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讲解 INU1110 – Assessment 2辅导 Web开发

INU1110 – Assessment 2

Brief for Students                   February 2025          

“Evidence and evaluate the main reasons for the low economic growth experienced in the UK economy between January 2020 and January 2025”.   

This second assessment for the module INU1110 – Introduction to Economics is a creative digital project – A VLOG or Video blog based on the work of a group of 4 or 5 students. It is worth 60% of each student’s final mark. Crucially, 30% of the total marks are peer-marked 

2. The final deadline for A2 assessment - Completed Video Blog using MS SWAY 

By 9.00 on Monday 28th April ((week 12). Each group will submit a VLOG presented in MS SWAY using an interactive visual design that includes 1000 words of relevant text, plus graphics, diagrams, TV and social media footage, sound files and student video with academic references /citations. 

3.  Deadline for draft version for teacher feedback 

The draft will be submitted on Sunday 24.00 on 10th March (week 7). The draft VLOG with include two examples of potential theory, one detailed example of effect on economic actor, one piece of edited footage and a video recording for each student, each speaking for a minimum of 1 minute on a relevant topic. It will include a minimum of 5 references including academic ones. 

4. VLOG marking scheme                                                  Marks    

4.1.Develop points to level of detail expected of an academic study (reference,        10

cite, state, evidence, illustrate and apply concepts from macroeconomics       

relevant to context.                                                             

4.2. Use relevant macroeconomic theory to analyse performance trends, causes      15

and effects on economic growth over the period (indicators incl.UK Interest Rates,  Inflation, Balance of Payments, Business Cycle events, Investment, Employment, Skills, GDP, Productivity, the SR & LR, Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply.

  4.3. Use relevant policy analysis to evaluate Government interventions to stimulate   15

UK Economic growth including specific fiscal and/or monetary policies, supply-side and/or demand-side policies. Use AD&AS analysis in your answer.                           

4.4 Provide relevant examples, (one for each of the four economic actors: firms,          15 households, governments, and overseas trading partners).                                                         Demonstrate the     impacts of levels of economic growth rates. Use indicators such                              as the standard of living, per capita incomes, debt, borrowing, Saving, Consumption, Wages, investment Assets.        

 4. 5. Delivery of Blog Posts (Presentation & Technical Production Performance).                         15    

4.6.  Student participation (peer assigned mark subject to teacher endorsement).         30

 5. Media Platform  
The project is structured to make full creative and innovative use of MS SWAY. This digital media platform. can be used to present all audio-visual, social, sound and TV video media. Organise your work and sources using Teams, or WhatsApp or . Students should collaborate intensively over 10 weeks to design and execute the work. 

6. Narrative  
The VLOG project will tell an audio-visual multimedia story answering the question “Evidence and evaluate the main reasons for the low economic growth experienced in the UK economy between January 2020 and January 2025”.   

7. Relevant Topics & Concepts for Analysis 
The list of topics above is not exclusive as there may be many others not indicated.  
Choose a minimum of 4 Key Topics from Macro and 3 from Micro in your narrative. 

8. Structure of VLOG Content

Present your work under the following headings 

i)   Executive Summary (list of 10 key findings/ incl. thesis statement - main answer).

ii) Introduction – Economic Growth Definition. UK context, comparative GDP growth.
iii) Relevant Macro. Theory (Relevant concepts, sources of growth, relevant policy). 

iv) Relevant Microeconomic Theory (incl. Key growth industries and drivers of growth) 

v) Analysis of UK GDP Trends /Policy Responses (Identify success /failure of Policies).  

vi) Relevant Examples - Impact of growth rates on Key Economic Actors in the UK. 

vii) Conclusion 

viii) Academic References & Media Index. 

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