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辅导 122158 Big Data and Marketing Analytics Assessment 1: Case study presentation调试数据库编程

122158 Big Data and Marketing Analytics

Assessment 1: Case study presentation

Type: Presentation and summary

Weighting: 15%

Method: Independent

Length: Presentation (10 mins +/- 1) and a one-page Executive summary  

Submission type: PPT Files with voiceover, or video presentation and a word document

Assessment description

The purpose of this assignment is for you to showcase your critical analysis of marketing analytics in practice. 

Imagine you are a marketing professional who has been invited to present a case analysis on marketing research at a marketing analytics conference for mid-level marketing professionals. The case analysis is a way to share what's happening in marketing research, business decision making and general trends in research. The audience for your presentation will be marketing managers and analysts from various industries.  In addition, your company Chief Executive Officer who does not have a strong marketing background has asked you to prepare a one-page executive summary of your presentation to share your findings with the senior executives of the firm.

Completing this assessment will support you in your application of the course content and build your practical, work-ready skills. This assessment is based on the content covered in modules 1 and 2.

This assessment will provide evidence of your abilities against the following unit learning outcomes:

ULO1: Explain the theory and practice of marketing analytics, and the practice of managing and studying metrics data to identify opportunities for improvement within organisations

ULO2: Define the role of big data in contemporary marketing practices.

Assessment instructions

1. Choose a case study and decide whether you will use primary or secondary research for your analysis.

Primary research: If you have access to a company (particularly if you work with or for them), you would personally interview an organisational representative or observe marketing analytics in practice.

Secondary research: Use a marketing research case study shared in a book, journal, newspaper or magazine article.

2. Analyse the case study focussing on:

the business context and research objectives

data collection methods and rationale

analysis techniques employed

key findings and their business impact

critical evaluation of the approach and outcomes.

3. Prepare a 10-minute presentation (10 slides) that answers the following questions:

What was the background to the research (industry and organisational background, that led you to collect the data)?

What was the main objective of their data collection?

How did they conduct the research?

Why was the data collected the way it was?

Are there other ways to collect data to fulfil their objective?

Findings (if any, and if you can access them

Did the recommendations work for the organisation?

Your recommendations or any findings (if you can access them), and any recommendations for other ways for collecting data or acting on the findings.

Any other recommendations you'd make to the organisation/ industry?

Any other thoughts?

4. Summarise the contents of your presentation in a one-page executive summary of the presentation. Here are some useful resources for writing executive summaries

Executive summaries

Assessment explainer

In this video (8:07 min) you will find some tips to assist you in completing Assessment 1: Case study presentation.

Download the slides for Assessment 1: Assessment explainer Download Assessment 1: Assessment explainer and take notes as you watch the video.

Assessment formatting guidelines

Microsoft PowerPoint

APA Referencing Style. (Reference list is not included in the word count)

Students' names are not to be included on any assessment tasks/submissions. Only student ID numbers should be included (as per the Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedures which can be found in the University Policy Library: Academic).

Please note this assessment will be reviewed by the University’s plagiarism checking software (Turnitin) and, with reasonable grounds, be subject to further inquiry through the Office of the Associate Dean of Education.


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