HUMS1005 Personalised English Language Enhancement - 2025
General Course Information
Course Code : HUMS1005
Year : 2025
Term : Term 1
Teaching Period : T1
Is a multi-term course? : No
Faculty : Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture
Course Details & Outcomes
Course Description
Personalised English Language Enhancement (PELE) is a self-directed learning course designed to help you enhance your communication skills in English. In this course, you will be guided to develop a personal project that meets your needs and implement it in a warm and safe environment being supported not only by the teachers but also by peer mentors. In addition, you will learn a number of important skills needed for life-long learning, including refective thinking and time management.
Course Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes
CLO1 : Analyse and identify specifc linguistic areas that need improvement within a given context
CLO2 : Develop a personal project tailored to individual linguistic needs, utilising tools and resources for language enhancement
CLO3 : Strengthen communication skills through consistent implantation of the personal project
CLO4 : Evaluate personal progress and cultivate refective, critical thinking skills
CLO5 : Communicate critical personal learning outcomes with peers
Course Learning Outcomes
Assessment Item
CLO1 : Analyse and identify specifc linguistic areas that need improvement within a given context
• Personal Project Design (PPD)
CLO2 : Develop a personal project tailored to individual
linguistic needs, utilising tools and resources for language enhancement
• Personal Project Design (PPD)
CLO3 : Strengthen communication skills through consistent implantation of the personal project
• Logbooks and Journal
CLO4 : Evaluate personal progress and cultivate refective, critical thinking skills
• Project Evaluation
CLO5 : Communicate critical personal learning outcomes with peers
• Oral Presentation
Learning and Teaching Technologies
Moodle - Learning Management System
Assessment Structure
Assessment Item
Relevant Dates
Personal Project Design (PPD) Assessment Format: Individual Short Extension: Yes (1 day)
Due Date: 06/03/2025
11:59 PM
Logbooks and Journal
Assessment Format: Individual
Due Date: 07/04/2025
09:00 AM
Project Evaluation
Assessment Format: Individual Short Extension: Yes (1 day)
Due Date: 29/04/2025
09:00 AM
Oral Presentation
Assessment Format: Individual
Due Date: Week 10 Lecture or Tutorial
Assessment Details
Personal Project Design (PPD)
Assessment Overview
Students will design a personal project to address their individual English language needs. They are required to specify their personal project goal, background, method, resources, progress measurement,timeline, daily schedule and anticipated outcomes. The Personal Project Design (PPD) should be informed by relevant literature in the feld. The word limit for PPD is 1000.
Students receive written feedback based on rubrics.
This assignment is submitted through Turnitin and students can see Turnitin similarity reports.
Course Learning Outcomes
· CLO1 : Analyse and identify specifc linguistic areas that need improvement within a given context
· CLO2 : Develop a personal project tailored to individual linguistic needs, utilising tools and resources for language enhancement
Assessment Length
1000 words
Assignment submission Turnitin type
This assignment is submitted through Turnitin and students can see Turnitin similarity reports.