Assignment 1 [30%]
PART 1 [15%]
Design an ontology based on the following sentences:
· Accidents can be categorised as chemical, electrical, fire, kinetic or liquid.
· An accident can only be one of the above types.
· An investigation is conducted for accidents.
· An investigation only covers one accident.
· Accidents can cause different types of injuries or damage, relating to the type of accident.
· A person may be involved with an accident as a victim, witness, or investigator. But an investigator cannot be a witness or victim because they may suffer from a conflict of interests.
· An object may be damaged by an accident. A person who owns an object that is damaged is a victim.
· A victim can be injured.
· An investigation can either be In Progress or Complete.
· An investigation can be conducted by only 1 investigator.
· Zach is conducting an investigation for a workshop fire.
· The workshop fire damaged a motor generator that cost $2000.
· The workshop fire caused a total of $15,000 damage.
· Accident Damage has 3 levels, low up to $1000, and high is anything over $10,000.
· Tom works at the workshop and got burnt on his legs during the fire.
· George is investigating the accident where Charlie slipped over in a laboratory.
· Charlie smashed a sensor valued at $800 when he slipped and also hurt his head.
· Allyssa is an electrician and she often investigates electrical accidents.
· Allyssa is investigating two accidents for the same air-compressor. The 1st accident occurred when Sam plugged in the air compressor (while it was switched on) which shorted out the computer and scales on the same circuit, doing $2000 damage to the computer and $500 damage to the scales. The 2nd accident occurred when Hubert used the switch to turn the compressor on and received a minor shock.
Complete the ontology by adding inverse, symmetric, and transitive properties and appropriate property, instance and class restrictions to achieve correct inference.
You need to submit a .OWL file created in Protégé 4.3 or Protégé 5.X
PART 2 [15%]
Select either Scenario 1 or Scenario 2 or Scenario 3 or Scenario 4
Scenario 1: GoBusiness offers PSG solutions for enterprises in Singapore. They have a myriad of solutions catered to solving business problems. ( The centre is commissioning you to provide professional advice to improve their website for search engine optimisation and prepare a plan for Google Ads Search Network Campaigns. With a budget of $400, they ask you to design a 3-week Ads marketing plan for them.
Scenario 2: You have a client (, assume that they are commissioning you to provide professional advice to improve their website for search engine optimisation and prepare a plan for Google Ads Search Network Campaigns. With a budget of $400, they ask you to design a 3-week Ads marketing plan for them.
Scenario 3: ProcessPlan has created a webpage to promote its AI Robots/. ( Their CMO is commissioning you to provide professional advice to improve their webpage for search engine optimisation and prepare a plan for Google Ads Search Network Campaigns. With a budget of $400, she asks you to design a 3-week Ads marketing plan for them.
Scenario 4: BlackDice offers enterprise-grade cybersecurity solutions to telecoms operators and their subscribers. Their AI-powered technology is designed to meet the unique demands of enterprise-grade cybersecurity. The CIO has created a website for the business ( The company is commissioning you to provide professional advice to improve their website for search engine optimisation and prepare a plan for Google Ads Search Network Campaigns. With a budget of $400, they ask you to design a 3-week Ads marketing plan for them
You will prepare a written proposal (maximum 4 pages) containing
i. A brief overview of the business
ii. Your suggestions to improve the search engine & user’s friendliness of the website
iii. Your Google Ads Strategy for the website, the timeframe. of the Google Ads campaigns is 3 weeks and the budget is $400.
Part iii is designed with reference to the Nonprofit Marketing Immersion (formally Google Online Marketing Challenge). More Details, see
See next page for the proposal template.
1. A single Word document of the proposal. Use the template provided.
The business plan should use the following formatting: 12-point Times font, 2.54cm/1in page margins, A4 paper, left-justification, 1.5 line spacing. Do not use footnotes; incorporate all material within the body of the business plan. Keep all Tables and Figures within the stated 2.54cm/1in page margins and the text in any Tables and Figures should be no smaller than 10-point Times.
Useful tools for market and consumer research, see
Proposal Template
A. Business Profile
· Name of the business
· Products/services offered
· SWOT Analysis (incl sustainability)
· Potential benefits/aims of having an improved website for this business
· How AI could be used to improve overall effectiveness of the website
B. SEO and User Friendliness
· Explain why the current website is not search engine and user friendly
· Give a list of specific and actionable suggestions, how you will make the website search engine and user friendly. Be specific and details related html code
o Format of an unsatisfactory suggestion: “Add a meaningful title to each page”
o You need to describe exactly how you will implement it.
o Format of an exemplary suggestion: For e.g. modify the value of tittle tag of the home page of the website to Intelligent Business Process Automation,
Intelligent Business Process Automation
C. Proposed Ads Strategy (about 2 pages)
Based on an analysis of the business and content available on the website, you will craft an appropriate Ads Strategy and metrics for 3 weeks of Google Ads campaigns for the website. The proposed strategy should include 2 campaigns and should have the following structure:
· Focus for each campaign
· Keywords and negative keywords
· Text for at least two Ads versions for an ad group
· Daily and weekly plans for spending the campaign budget ($400)
· Network(s) for the Ads ads
· Target audience settings
· Ad serving options
· Keyword bidding
· Location targeting
· Aims for impressions, clicks, CPC and CTR
· Proposed success metrics
D. Reference
· Reference to sources of any statistics and claims used in this report.
