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讲解 EC203 Empirical Economics Problem Set #1讲解 Statistics统计

EC203 Empirical Economics

Problem Set #1

Exercises (10th  edition): #6,23,33,39,41,43.

6) TVNetworks. Nielsen Media Research tracks the top-rated television shows. The following data show the television network that produced each of the 25 top-rated shows in the history of television.

a) Construct a frequency distribution, percent frequency distribution, and bar chart for the data.

b) Which networks have done the best in terms of presenting top-rated television shows? Compare the performance of ABC, CBS, and NBC.

23) MarketIndexes. The data show the year-to-date percent change (YTD % Change) for 30 stock-market indexes from around the world (The Wall Street Journal).

a) Using a class width of 5 beginning with −20 and going to 40, develop a frequency distribution for the data.

b) Prepare a histogram. Interpret the histogram, including a discussion of the general shape of the histogram.

33) BrandValue. Each year Forbes ranks the world’s most valuable brands. A portion of the data for 82 of the brands in the 2013 Forbes list is shown in Table 2.12. The data set includes the variables listed below.

Brand: The name of the brand.

Industry: The type of industry associated with the brand, labeled Automotive & Luxury, Consumer Packaged Goods, Financial Services, Other, Technology.

Brand Value ($ billion): A measure of the brand’s value in billions of dollars developed by Forbes based on a variety of financial information about the brand.

1-Yr Value Change (%): The percentage change in the value of the brand over the previous year.

Brand Revenue ($ billion): The total revenue in billions of dollars for the brand.

a)    Prepare acrosstabulation of the data on Industry (rows) and Brand Value ($ billion). Use classes of 0–10, 10–20, 20–30, 30–40, 40–50, and 50–60 for Brand Value ($ billion).

b)   Prepare afrequency distribution for the data on Industry.

c)    Prepare afrequency distribution for the data on Brand Value ($ billion).

d)    How has the crosstabulation helped in preparing the frequency distributions in parts (b) and (c)?

e)   A) What conclusions can you draw about the type of industry and the brand value?

39) MPG. A study on driving speed (miles per hour) and fuel efficiency (miles per gallon) for midsize automobiles resulted in the data given in the file.

a) Construct a scatter diagram with driving speed on the horizontal axis and fuel efficiency on the vertical axis.

b)Comment on any apparent relationship between these two variables.

41) Hypertension. People often wait until middle age to worry about having a healthy heart. However, many studies have shown that earlier monitoring of risk factors such as blood pressure can be very beneficial (The Wall Street Journal). Having higher than normal blood pressure,a condition known as hypertension, is a major risk factor for heart disease. Suppose a large sample of individuals of various ages and gender was selected and that each individual’s blood pressure was measured to determine if they have hypertension. The sample data shows the percentage of individuals with hypertension.

a) Develop aside-by-sidebar chart with age on the horizontal axis, the percentage of individuals with hypertension on the vertical axis, and side-by-side bars based on gender.

b) What does the display you developed in part (a) indicate about hypertension and age?

c) Comment on differences by gender.

43) ManagerTime. The Northwest regional manager of an outdoor equipment retailer conducted a study to determine how managers at three store locations are using their time. A summary of the results are given in the data file.

a) Create a stacked bar chart with store location on the horizontal axis and percentage of time spent on each task on the vertical axis.

b) Create aside-by-side bar chart with store location on the horizontal axis and side-by-side bars of the percentage of time spent on each task.

c) Which type of bar chart (stacked or side-by-side) do you prefer for these data? Why?

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