7026SSL - Strategic Portfolio and Programme Management -
Faculty of Business and Law
A portfolio lifecycle main purpose is to Understand, Categorise, and Prioritise projects and change initiatives to deliver outcomes and strategic objectives (Beringer et al., 2012). This report will categorise the initiatives and provide a detailed NPV Analysis in consideration with the Risk Appetite and prioritise the initiatives depending on the strategic objectives. Finally, provide Recommendations on the best initiatives for University of Edinglow (UoE).
Portfolio Management & Gap Analysis:
A portfolio is a continuous process of illustrating of the vision and strategic objectives of an organisation, in which change initiatives are assessed and decided to align with strategic intent (Dezhkam et al., 2019). UoE main vision is to achieve their Strategic Objectives (SO) of innovations and quality education. Therefore, it requires the application of portfolio management by utilising the portfolio lifecycle.
Figure 1: Portfolio Cycle
Source: (Dezhkam et al., 2019).
According to Elbok & Berrado, (2018) The main purpose of this stage is to classify change projects depending on which SO they support based on the overall benefit and characteristics.
Furthermore, the Gap Analysis which is identified by Gausemeier et al. (2018) as a technique that illustrates the connection between projects and SO’s depending on the direct impact of the projects on the achievement of goals.
Table 1: Gap Analysis
Strategic Objective A
Strategic Objective B
Strategic Objective C
Strategic Objective D
Maintaining their standards and achieving student satisfaction.
Increase the number of
European Union and UK students.
Upgrade its real estate by adding new teaching blocks and associated IT infrastructure.
Reduce its administrativ costs by a total of 15% over the next three years.
5G Campus
Simulation Suite
New student records system
New campus in Belgium
Campus renewable
Campus safety
Online degree courses
Summer School
Source: (Gausemeier et al., 2018)
Table 2: Gap Analysis Legend
High Align
Medium Align
Low Align
Not Aligned
Source: (Gausemeier et al., 2018)
Each initiative is categorised based on the level of correlation it has with the SO’s depending on the targeted and impacted functional areas, as some might be highly correlated or not correlated at all, Initiatives that have 3 ticks are highly aligned and represent a direct correlation with the SO (Channon & Sammut-Bonnici, 2015).
Strategic Objectives:
Table 3: SO Summarisation
UoE identified 4 strategic objectives that can be summarised as:
1. Maintaining their standards and achieving student satisfaction.
2. Increase the number of European Union and UK students.
3. Upgrade its real estate by adding new teaching blocks and associated IT infrastructure.
4. Reduce its administrative costs by a total of 15% over the next three years.
Table 4: Change Initiatives Categorisation Analysis
Change Initiatives Categorisation Analysis
Both the Campus Renewable Energy (CRE) and Campus Safety Improvements (CSI) initiative falls under the first SO as they provide forecasting benefits of reduced operational costs, student satisfaction, and improved reputation.
The New Campus In Belgium (NCB) provides a sustainable approach to expand operations and fulfils the requirement of recruiting students from the EU.
The 5G Campus (5GC) and the Simulation Suite (SIMS) are directly linked to developing the infrastructure of the university because they will provide an improved network connectivity for the students and create a sustainable approach toward technological advancement.
creating an Online Degree Courses (ODC) department will enrich the educational approach of UoE and increase the recruitment of students. initiatives focus on reducing costs and increasing the amount of generated income.
Table 5: Change Initiative Categorisation
Each initiative is therefore categorised into an SO and considered as such for the rest of the portfolio cycle (Lo et al., 2019).
Prioritising the initiatives depending on the financial and human resources available at UoE as well as the risk appetite, is crucial for the portfolio team in benefit realisation (El Hannach et al., 2016).
NPV Calculations:
According to Žižlavský (2014) the Net Present Value (NPV) method demonstrates how an investment project affects the financial portfolio of an organisation in present value terms. The NPV allows the portfolio management team to take decisions on prioritising the initiatives based on their financial benefits and overall positive impact on UoE (Le, 2021).