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讲解 ECON3121 Industrial Organisation - 2025讲解 Statistics统计

ECON3121 Industrial Organisation - 2025

General Course Information

Course Code :  ECON3121

Year :  2025

Term :  Term 1

Teaching Period :  T1

Course Details & Outcomes

Course Description

Industrial Organization is a comprehensive course that studies the behaviour offrms and industries in the modern economic landscape. Through an exploration of market structures (including perfect competition, monopoly, and oligopoly), dynamic strategic interaction, price discrimination, product differentiation, advertising, entry and predation, this course aims to connect theoretical concepts with real-world relevance. By focusing on the behaviour offrms, competition outcomes, and market dynamics, you will develop a deep understanding of the economic forces at play in real-world markets.

Course Aims

This course is offered as part of the economics stream in the BCom and BEc degrees. A prerequisite for this course is ECON2101 Microeconomics 2. It aims to build upon the basic theories learned in Micro 1 (and Micro 2) using the mathematical tools learned in ECON1202 and ECON1203. It is useful but not compulsory to have taken ECON2112 Game Theory and Business Strategy before this course. The course complements ECON3123 Organisational Economics, and acts as a springboard for more advanced courses in industrial organisation and organisational economics.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Program learning outcomes

CLO1 : Identify economic problems faced by managers to assess trade-offs in decision-   making.

 PLO1 : Business Knowledge

 PLO2 : Problem Solving

CLO2 : Solve relevant theoretical models and techniques to address economic problems.

 PLO1 : Business Knowledge

 PLO2 : Problem Solving

CLO3 : Apply solved models to real-world issues using relevant studies from the

literature to justify proposed solutions.

 PLO1 : Business Knowledge

 PLO2 : Problem Solving

CLO4 : Critically analyse the underlying   assumptions of formal models and their relevance to real-world scenarios.

 PLO2 : Problem Solving

CLO5 : Communicate ideas, intuition, technical explanations, and areas of difculty in a

succinct and logical manner both in teams and to external audiences.

• PLO3 : Business Communication

 PLO4 : Teamwork

CLO6 : Identify and assess the social

consequences of managerial decisions to produce suggestions to policymakers.

 PLO1 : Business Knowledge

• PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

• PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence

• PLO7 : Leadership Development

Course Learning Outcomes

Assessment Item

CLO1 : Identify economic problems faced by managers to assess trade-offs in decision-   making.

• Homework Assignments (0%, not marked)

 In-session Test

 Final Exam

CLO2 : Solve relevant theoretical models and techniques to address economic problems.

• Homework Assignments (0%, not marked)

 In-session Test

 Final Exam

CLO3 : Apply solved models to real-world issues using relevant studies from the

literature to justify proposed solutions.

• Group Project

• Homework Assignments (0%, not marked)

 In-session Test

 Final Exam

CLO4 : Critically analyse the underlying   assumptions of formal models and their relevance to real-world scenarios.

• Group Project

• Homework Assignments (0%, not marked)

 In-session Test

 Final Exam

CLO5 : Communicate ideas, intuition, technical explanations, and areas of difculty in a

succinct and logical manner both in teams and to external audiences.

• Group Project

• Homework Assignments (0%, not marked)

 In-session Test

 Final Exam

CLO6 : Identify and assess the social

consequences of managerial decisions to produce suggestions to policymakers.

• Group Project

• Homework Assignments (0%, not marked)

 In-session Test

Learning and Teaching Technologies

Moodle - Learning Management System | Echo 360 | Zoom

Learning and Teaching in this course

Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies

The examinable content of the course is defned by the references given in the lecture schedule, the content of lectures, and the content of the tutorial program.


The purpose of lectures is to provide a logical structure for the topics that make up the course; to emphasise the important concepts and methods of each topic, and to provide relevant examples to which the concepts and methods are applied. The lectures will be delivered in person (please refer to your myUNSW timetable for class time and location), and recordings will be available for  streaming and downloading.


Tutorials are an integral part of the subject. Tutorial discussion questions and problems will build on the material discussed in lectures. The tutorials may have two modes -- delivered over Zoom or by face-to-face depending on the mode of the session. The tutorials over Zoom will be recorded and the recordings will be available for streaming and downloading.

Out-of-Class Study

While students may have preferred individual learning strategies, it is important to note that most learning will be achieved outside of class time. Lectures can only provide a structure to assist your study, and tutorial time is limited.

An idealstrategy (on which the provision of the course materials is based) might include:

·  Reading of the relevant chapter(s) of the textbook before the lecture. This will give you a general idea of the topic area.

·  Attendance at lectures. Here the context of the topic in the course and the important elements of the topic are identifed. The relevance of the topic will be explained. 

·  Attending tutorials and attempting the tutorial questions.


Assessment Structure

Assessment Item


Relevant Dates

Program learning outcomes

Homework Assignments

(0%, not marked) Assessment

Format: Individual


Start Date: Not Applicable

Due Date: Not Applicable


Group Project Assessment

Format: Group


Start Date: 25/02/2025

09:00 AM

Due Date: 01/05/2025

05:00 PM

 PLO1 : Business Knowledge

 PLO2 : Problem Solving

 PLO3 : Business Communication

 PLO4 : Teamwork

 PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

 PLO7 : Leadership Development

In-session Test


Format: Individual


Start Date: Online

assessment. Access

window: 3 PM - 5 PM on Saturday, March 22.

Due Date: Online

assessment. Access

window: 3 PM - 5 PM on Saturday, March 22.

 PLO1 : Business Knowledge

 PLO2 : Problem Solving

Final Exam   Assessment

Format: Individual


Start Date: Online

assessment in University Examination Period.

Due Date: Online

assessment in University Examination Period.

 PLO1 : Business Knowledge

 PLO2 : Problem Solving

 PLO3 : Business Communication

 PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence

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