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讲解 IU000146 Computational Inequalities辅导 Java程序


Computational Inequalities

Unit introduction

Building on the Feminist Coding Practices unit, you will explore computational bias in the context of surveillance capitalism, big data and artificial intelligence. Through supervised studio/lab practice, technical workshops, seminars and independent study , you will learn critical and computational approaches to address forms of exploitation, discrimination and bias that are reinforced by machine learning systems and the data they are trained on. You will explore alternative, crowdsourced and open forms of data and their potential in creative ethical technology development. You will develop a technical prototype and provide accompanying reflective documentation.

Please read the Learning Materials that accompany this document. This may include project briefs, unit guidelines, glossary, additional reading lists or event and presentation information. This information will be published together on Moodle.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

On completion of this unit you will be able to:

LO1 Analyse and evaluate diverse, complex practices, concepts and theories around computational inequality (Enquiry)

LO2 Define, create and implement your own dataset (Process)

LO3 Create and critically evaluate the implications of a prototype that addresses a computational inequality (Process)

LO4 Communicate about the intentions, contexts, sources and arguments surrounding your prototype (Communication)

Assessment Criteria

Your work in this unit will be marked against the UAL assessment criteria, which are designed to give you clear feedback on your achievement. The full assessment criteria descriptions can be found on the UAL Assessmen twebpage.

What you have to produce

You will submit a portfolio project as directed by the unit brief.

This unit is assessed holistically (100% of the unit). There is no breakdown of grades for the different assessment evidence listed. Instead, the evidence is considered together and the tutors use their academic judgment to arrive at a grade for the unit as a whole. All components of the assessment must be submitted to pass the unit.


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