Use digital learning data to analyse the impact of COVID-19 on student learning.
Step 2:
You will prepare a report to explore:
(1) the state of digital learning in 2020
(2) how the engagement of digital learning relates to factors such as district demographics, broadband access, and state/national level policies and events.
Below are some examples of questions can guide your analysis:
· What is the picture of digital connectivity and engagement in 2020?
· What is the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on online and distance learning, and how might this also evolve in the future?
· How does student engagement with different types of education technology change over the course of the pandemic?
· How does student engagement with online learning platforms relate to different geography? Demographic context (e.g., race/ethnicity, ESL, learning disability)? Learning context? Socioeconomic status?
· Do certain state interventions, practices or policies (e.g., stimulus, reopening, eviction moratorium) correlate with the increase or decrease online engagement?
1. In your report, describe the data cleaning and wrangling process, justify any transformation of data and choice of analysis/visualisation techniques, clearly explain your transformation, visualisations, findings and provide valid conclusions.
2. You are supposed to conduct your analysis mainly using what we have learned in the first four modules (i.e. usage of more advanced statistical/computational techniques is possible but not necessary, and won’t be evaluated for grading purpose).
3. You must prepare your report using the provided RMD template. Submit both your RMD file and the Word Doc or PDF generated from R markdown. Make sure your submitted RMD file can be run successfully on a different machine and all results presented can be reproducible.
Refer to the RMD template and iLearn for further instructions on the report requirements.