· Use IEEE referencing style, see
Very Limited
Program Execution
Correct format (3%)
Ontology using OWL load correctly in Protégé 4.3 or 5.X with no anonymous classes and reasonable description comment
Ontology using OWL load correctly in Protégé 4.3 but has anonymous classes or no description comment
Ontology using OWL load correctly in Protégé 4.3 but has anonymous classes and no description comment
Ontology using OWL is available but will not validate and does not load correctly in Protégé 4.3/5.X
No .OWL file available for marking or wrong version of Protégé used.
Classes and instances (3%)
All classes and instances declared and are appropriate and efficient.
All appropriate constructs and set operators have been applied on classes and instances including good logical choices
Most classes and instances declared.
Constructs and Set operators have been applied on all available classes and instances.
Some classes declared used with some constructs applied.
Some instances declared with some constructs applied.
Few Classes or instances available for marking, not enough to represent scenario outlined in task.
No Classes or instances available for marking.
Property restrictions and data quantifiers
Appropriate and efficient inverse, symmetric, and transitive property characteristics used, including good logical choices. Appropriate restrictions on object properties and data properties.
Inverse, symmetric, and transitive property characteristics used, data properties set, includes good logical choices
Some attempt at data and object property characteristics used but are not logically correct.
Few property characteristics available for marking. Not logically correct. Attempted but does not represent scenario.
No property characteristics available for marking.
Logical correctness (3%)
Reasoner subsumes correct sub classes to super classes. Reasoner subsumes correct instances to inferred classes
Reasoner subsumes most sub classes to super classes. Reasoner subsumes some correct instances to inferred classes
Reasoner subsumes most sub classes to super classes. Reasoner subsumes some correct instances to inferred classes. Some of the ontology is not satisfiable (some classes are turned red post reasoning).
Ontology is not satisfiable (some classes are turned red post reasoning).
Reasoner crashes or refuses to run due to errors.
Identifier naming
All classes, properties and instance names are in the correct format, appropriate, meaningful and consistent.
One or two classes, properties and instance names are not in the correct format, appropriate, meaningful or consistent.
Three or four classes, properties and instance names are not in the correct format, appropriate, meaningful or consistent.
More than four classes, properties and instance names are not in the correct format, appropriate, meaningful or consistent.
All classes, properties and instance names are incorrectly formatted, poorly named and do not follow naming convention.
High Distinction (HD)
Distinction (D)
Credit (C)
Pass (P)
Fail (N)
Overall Proposal Quality (3%)
10, 9
Overall, the proposal is superior and well written where each component is highly detailed
The proposal is expressed coherently and concisely with zero English/grammar errors
The solution is well thought out and has superior potential to the reach the target audience and achieve the aims of the website.
Exhibits aspects of exemplary (left) and satisfactory (right)
Overall, proposal is credible, well written and each component is limited (e.g. a small list of basic dot points).
Uses a basic understanding of language that conveys ideas with a large number of English/grammar errors.
The solution has credible potential to reach the targeted audience and achieve the aims of the website.
Exhibits aspects of satisfactory (left) and very limited (right)
Overall, the proposal is poorly written where each component is a limited (e.g. a small list of basic dot points).
The proposal demonstrates a lack of literacy and rudimentary writing skills. Does not convey specific meaning to readers
The solution is irrelevant targeted audience and the aims of the website.
Business Profile
The business profile has all the required items listed in the proposal template.
The business profile is superior, clearly and concisely described.
All the statistics and information sources are well referenced.
The business profile has some of the required items listed in the proposal template.
The business profile is credible, somewhat described.
Some of the statistics and information sources are referenced.
The business profile is not relevant to the required items listed in the proposal template.
The business profile is not described.
No statistics and information sources are referenced.
SEO and User Friendliness Review and Suggestions
The description has clearly described all the required items listed in the proposal template.
The suggestions are superior, all relevant for improve the search engine and user friendliness and align with the aims of the website and customer segments.
The description has most of the required items listed in the proposal template.
The suggestions are credible, somewhat relevant for improve the search engine and user friendliness and somewhat align with the aims of the website and customer segments.
The description is not relevant to the required items listed in the proposal template.
The suggestions are irrelevant for improve the search engine and user friendliness and not align with the aims of the website and customer segments.
Ads Strategy
The strategy has clearly described all the required items listed in the proposal template.
The strategy is superior, planned within the required timeframe. and budget.
The strategy is realistic, extremely well thought out and well justified.
The keywords and Ads are superiorly relevant to the scenario.
The strategy is highly effective and has high potential to achieve the aims of the website.
The strategy has some the required items listed in the proposal template.
The strategy is credible, planned within the required timeframe. and budget.
The strategy is realistic and somewhat justified.
The keywords and Ads are somewhat to the scenario.
The strategy has credible potential to achieve the aims of the website.
The strategy is missing most of the required items listed in the proposal template.
The strategy is not planned within the required timeframe. and budget.
The strategy unrealistic and not justify.
The keywords and Ads irrelevant to the scenario.
The strategy has no potential to achieve the aims of the website.