attending the conference is optional, you are encouraged to join your assigned session because this is the only time your instructor will comment on your project and provide individualized feedback. Note that in fairness to students who follow our plan, we will not provide feedback on projects via emails. Also, the conference is not open to other students. Make sure to attend your sessions on time.

l November 4 at 15:00 (Brisbane time): Submit your paper to Turnitin before this time. Any submission after this time is considered as late submission.

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