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讲解 GEOG5025 – Topographic Modelling & Landscape Monitoring讲解 Java程序

GEOG5025 – Topographic Modelling & Landscape Monitoring

Suggested title:

Accuracy assessment of Structure from Motion photogrammetry /LiDAR to model topography and quantify topographic change.”

You may adapt this title if you wish, depending upon the findings of your investigation, the data sets used and the focus of your report.

Write a report that: (i) assesses the accuracy of producing an orthophoto and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using Structure from Motion photogrammetry and/or LiDAR and (ii) quantifies topographic change during multiple years of surveying. Include a selection of maps, graphs and/or tables. Make sure your figures and fonts are of a reasonable size to allow them to be assessed – probably full-page width.

You should structure your report using a standard scientific format:

•    Introduction:  explain  the  background  to  the  project  (drawing  on  relevant  academic material), the project’s context, its aim and objectives, and prepare the reader for the structure of the report;

•    Methods: outline the field data collection procedure and data processing methodology used;

•    Results: report the findings of your investigation;

•    Discussion: describe the main patterns or trends you have noticed and outline any wider implications; and,

•    Conclusion: summarise the main outcomes of your investigation and relate these to the motivation identified in the introduction.

Maximum length of report: 1800 words and no more than 10 A4 pages (including reference list, tables, figures, excluding cover page).

Formatting of report: see guidance in your MSc handbook on text and referencing style.


•    You can start finding literature from the reading list (Reading lists @ Glasgow).

•    Ensure your maps are effectively designed and include scale, orientation and legend.

•    Tables and Figures and all their components such as axis labels must be legible.

•    Read appropriate literature (see the reading list) and make appropriate references in your report; high grades will be awarded to those reports that demonstrate an understanding of fundamental  SfM  photogrammetry  and/or  LiDAR  as  well  as  Geomorphic  Change Detection concepts.  In your report, particularly for the methodology, you won’t be able to present the full detail on every step of analysis so use suitable references to refer the reader to further detail.

•    Think about what data you need to include for your analysis, and how you will present your results.

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