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辅导 ELEN E6767: Instructions for Final Paper讲解 Python程序

Students of ELEN E6767:   Instructions for Final Paper

Deadline is 8 pm, Friday, December 13 (hard deadline)

(i) The length should be about 5 printed pages, font size 11-13, single-sided. I am flexible about the length of the paper. Students should submit the paper in pdf or Word formats. Please remember to state your name in the first page.

(ii) I am viewing students as researchers. Therefore I am giving students plenty of flexibility in the choice of their paper topic. However, I require that the topic be connected in a meaningful way to the course. This means that the Final Paper is required to be related to some concept or model or method in any paper that was discussed or referenced or pointed to in the course. The paper should make clear   what the connection is. I am interested in finding out how well the course material has been internalized.

(iii) My expectation for the Final Paper is that it is a small research thesis. In this respect the Final Paper is similar to the Mid-Term Paper. However, it is different in  that I expect the Final Paper to be more mature, i.e., present a broader and deeper view of issues, which is informed by what you have learnt in the course.

It is OK to build on a base provided by the Mid-Term Paper and/or Project, but the Final Paper should be qualitatively different.  Be careful since it is too easy to think that the work is different and new when it is not.

(iv) The Final Paper should have the following characteristics. First, there is a summary of a literature search. Second, there is an original assertion or a point of view. Third, there is validation of the assertion. The validation can come in diverse forms. It can come from a mathematical model, or a qualitative argument, or it can come from a sequence of linked arguments. Data can play an important role in the validation of the assertion. Fourth, there is a list of numbered references. I require students to specify the external source, if any, of any content in the paper; this is done in the same sentence as the related content by giving the number in the reference list of the source. These references are essential if you have imported ideas or material - always a good thing to do, but ethics demand that it be noted and recorded.

(v) I will welcome your thoughts on the incompleteness of models, but then you should also provide input on how this can be fixed. Similarly, I will also welcome ideas on how current models are relevant or not, but then you should specify and explain how the relevancy of the model can be fixed and what researchers have done in this respect.

By a model “extension” I do not mean necessarily a mathematical extension; the model extension can be qualitative and conceptual. Relevant data can be a plus.

Yet another possible avenue is an application of the methods and models developed in the course to a new, real world problem.

The use of ChatGPT and other LLM is not prohibited, but please note the following. My experience with these tools is that they are strong in summaries and coverage, and weak in originality and in presenting a personal point of view. Yet it is the latter properties that I am looking for. Also, I treat papers harshly that do not acknowledge the original source of key ideas and data. All science is based on “standing on the shoulders of giants”, while acknowledging such help. No compromise here.

Papers which mainly just summarize course material or any other external source, or largely recycle material presented in the Mid-Term and/or Projects will not be viewed favorably. I am looking for your personal, original insights. Originality, intellectual  depth and evidence that the course material has been internalized are what I am primarily looking for.

You should feel free to consult Bert Steyaert (bws2122) or Megan Manik (mgm2206) or me regarding choice of topics, etc.

All students should upload their papers to Courseworks no later than 8 pm ET, Friday, December 13.


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