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辅导 CDEV2000 Creating Your Career: Employability for the Future - 2025辅导 留学生Matlab语言程序

CDEV2000 Creating Your Career: Employability for the Future - 2025

General Course Information

Course Code :  CDEV2000

Year :  2025

Term :  Term 1

Teaching Period :  T1

Course Details & Outcomes

Course Description

CDEV2000 Creating Your Career: Employability for the Future enables students to critically refect on their current employability trajectory, identifying where they may need to develop or enhance  their employability in alignment with their prospective employers, and developing career artefacts in preparation for job applications. In doing so, CDEV2000 covers four key topics:

· Understanding the changing nature of the 21st century workforce and your place within it;

· Understanding yourself to enhance the development of your employability;

· Using career development competencies to create effective career-seeking artefacts; and

· Identifying and communicating your professional point of difference.

To further support these learning expectations, every student in CDEV2000 will be supported by a team of careers coaches from UNSW Careers, with whom they will meet  throughout the term to provide direction and support where needed.

Excluded programs:

· 3964 - Information Systems (Co-op) (Honours) (Undergraduate)

· 3587 - Actuarial Studies (Coop) (Undergraduate)

· 3971 - BIS (Co-op) (Undergraduate)

· 3554 - Commerce (Co-op) (Undergraduate)

· 3565 - Commerce (Co-op) (Honours) (Undergraduate) The previous code for this course was CDEV1112.

Course Aims

Creating Your Career: Employability for the Future aims to empower students with the knowledge, skills and capabilities to plan, engage in and critically refect on career opportunities and their career more broadly. It prepares students for the world of work by developing a deeper understanding of recruitment practices, expectations of professionals across a range of industries and the opportunities that exist now and into the future. Students learn about employability skills and their own values and refect on how they can incorporate and articulate these in relation to their own future career vision.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 : Utilise self-assessment tools to understand and clarify values, interests, strengths and capabilities of employability and refect upon areas for development

CLO2 : Develop career artefacts that enable you to articulate and pitch strengths, capabilities and ideas in professional language appropriate to the audience, using multiple channels of communication

CLO3 : Investigate and analyse career opportunities that align with values, interests, strengths and capabilities and refect on the implications for decision making and goal setting

CLO4 : Apply career competencies by way of formulating future plans centered on personal refections and self assessment for continuous career learning and development

CLO5 : Identify and build a professional network and employ effective techniques for successfully expanding professional connections

Course Learning Outcomes

Assessment Item

CLO1 : Utilise self-assessment tools to

understand and clarify values, interests,

strengths and capabilities of employability and refect upon areas for development

• Professional Skill Development

• Tailored Job Application

Interview Video

• Information Interview and Action Plan

CLO2 : Develop career artefacts that enable you to articulate and pitch strengths,

capabilities and ideas in professional

language appropriate to the audience, using multiple channels of communication

• Professional Skill Development

• Tailored Job Application

Interview Video

• Information Interview and Action Plan

CLO3 : Investigate and analyse career

opportunities that align with values, interests, strengths and capabilities and refect on the implications for decision making and goal


• Professional Skill Development

• Tailored Job Application

Interview Video

• Information Interview and Action Plan

CLO4 : Apply career competencies by way of formulating future plans centered on personal refections and self assessment for

continuous career learning and development

• Professional Skill Development

• Tailored Job Application

Interview Video

• Information Interview and Action Plan

CLO5 : Identify and build a professional

network and employ effective techniques for successfully expanding professional


• Professional Skill Development

• Information Interview and Action Plan

Learning and Teaching Technologies

Moodle - Learning Management System

Learning and Teaching in this course

The overall pedagogical philosophy of this course is based on the belief that learning is an active process requiring engagement and immersion. Accordingly, this course is activity- based requiring students to interact with other students and their course facilitators during both asynchronously and synchronous learning activities.

The course assumes the ability and willingness of students to actively engage in class and to take on an engaged and interactive approach to their learning.

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