2024/2025 TERM 2
Computational Inequalities: Detailed Unit Brief
Task: Create adesign that attends to a computational inequality (e.g. problematises data surveillance, algorithmic bias) . The task consists of two parts, as described below.
Part 1
A technical protype that illustrates a particular aspect of your design. For example:
• How data is captured.
• How data is processed and analysed.
• How data is visually represented.
Submission Requirements:
• The prototype developed using JavaScript (unless otherwise agreed with the unit lead).
• Submit your code file, with comments that explain the code functionality. At the start of the document, clearly mention how the technical prototype connects to the final Figma prototype.
Part 2
A written assessment of your conceptual design that demonstrates critical engagement and incorporates the themes and discussions from the unit.
Submissions Requirements:
PDF that includes:
• Project title: A concise and engaging title for your project.
• Project description (max. 200 words) : Briefly explain your project, purpose, and how it addresses a computational inequality.
• Figmadesign: Provide the link to an online hosted version of your final prototype.
• Project Documentation (max. 5 pages):
o include work-in-progress documentation, provide evidence of your design process, including drafts, sketches and other relevant materials.
o include a brief reflective section on work-in-progress documentation, summarising the evolution of our project and key decisions on the design process.
• Bibliography: A list of references that informed the project, including readings, frameworks, and class discussions.