CEGE0102: Professional Skills in Civil Engineering
GIS Coursework – Personal Map – January 2025.
Your GIS coursework combines the work you have carried outin GIS Practical 1 and GIS Practical 2. If you have successfully completed those sessions, then you will have all the skills required to complete the coursework. This assessment is worth 15% of the module, CEGE0102: Professional Skills in Civil Engineering. The setting and submission dates areas follows:
Date Set
Date Due
17/02/2025 9AM
24/02/2025 9AM
Your task is to produce 2 maps, pertaining to the outputs of the GIS Practicals. Your submission will be 2 pages combined (one for each map).
Map 1:
Please make a map of an area of your choice, using Ordnance Survey Mastermap data downloaded from Edina Digimap collection. This may be the area that you worked on in GIS Practical 1 or adifferent area.
Your map should focus on a particular topic and should include a buffer around a feature or feature(s), in which some other interesting features are shown. Examples include:
• Your route to UCL: Draw a map of your route to UCL, perhaps via different transport modes. Draw a buffer around the route and map the coffee shops that you could visit on your way to UCL
• Your daily walking or exercise route: Map where you usually travel to exercise, go grocery shopping, meet friends etc.
• Proximity to the beach: Map the hotels or other facilities that are within a certain distance of the beach (coastline) or some other leisure facility.
You are encouraged to be creative with your choice of topic. Your map should meet the following requirements:
• You must have at least one layer for each vector data format (i.e. at least one points layer, one lines layer and one polygon layer). These can be manually digitised or extracted from existing datasets. They must be of your own creation.
• You must include relevant map elements,e.g.: scale bar insensible metric units, North arrow, map legend etc.
• You must include the appropriate copyright statements for any data sources included in your map.
• You must include a buffer or set of buffers around specified feature(s).
• Consideration of cartographic design elements must be evidenced (e.g. in symbology).
Map 2:
Please produce amap showing all the towns in Wiltshire that are within 5km of the M5 motorway.
• You must include relevant map elements,e.g.: scale bar insensible metric units, North arrow, map legend etc.
• You must include the appropriate copyright statements for any data sources included in your map.
• Consideration of cartographic design elements must be evidenced (e.g. in symbology).
Marking Criteria
All maps will be marked anonymously so please do not include any identifying information in either the map itself or the filename.
Map 1 will be weighted at 80%; Map 2 will be weighted at 20%.
In order to achieve a mark in the First Class band (70+) your mark will meet all of the specifications described in the section above. There will be no errors or very few errors (see below). The map title and filename for your submitted work will be sensible and descriptive.
The submission is electronic. You will have to export you map as .PDF file so that the assessor can view it. Instructions for how to do this are included in the GIS Practical 1 handout.
All features should be identifiable and viewable at A4 size. Try to imagine your marker printing out the map and being unable to zoom in.
If you only submit one map, your map will be capped at the maximum for that element (i.e. 80 for Map 1; 20 for Map 2).
An excellent map (80+) will meet and exceed the specifications through excellent cartography (good symbologies, neat labelling, good use of colour etc.), creativity and/or use of additional functions or data that were not introduced in the practical sessions.
Where there are elements of the specification missing and/or there are errors present in your work, your mark will movedown from the First Class band.
Errors to avoid include, but are not limited to:
• Typographical errors in any of the text present in your map
• Incorrect features and locations displayed
• Leaving the blue selection highlight ON in your map, not clearing it before completion.
• Messy presentation (e.g. overlapping features or labels, inappropriate feature symbology, visible data frame edges).
• Not meeting the coursework specification (this is a big one!).
• Inappropriate scale bar units (should be metric and appropriate for the scale at which the map is displayed, scale bar divisions should be sensible,i.e. in 0s and 5s).
• Elements on the map not appearing in the legend, and viceversa.
• The purpose and message of your map is unclear.
• Incorrect file format for submission (file does not open for the assessor).
• Poor filename chosen (needs to be simple, descriptive and professional).
Attention to detail is crucial in order to achieve the top grades.
The submission consists of two parts:
Part 1: The personal map as outlined above
Part 2: The Wiltshire map you created in practical 2
IMPORTANT: You should submit your files as images exported from ArcGIS Pro. While on Layout view click on the ‘Share’ tab and then ‘Export Layout’. The preferred format is PNG. DO NOT SUBMIT THE .APRX or .MXD FILE. If you do the marker will not be able to open it and you will receive a grade of zero.
Only part 1 will be graded. However, if you do not upload part 2 then 10 marks will be deducted from your overall grade for this assignment. Assignments should be submitted on Moodle. You may either submit the two files separately or place them in a zipped folder.
Grading is anonymous so please do not put your name on your map.