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讲解 GAV4056-N Game Design Optimisation Report 2025调试Haskell程序

Game Design Optimisation



Deadline Date: 7th January 2025





Your report element will analyse each of your major design choices you have made throughout the creation of your game and justify why they are optimal. The report should also discuss the differences in your PC targeted version and Mobile targeted version, and include references to support your justification.


The deadline for ICA submissions is:

7th January 2025 | 4pm | Blackboard

Report Guidance

Your report should be 1500 words in length (excluding any title pages of references list). The report should detail your main game design choices and importantly justify why you believe they are optimal through the use of references, figures and comparisons with other techniques.

Additionally your report should detail the differences between your PC version and Mobile version of your prototype, explaining why certain elements differ between versions and justifying why these decisions were made.

References and figures should be professionally presented in an academic style. (for example, Harvard) and should be easy to read and understand, with some consideration taken to how the document is laid out and orginised.



Report submissions will be made digitally through a link made available on Blackboard. Please ensure you have checked your work, the assessment deliverables, the marking criteria and the guidance checklist prior to submission.

The details for submission have been outlined below:

● Your report in ether a .doc , .docx or .pdf format. (.pdf Prefered).

● The report should include a title page with your name on to identify the report as your own.



There is the possibility of an extension being granted which extends the initial deadline date for your team, with no penalty. Following this revised deadline, a one week grace period will commence. In order to request an extension, contact your tutor in the first instance who may refer you onto your module or course leader. Please note that extension requests require evidence and all of the following are NOT VALID reasons for requesting an extension:

● Study related circumstances (personal equipment failure, printer problems, failure to take back-up copy of work, misreading the examination timetable, oversleeping, taking the wrong examination).

● Normal exam stress or anxiety experienced during revision or the assessment period.

● Personal disruptions within a student’s control (moving house, change of job, normal job pressure, holidays, weddings, failed travel arrangements, financial issues, poor time-management, routine medical appointments, disruption to routine caring responsibilities).

● Grounds of religion, unless notification was given at the start of the academic year.

● Foreseeable and preventable circumstances.

● Statement of a medical condition without reasonable evidence (medical or otherwise) to support the case.

●Complaints against staff or in relation to delivery of the module/programme. (These are managed through the University’s Student Complaints Policy and Procedure).

● Medical circumstances outside the relevant assessment or learning period for which appropriate adjustments for extenuating circumstances have already been made.

● Long term health condition, for which a student is already receiving reasonable and appropriate adjustments.

● Medical condition supported only by retrospective evidence (such as a doctor’s note stating that a student was seen after the illness, and that a student declared they had been ill previously).

● Late disclosure of circumstances, where a student could reasonably be expected to have contacted a member of staff about the problem, but did not do so.

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